/******************************************************************************* ' Author: Dave Hein ' Version 0.21 ' Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 ' See end of file for terms of use. '******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "conion.h" #include #include "interp.h" #include "opcodes.h" #include "spinsim.h" #define OP_NONE 0 #define OP_UNSIGNED_OBJ_OFFSET 1 #define OP_UNSIGNED_VAR_OFFSET 2 #define OP_UNSIGNED_LOC_OFFSET 3 #define OP_DATA 4 #define OP_SIGNED_JMP_OFFSET 5 #define OP_MEMORY_OPCODE_WRITE 6 #define OP_OBJ_CALL_PAIR 7 #define OP_SIGNED_OFFSET 8 #define OP_PACKED_LITERAL 9 #define OP_BYTE_LITERAL 10 #define OP_WORD_LITERAL 11 #define OP_NEAR_LONG_LITERAL 12 #define OP_LONG_LITERAL 13 #define OP_MEMORY_OPCODE 14 #define OP_MEMORY_OPCODE_READ 15 #define OP_COMPACT_VAR_OFFSET 16 #define OP_COMPACT_LOC_OFFSET 17 extern char *hubram; extern int32_t memsize; extern int32_t symflag; extern FILE *tracefile; void RemoveCRLF(char *str) { int32_t len = strlen(str); if(len == 0) return; str += len-1; while (len > 0) { if (*str != 10 && *str != 13) break; *str-- = 0; len--; } } char *FindOpcode(int32_t pcurr, int32_t *ops_format, int32_t mode) { int32_t opcode; int32_t i; opcode = BYTE(pcurr); if (mode) { opcode &= 0x7f; if (opcode >= 0x40) opcode += 0xe0 - 0x40; else if (opcode >= 0x20) opcode &= 0x78; else if (opcode >= 0x08) opcode &= 0x7c; else opcode &= 0x7e; } else { if (opcode >= 0x40 && opcode <= 0x7f) opcode &= 0x63; } for (i = 0; optable[i].opname; i++) { if (opcode != optable[i].opcode) continue; if (mode == 0 || (optable[i].opform >> 5) >= 2) break; } if (!optable[i].opname) return 0; *ops_format = optable[i].opform; return optable[i].opname; } extern char objname[100][20]; extern int32_t methodnum[100]; extern int32_t methodlev; char *FindChar(char *str, int32_t val) { while (*str && *str != val) str++; return str; } void ProcessRet(void) { if (!symflag) return; methodlev--; fprintf(tracefile, "return %s%s%s", objname[methodlev], NEW_LINE, NEW_LINE); } static char linebuf[200]; void ProcessCall(int32_t subnum, int32_t mode) { int32_t methnum = 0; FILE *infile; if (!symflag) return; infile = fopen(objname[methodlev], "r"); if (mode) { methodlev++; strcpy(objname[methodlev], objname[methodlev-1]); } methodnum[methodlev] = subnum; if (!infile) return; // Count pubs while (fgets(linebuf, 200, infile)) { if (strncmp(linebuf, "PUB", 3) == 0 || strncmp(linebuf, "pub", 3) == 0) { methnum++; if (methnum == subnum) { fprintf(tracefile, "call %s:%s%s", objname[methodlev], linebuf, NEW_LINE); fclose(infile); return; } } } fclose(infile); infile = fopen(objname[methodlev], "r"); // Count pris while (fgets(linebuf, 200, infile)) { if (strncmp(linebuf, "PRI", 3) == 0 || strncmp(linebuf, "pri", 3) == 0) { methnum++; if (methnum == subnum) { fprintf(tracefile, "call %s:%s%s", objname[methodlev], linebuf, NEW_LINE); fclose(infile); return; } } } } void ProcessObjCall(int32_t objnum, int32_t subnum) { int32_t mode = 0; int32_t methnum = 0; int32_t commentmode = 0; int32_t found = 0; FILE *infile; if (!symflag) return; infile = fopen(objname[methodlev], "r"); methodlev++; strcpy(objname[methodlev], objname[methodlev-1]); methodnum[methodlev] = subnum; if (!infile) return; // Count pubs and pris while (fgets(linebuf, 200, infile)) { if (linebuf[0] == '}') { commentmode--; if (commentmode < 0) commentmode = 0; continue; } else if (linebuf[0] == '{') { if (*FindChar(linebuf, '}') == 0) commentmode++; } if (commentmode) continue; if (strncmp(linebuf, "PUB", 3) == 0 || strncmp(linebuf, "pub", 3) == 0 || strncmp(linebuf, "PRI", 3) == 0 || strncmp(linebuf, "pri", 3) == 0) { methnum++; } } fclose(infile); infile = fopen(objname[methodlev], "r"); // Count objs commentmode = 0; while (fgets(linebuf, 200, infile)) { if (linebuf[0] == '}') { commentmode--; if (commentmode < 0) commentmode = 0; continue; } else if (linebuf[0] == '{') { if (*FindChar(linebuf, '}') == 0) commentmode++; } if (commentmode) continue; if (mode == 0) { if (strncmp(linebuf, "OBJ", 3) == 0 || strncmp(linebuf, "obj", 3) == 0) mode = 1; } else { methnum++; if (linebuf[0] != ' ') break; if (methnum == objnum) { char *ptr1; char *ptr2; int32_t num; // Locate filename ptr1 = FindChar(linebuf, '"'); if (*ptr1) { ptr1++; ptr2 = FindChar(ptr1, '"'); if (*ptr2) ptr2--; } else ptr2 = ptr1; num = ptr2 - ptr1 + 1; if (num < 1) num = 1; memcpy(objname[methodlev], ptr1, num); objname[methodlev][num] = 0; if (symflag == 2) strcat(objname[methodlev], ".spn"); else strcat(objname[methodlev], ".spin"); fclose(infile); found = 1; break; } } } if (!found) { fclose(infile); return; } ProcessCall(subnum, 0); } static int GetOpIndex(int opcode); static int GetExOpIndex(int opcode); void PrintOp(SpinVarsT *spinvars) { long pcurr = spinvars->pcurr; int32_t opcode; int32_t opform = 0; char *opstr; //int exop1, exop2; int32_t val; int32_t operand; char *regop[] = {"ldreg", "streg", "exreg", "??reg"}; char *regname[] = {"par", "cnt", "ina", "inb", "outa", "outb", "dira", "dirb", "ctra", "ctrb", "frqa", "frqb", "phsa", "phsb", "vcfg", "vscl"}; char bytestr[40], symstr[100]; if (spinvars->state != 1) return; opcode = BYTE(pcurr); //exop1 = GetOpIndex(opcode); //exop2 = -1; opstr = FindOpcode(pcurr, &opform, 0); memset(bytestr, ' ', 40); bytestr[20] = 0; sprintf(bytestr, "%4.4x %2.2x", (unsigned int)pcurr, opcode); symstr[0] = 0; switch (opform & 0x1f) { case OP_NONE: strcpy(symstr, opstr); if (strncmp(opstr, "ret", 3) == 0) ProcessRet(); pcurr++; break; case OP_UNSIGNED_OBJ_OFFSET: case OP_UNSIGNED_VAR_OFFSET: case OP_UNSIGNED_LOC_OFFSET: operand = BYTE(pcurr+1); if (operand & 0x80) { operand = ((operand & 0x7f) << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+2); sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2)); pcurr += 3; } else { sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1)); pcurr += 2; } sprintf(symstr, "%s $%x", opstr, operand); break; case OP_DATA: sprintf(symstr, "%s - ******** TBD ********", opstr); pcurr++; break; case OP_SIGNED_OFFSET: case OP_SIGNED_JMP_OFFSET: operand = BYTE(pcurr+1); if (operand & 0x80) { operand = ((operand & 0x7f) << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+2); operand = (operand << 17) >> 17; sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2)); pcurr += 3; } else { operand = (operand << 25) >> 25; sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1)); pcurr += 2; } sprintf(symstr, "%s %d", opstr, operand); break; case OP_MEMORY_OPCODE_READ: case OP_MEMORY_OPCODE_WRITE: operand = (BYTE(pcurr+1) >> 5) & 3; opstr = regop[operand]; if (operand == 2) opform |= 1 << 5; operand = (BYTE(pcurr+1) & 31); sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1)); if (operand <= 15) { sprintf(symstr, "%s $%3.3x", opstr, operand + 0x1e0); } else { sprintf(symstr, "%s %s", opstr, regname[operand-16]); } pcurr += 2; break; case OP_OBJ_CALL_PAIR: sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2)); sprintf(symstr, "%s %d %d", opstr, BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2)); ProcessObjCall(BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2)); pcurr += 3; break; case OP_PACKED_LITERAL: operand = BYTE(pcurr+1); val = 2 << (operand & 31); if (operand & 0x20) val--; if (operand & 0x40) val = ~val; sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x", operand); sprintf(symstr, "%s $%x", opstr, val); pcurr += 2; break; case OP_BYTE_LITERAL: operand = BYTE(pcurr+1); sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x", operand); sprintf(symstr, "%s %d", opstr, operand); if (strcmp(opstr, "call") == 0) ProcessCall(operand, 1); pcurr += 2; break; case OP_WORD_LITERAL: operand = BYTE(pcurr+1); operand = (operand << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+2); sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2)); sprintf(symstr, "%s %d", opstr, operand); pcurr += 3; break; case OP_NEAR_LONG_LITERAL: operand = BYTE(pcurr+1); operand = (operand << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+2); operand = (operand << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+3); sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2), BYTE(pcurr+3)); sprintf(symstr, "%s %d", opstr, operand); pcurr += 4; break; case OP_LONG_LITERAL: operand = BYTE(pcurr+1); operand = (operand << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+2); operand = (operand << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+3); operand = (operand << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+4); sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2), BYTE(pcurr+3), BYTE(pcurr+4)); sprintf(symstr, "%s %d", opstr, operand); pcurr += 5; break; case OP_MEMORY_OPCODE: sprintf(symstr, "%s - ******** TBD ********", opstr); pcurr++; break; case OP_COMPACT_VAR_OFFSET: case OP_COMPACT_LOC_OFFSET: operand = opcode & 0x1c; sprintf(symstr, "%s $%x", opstr, operand); pcurr++; break; } if ((opform >> 5) == 1) { char *loadstr = ""; opcode = BYTE(pcurr); //exop2 = GetExOpIndex(opcode); if (opcode & 0x80) { loadstr = "load"; opcode &= 0x7f; } opstr = FindOpcode(pcurr, &opform, 1); if (opcode != 0x02) { sprintf(symstr + strlen(symstr), " %s %s", opstr, loadstr); sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr)); } else { operand = BYTE(pcurr+1); if (operand < 0x80) { operand = (operand << 25) >> 25; sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr), BYTE(pcurr+1)); pcurr++; } else { operand = (operand << 8) | BYTE(pcurr+2); operand = (operand << 17) >> 17; sprintf(bytestr + strlen(bytestr), " %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x", BYTE(pcurr), BYTE(pcurr+1), BYTE(pcurr+2)); pcurr += 2; } sprintf(symstr + strlen(symstr), " %s %d %s", opstr, operand, loadstr); } pcurr++; } bytestr[strlen(bytestr)] = ' '; fprintf(tracefile, "%s %s%s", bytestr, symstr, NEW_LINE); //fprintf(tracefile, "%s [%2d,%2d] %s\n", bytestr, exop1, exop2, symstr); } static int opcount[256]; static int exopcount[27][45]; static int GetExOpIndex(int opcode) { int index; opcode &= 0x7f; if (opcode >= 0x40) index = (opcode & 0x1f) + 13; else if (opcode >= 0x20) index = (opcode >> 3) + 5; else if (opcode >= 0x02) index = (opcode >> 2) + 1; else index = 0; return index; } static int GetOpIndex(int opcode) { int index = -1; if (opcode == 0x26) index = 0; else if ((opcode >= 0x40 && opcode <= 0x7f) && (opcode & 3) == 2) index = ((opcode - 0x40) >> 7) + 1; else if ((opcode >= 0x80 && opcode < 0xe0) && (opcode & 3) == 2) index = ((opcode - 0x80) >> 2) + 3; return index; } void ResetStats(void) { memset(opcount, 0, 256 * 4); memset(exopcount, 0, 27 * 45 * 4); } void CountOp(SpinVarsT *spinvars) { int pcurr = spinvars->pcurr; int opcode = BYTE(pcurr++); int opindex, exopindex; if (opcode >= 0x40 && opcode <= 0x7f) opcode &= 0x63; opcount[opcode]++; opindex = GetOpIndex(opcode); if (opindex < 0) return; if (opcode >= 0x80 && ((opcode >> 2) & 3)) { opcode = BYTE(pcurr++); if (opcode & 0x80) pcurr++; } opcode = BYTE(pcurr); exopindex = GetExOpIndex(opcode); exopcount[opindex][exopindex]++; } void PrintStats(void) { int i, j; int opcode; int opindex; int exop, k; char *exname; char *opname; static char *exopname[13] = { "store", "repeat", "repeats", "randf", "randr", "sexb", "sexw", "postclr", "postset", "preinc", "postinc", "predec", "postdec"}; static unsigned char exopcode[13] = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0c, 0x10, 0x14, 0x18, 0x1c, 0x20, 0x28, 0x30, 0x38}; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (opcount[i] == 0) continue; opcode = i; if (opcode >= 0x40 && opcode <= 0x7f) opcode &= 0x63; for (j = 0; optable[j].opname; j++) { if (opcode == optable[j].opcode) break; } opname = optable[j].opname; opindex = GetOpIndex(i); if (opindex >= 0) { for (j = 0; j < 45; j++) { if (exopcount[opindex][j] == 0) continue; if (j < 13) { exop = exopcode[j]; exname = exopname[j]; } else { exop = j - 13 + 0xe0; for (k = 0; optable[k].opname; k++) { if (exop == optable[k].opcode) break; } exname = optable[k].opname; } fprintf(tracefile, "%10d, %2.2x:%2.2x, %s:%s%s", exopcount[opindex][j], i, exop, opname, exname, NEW_LINE); } } else { fprintf(tracefile, "%10d, %2.2x, %s%s", opcount[i], i, opname, NEW_LINE); } } } /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TERMS OF USE: MIT License | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation | |files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, | |modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software| |is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | | | |The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.| | | |THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE | |WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR | |COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, | |ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */