__ _ __ ____________/ /_ (_)___ / / / / ___/ ___/ __ \/ / __ \ / /_/ / / / /__/ / / / / / / / \__,_/_/ \___/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/ Urchin is a test framework for shell. It is implemented in portable /bin/sh and should work on GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and other Unix platforms. ## Try it out Urchin's tests are written in Urchin, so you can run them to see what Urchin is like. Clone the repository git clone git://github.com/scraperwiki/urchin.git Run the tests cd urchin ./urchin tests The above command will run the tests in your systems default shell, /bin/sh (on recent Ubuntu this is dash, but it could be ksh or bash on other systems); to test cross-shell compatibility, run this: cd urchin ./cross-shell-tests ## Globally Download Urchin like so (as root) (or use npm, below): cd /usr/local/bin wget https://raw.github.com/scraperwiki/urchin/master/urchin chmod +x urchin Can be installed with npm too: npm install -g urchin Now you can run it. urchin ## Writing tests Make a root directory for your tests. Inside it, put executable files that exit `0` on success and something else on fail. Non-executable files and hidden files (dotfiles) are ignored, so you can store fixtures right next to your tests. Run urchin from inside the tests directory. Urchin only cares about the exit status, so you can actually write your tests in any language, not just shell. ## More about writing tests Tests are organized recursively in directories, where the names of the files and directories have special meanings. tests/ setup setup_dir bar/ setup test_that_something_works teardown baz/ jack-in-the-box/ setup test_that_something_works teardown cat-in-the-box/ fixtures/ thingy.pdf test_thingy teardown Directories are processed in a depth-first order. When a particular directory is processed, `setup_dir` is run before everything else in the directory, including subdirectories. `teardown_dir` is run after everything else in the directory. A directory's `setup` file, if it exists, is run right before each test file within the particular directory, and the `teardown` file is run right after. Files are only run if they are executable, and files beginning with `.` are ignored. Thus, fixtures and libraries can be included sloppily within the test directory tree. The test passes if the file exits 0; otherwise, it fails. ## Alternatives to Urchin Alternatives to Urchin are discussed in [this blog post](https://blog.scraperwiki.com/2012/12/how-to-test-shell-scripts/).