#ifdef OS_msys #include #else #include #endif #include "ploader.h" #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #endif #define ACK_TIMEOUT 20 static int us_sleep(unsigned long usecs); static void SerialInit(PL_state *state); static void TByte(PL_state *state, uint8_t x); static void TLong(PL_state *state, uint32_t x); static void TComm(PL_state *state); static int RBit(PL_state *state, int timeout); static int IterateLFSR(PL_state *state); void PL_Init(PL_state *state, PL_serial *serial, void *data) { state->serial = serial; state->serialData = data; } /* PL_LoadSpinBinary - load a spin binary using the rom loader */ int PL_LoadSpinBinary(PL_state *state, int loadType, uint8_t *image, int size) { int retries = 100; uint8_t buf[1]; int i; TLong(state, loadType); TLong(state, size / sizeof(uint32_t)); /* download the spin binary */ for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4) { uint32_t data = image[i] | (image[i + 1] << 8) | (image[i + 2] << 16) | (image[i + 3] << 24); TLong(state, data); } TComm(state); us_sleep(1000); /* wait for an ACK */ while (--retries >= 0) { TByte(state, 0xf9); TComm(state); if ((*state->serial->rx_timeout)(state->serialData, buf, 1, ACK_TIMEOUT) <= 0) continue; if (buf[0] == 0xfe) break; } return retries >= 0 ? 0 : -1; } static int us_sleep(unsigned long usecs) { struct timespec req; req.tv_sec = (int)(usecs / 1000000L); req.tv_nsec = (usecs - (req.tv_sec * 1000000L)) * 1000L; while (nanosleep(&req, &req) < 0) ; return 1; } /* this code is adapted from Chip Gracey's PNut IDE */ int PL_HardwareFound(PL_state *state, int *pVersion) { int version, i; /* initialize the serial buffers */ SerialInit(state); /* reset the propeller */ (*state->serial->reset)(state->serialData); /* send the connect string + blanks for echoes */ TByte(state, 0xf9); state->lfsr = 'P'; for (i = 0; i < 250; ++i) TByte(state, IterateLFSR(state) | 0xfe); for (i = 0; i < 250 + 8; ++i) TByte(state, 0xf9); TComm(state); /* receive the connect string */ for (i = 0; i < 250; ++i) if (RBit(state, 100) != IterateLFSR(state)) return FALSE; /* receive the chip version */ for (version = i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { int bit = RBit(state, 50); if (bit < 0) return FALSE; version = ((version >> 1) & 0x7f) | (bit << 7); } *pVersion = version; /* return successfully */ return TRUE; } /* SerialInit - initialize the serial buffers */ static void SerialInit(PL_state *state) { state->txcnt = 0; state->rxnext = 0; state->rxcnt = 0; } /* TByte - add a byte to the transmit buffer */ static void TByte(PL_state *state, uint8_t x) { state->txbuf[state->txcnt++] = x; if (state->txcnt >= sizeof(state->txbuf)) TComm(state); } /* TLong - add a long to the transmit buffer */ static void TLong(PL_state *state, uint32_t x) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { #if 0 // p2 code uint8_t byte = 0x92 | ((i == 10 ? -1 : 0) & 0x60) | ((x >> 31) & 1) | (((x >> 30) & 1) << 3) | (((x >> 29) & 1) << 6); TByte(state, byte); x <<= 3; #else // p1 code uint8_t byte = 0x92 | ((i == 10 ? -1 : 0) & 0x60) | (x & 1) | ((x & 2) << 2) | ((x & 4) << 4); TByte(state, byte); x >>= 3; #endif } } /* TComm - write the transmit buffer to the port */ static void TComm(PL_state *state) { (*state->serial->tx)(state->serialData, state->txbuf, state->txcnt); state->txcnt = 0; } /* RBit - receive a bit with a timeout */ static int RBit(PL_state *state, int timeout) { int result; for (;;) { if (state->rxnext >= state->rxcnt) { state->rxcnt = (*state->serial->rx_timeout)(state->serialData, state->rxbuf, sizeof(state->rxbuf), timeout); if (state->rxcnt <= 0) { /* hardware lost */ return -1; } state->rxnext = 0; } result = state->rxbuf[state->rxnext++] - 0xfe; if ((result & 0xfe) == 0) return result; /* checksum error */ } } /* IterateLFSR - get the next bit in the lfsr sequence */ static int IterateLFSR(PL_state *state) { uint8_t lfsr = state->lfsr; int result = lfsr & 1; state->lfsr = ((lfsr << 1) & 0xfe) | (((lfsr >> 7) ^ (lfsr >> 5) ^ (lfsr >> 4) ^ (lfsr >> 1)) & 1); return result; } /* end of code adapted from Chip Gracey's PNut IDE */