/******************************************************************************* ' Author: Dave Hein ' Version 0.54 ' Copyright (c) 2012 ' See end of file for terms of use. '******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "conion.h" #include "interp.h" #include "spindebug.h" #include "eeprom.h" #include "spinsim.h" extern int32_t memsize; extern int32_t loopcount; extern int32_t printflag; extern int32_t baudrate; extern int32_t eeprom; extern char *hubram; extern int32_t printbreak; extern PasmVarsT PasmVars[16]; extern SerialT serial_in; extern SerialT serial_out; void GetDebugString(char *ptr); int32_t RunProp(int32_t maxloops); void Help(void) { printf("Debug Commands%s", NEW_LINE); printf("help - Print command list%s", NEW_LINE); printf("exit - Exit spinsim%s", NEW_LINE); printf("step - Run one cycle%s", NEW_LINE); printf("stepx - Run next executed instruction%s", NEW_LINE); printf("run - Run continuously%s", NEW_LINE); printf("verbose # - Set verbosity level%s", NEW_LINE); printf("reboot - Reboot the Prop%s", NEW_LINE); printf("setbr cog addr - Set breakpoint for cog to addr%s", NEW_LINE); printf("state cog - Dump cog state%s", NEW_LINE); printf("peekc cog addr - Peek cog memory%s", NEW_LINE); printf("dumpc cog - Dump cog memory%s", NEW_LINE); printf("dumpl cog - Dump cog lut memory%s", NEW_LINE); printf("peekh addr - Peek hub memory%s", NEW_LINE); printf("dumph addr - Dump hub memory%s", NEW_LINE); } char *SkipChar(char *str, int value) { while (*str) { if (*str != value) break; str++; } return str; } void DumpState(PasmVarsT *pasmvars) { printf("cflag = %d, zflag = %d, waitflag = %d%s", pasmvars->cflag, pasmvars->zflag, pasmvars->waitflag, NEW_LINE); printf("ptra = %5.5x, ptrb = %5.5x, ptrx = %2.2x, ptry = %2.2x, inda = %3.3x, indb = %3.3x%s", pasmvars->ptra, pasmvars->ptra, pasmvars->ptrx, pasmvars->ptry, pasmvars->inda, pasmvars->indb, NEW_LINE); printf("pc1 = %8.8x, instruct1 = %8.8x%s", pasmvars->pc1, pasmvars->instruct1, NEW_LINE); printf("pc2 = %8.8x, instruct2 = %8.8x%s", pasmvars->pc2, pasmvars->instruct2, NEW_LINE); printf("pc3 = %8.8x, instruct3 = %8.8x%s", pasmvars->pc3, pasmvars->instruct3, NEW_LINE); printf("pc4 = %8.8x, instruct4 = %8.8x%s", pasmvars->pc4, pasmvars->instruct4, NEW_LINE); } void Debug(void) { int runflag = 1; char buffer[200]; char lastcmd[200]; int maxloops; int stepflag = 0; int saveprintflag = 0; strcpy(lastcmd, "help"); while (runflag) { while (1) { printf("%sDEBUG> ", NEW_LINE); fflush(stdout); GetDebugString(buffer); if (buffer[0] == 0) strcpy(buffer, lastcmd); strcpy(lastcmd, buffer); if (!strcmp(buffer, "exit")) { runflag = 0; break; } else if (!strcmp(buffer, "step")) { stepflag = 1; saveprintflag = printflag; printflag = 0xffffffff; LONG(SYS_DEBUG) = printflag; maxloops = loopcount + 1; break; } else if (!strcmp(buffer, "stepx")) { stepflag = 1; saveprintflag = printflag; printflag = 0x22222222; LONG(SYS_DEBUG) = printflag; printbreak = 1; maxloops = -1; break; } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "verbose", 7)) { char *ptr = SkipChar(buffer+7, ' '); if (*ptr == 0) printflag = 0xffffffff; else { sscanf(ptr, "%x", &printflag); if (ptr[1] == 0) printflag *= 0x11111111; } LONG(SYS_DEBUG) = printflag; } else if (!strcmp(buffer, "help")) { Help(); } else if (!strcmp(buffer, "run")) { maxloops = -1; break; } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "setbr ", 6)) { int cognum, address; sscanf(buffer+6, "%x %x", &cognum, &address); PasmVars[cognum&15].breakpnt = address; LONG(SYS_DEBUG) = printflag; } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "peekc ", 6)) { int cognum, address; sscanf(buffer+6, "%x %x", &cognum, &address); printf("%8.8x%s", PasmVars[cognum&15].mem[address&511], NEW_LINE); } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "dumpc ", 6)) { int cognum, i; sscanf(buffer+6, "%x", &cognum); for (i = 0 ; i <= 511 ; i++) { printf("%4.4x %8.8x%s", i, PasmVars[cognum&15].mem[i&511], NEW_LINE); } } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "dumpl ", 6)) { int cognum, i; sscanf(buffer+6, "%x", &cognum); for (i = 0 ; i <= 511 ; i++) { printf("%4.4x %8.8x%s", i+0x200, PasmVars[cognum&15].lut[i&511], NEW_LINE); } } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "peekh ", 6)) { int address; sscanf(buffer+6, "%x", &address); printf("%8.8x%s", hubram[address], NEW_LINE); } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "dumph", 5)) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i <= (memsize-1) ; i += 4) { printf("%8.8x %8.8x%s", i, LONG(i), NEW_LINE); } } else if (!strcmp(buffer, "reboot")) { RebootProp(); } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "state ", 6)) { int cognum = buffer[6] & 7; DumpState(&PasmVars[cognum]); } else printf("?%s", NEW_LINE); } if (runflag) RunProp(maxloops); if (stepflag) { stepflag = 0; printbreak = 0; printflag = saveprintflag; LONG(SYS_DEBUG) = printflag; } } } void GetDebugString(char *ptr) { int value; char *ptr0 = ptr; while (1) { #ifndef STD_CONSOLE_INPUT while (!kbhit()); #endif value = getch(); if (value == 8 || value == 0x7f) { if (ptr != ptr0) { ptr--; putchx(8); putchx(' '); putchx(8); } continue; } if (value == 13 || value == 10) { putchx(13); putchx(10); *ptr = 0; return; } putchx(value); *ptr++ = value; } } int32_t RunProp(int32_t maxloops) { int32_t runflag = 1; while (runflag && (maxloops < 0 || loopcount < maxloops)) { runflag = step_chip(); CheckCommand(); if (baudrate) { CheckSerialOut(&serial_out); if (CheckSerialIn(&serial_in)) return 1; } if (eeprom) CheckEEProm(); } return 0; } /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TERMS OF USE: MIT License | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation | |files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, | |modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software| |is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | | | |The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.| | | |THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE | |WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR | |COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, | |ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */