2018-10-15 14:45:44 +01:00

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/zorch/ 1. [TMRC] v. To attack with an inverse heat sink. 2. [TMRC] v. To
travel, with velocity approaching light speed. 3. [MIT] v. To propel
something very quickly. The new comm software is very fast; it really
zorches files through the network. 4. [MIT] n. Influence. Brownie points.
Good karma. The intangible and fuzzy currency in which favors are
measured. I'd rather not ask him for that just yet; I think I've used
up my quota of zorch with him for the week. 5. [MIT] n. Energy,
drive, or ability. I think I'll punt that change for now; I've been up for
30 hours and I've run out of zorch. 6. [MIT] v. To flunk an exam or course.
A track called Zorch was the B-side of a single called Captain Hideous ,
released by novelty artist Nervous Norvous in 1955. Norvous was heavily
influemced by a radio comedian named Red Blanchard; the word zorch appears
to have been coined on Blanchard's show in the early 1950s. The word itself
had no meaning, but there where compounds using it that did zorch cow , for
example, was a variant of the Chicago-area slang black cow for a root beer