#!/bin/sh # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Thomas Levine # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2014, Michael Klement # Copyright (c) 2012, ScraperWiki Limited # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- set -e # Kill subprocesses on interrupt. trap "kill -$$; exit" HUP INT TERM DEFAULT_SHELLS='sh bash dash mksh zsh' if [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION}" ]; then # avoid "no matches found: *" error when directories are empty setopt NULL_GLOB emulate sh fi validate_test_arg() { # Must be a file or directory if [ ! -e "${1}" ]; then echo "No such file or directory: '${1}'" >&2 echo "${USAGE}" >&2 urchin_exit 11 fi # Molly guard root="$(urchin_root "${1}")" if ! { basename "$(fullpath "${root}")" | grep -qi 'test' || "${force}" }; then echo 'The root directory of the tests that you are running urchin on does not contain the word "test", so I am not running, in case that was an accident. Use the -f flag if you really want to run urchin on that directory.' >&2 urchin_exit 1 fi } # All temporary files go here urchin_tmp=$(mktemp -d) > "${urchin_tmp}/log" urchin_exit() { rm -Rf "${urchin_tmp}" exit "$@" } stdout_file() { the_test="${1}" the_shell="${2}" x="${urchin_tmp}/stdout$(fullpath "$the_test")" mkdir -p "${x}" echo "${x}/$(echo "${the_shell}" | md5sum | cut -d\ -f1)" } # Expand relative paths fullpath() { readlink -f -- "${1}" } remove_trailing_slash() { echo "$1" | sed s/\\/$// } urchin_root() { # Call recursively but remember the original argument. current="$(remove_trailing_slash "${1}")" if test -n "${2}"; then orig="${2}" else orig="${1}" fi abscurrent="$(fullpath "${1}")" if test "${abscurrent}" = / || basename "${abscurrent}" | grep -q '^\.' ; then # Stop traversing upwards at / and at hidden directories. if test -d "${orig}"; then echo "${orig}" else dirname -- "${orig}" fi elif ! test -e "${current}"; then echo "${current}: No such file or directory">&2 return 1 elif test -f "${current}"; then urchin_root "$(dirname -- "${current}")" "${orig}" elif test -f "${current}"/.urchin_root; then remove_trailing_slash "${current}" else urchin_root "${current}"/.. "${orig}" fi } # Urchin version number VERSION=0.1.0-rc1 indent() { level="${1}" if test "${level}" -gt 0; then printf "%$((2 * ${level}))s" fi } recurse() { requested_path="${1}" potential_test="$(fullpath "${2}")" cycle_shell="${3}" TEST_SHELL="${4}" for ignore in setup_dir teardown_dir setup teardown; do if test "$(basename "${potential_test}")" = "${ignore}"; then return fi done if echo "${requested_path}" | grep -q "^${potential_test}" || echo "${potential_test}" | grep -q "^${requested_path}" ; then if test "$(dirname "${potential_test}")" = \ "$(dirname "${requested_path}")" && test "${potential_test}" != "${requested_path}"; then return 0 fi else return 0 fi validate_strings "${potential_test}" 'Test file names' if [ -x "${potential_test}" ]; then if [ -d "${potential_test}" ]; then ( cd -- "${potential_test}" if test -f .urchin_dir && grep -q series .urchin_dir ; then run_in_series_dir=true else run_in_series_dir=false fi if test -f setup_dir; then . ./setup_dir; fi for test in *; do if test "${test}" = '*' && ! test -e "${test}"; then # The directory is empty. break fi recurse "${requested_path}" "${test}" "${cycle_shell}" \ "${TEST_SHELL}" & if "${run_in_series}" || "${run_in_series_dir}"; then if wait "${!}"; then exit_code=0; else exit_code="${?}"; fi if "${exit_on_not_ok}" && test "${exit_code}" -ne 0; then if test -f teardown_dir; then . ./teardown_dir; fi return 1 fi fi done wait if test -f teardown_dir; then . ./teardown_dir; fi ) elif [ -f "${potential_test}" ]; then cd -- "$(dirname -- "${potential_test}")" # Determine the environment variable to define for test scripts # that reflects the specified or implied shell to use for shell-code tests. while read the_test_shell; do ( if test -f setup; then . ./setup; fi # Run the test start=$(date +%s) set +e { if "${cycle_shell}"; then if has_shebang_line "${potential_test}"; then TEST_SHELL="${the_test_shell}" $TIMEOUT "${potential_test}" else TEST_SHELL="${the_test_shell}" $TIMEOUT \ "${the_test_shell}" "${potential_test}" fi else # Shell cycling is disabled with -n; use the present value of # TEST_SHELL or default to /bin/sh if [ -n "${TEST_SHELL}" ]; then $TIMEOUT "${potential_test}" else TEST_SHELL=/bin/sh $TIMEOUT "${potential_test}" fi fi } > "$(stdout_file "${potential_test}" "${the_test_shell}")" 2>&1 exit_code="${?}" set -e finish=$(date +%s) if test -f teardown; then . ./teardown; fi if [ "${exit_code}" -eq 0 ]; then result=ok elif [ "${exit_code}" -eq 3 ]; then result=skip else result=not_ok fi elapsed=$(($finish - $start)) printf "${potential_test}\t${the_test_shell}\t${result}\t${elapsed}\n" \ >> "${urchin_tmp}"/log exit "${exit_code}" ) & if "${run_in_series}"; then if wait "${!}"; then exit_code=0; else exit_code="${?}"; fi if "${exit_on_not_ok}" && test "${exit_code}" -ne 0; then if test -f teardown_dir; then . ./teardown_dir; fi return 1 fi fi done < "${shell_list}" wait else echo "${potential_test}: Neither file nor directory!?" > /dev/stderr fi else # Shell is '' printf "${potential_test}\t\tskip\t0\n" >> "${urchin_tmp}"/log fi } report_outcome() { root="${1}" tap_format="${2}" log_file="${3}" start="${4}" finish="${5}" escaped_root="$(fullpath "${root}" | sed 's/\//\\\//g')" elapsed=$(($finish - $start)) if "${tap_format}"; then printf \#\ fi if "${print_margins}" || "${tap_format}"; then echo Running tests at $(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S) fi for number in n oks skips not_oks; do eval "${number}=0" done # Use a temporary file rather than a pipe because a pipe starts a sub-shell # and thus makes the above variables local. sorted_log_file=$(mktemp) cat "${log_file}" | LC_ALL=POSIX sort > "${sorted_log_file}" while read line; do abspath=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f1) path=$(echo "${abspath}" | sed "s/$escaped_root\/\?//") the_shell=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f2) result=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f3) file_elapsed=$(echo "$line" | cut -f4) prevdir="${currentdir}" currentdir="$(dirname -- "${path}")" # Number of files that have run, including this one n=$(($n + 1)) # Number of files that have been ok, not ok, and skipped eval "old_count=${result}s" eval "${result}s=$(($old_count+1))" if "${tap_format}"; then if [ "${result}" = not_ok ]; then not='not ' else not='' fi if [ "${result}" = skip ]; then skip='# SKIP' else skip='' fi if test -z "${the_shell}"; then the_shell='File is not executable.' fi echo "${not}ok $n - ${path} (${the_shell}) ${skip}" if { test "${result}" = not_ok && "${print_not_ok_stdout}"; } || { test "${result}" = ok && "${print_ok_stdout}"; }; then echo '# ------------ Begin output ------------' sed 's/^/# /' "$(stdout_file "${abspath}" "${the_shell}")" echo '# ------------ End output ------------' fi echo "# Previous test took ${file_elapsed} seconds." else header() { if test "${prevdir}" != "${currentdir}"; then echo fi if test "${prevpath}" != "${path}"; then printf "$(dirname -- "${path}")/\n> $(basename -- "${path}")\n" fi } case "${result}" in ok) if "${print_ok}"; then header # On success, print a green '✓' if "${print_in_color}"; then printf '\033[32m✓ \033[0m' else printf '✓ ' fi echo "${the_shell} ("${file_elapsed}" $(plural second $file_elapsed))" fi ;; not_ok) if "${print_not_ok}"; then header # On not_ok, print a red '✗' if "${print_in_color}"; then printf '\033[31m✗ \033[0m' else printf '✗ ' fi echo "${the_shell} ("${file_elapsed}" $(plural second $file_elapsed))" fi ;; skip) if "${print_ok}"; then header if test -z "${the_shell}"; then echo ' (File is not executable.)' else echo " ${the_shell} ("${file_elapsed}" $(plural second $file_elapsed))" fi fi ;; esac if { test "${result}" = not_ok && "${print_not_ok_stdout}"; } || { test "${result}" = ok && "${print_ok_stdout}"; }; then sed 's/^/ # /' "$(stdout_file "${abspath}" "${the_shell}")" fi fi prevpath="${path}" done < "${sorted_log_file}" rm "${sorted_log_file}" if "${tap_format}"; then echo "# Full test suite took ${elapsed} $(plural second ${elapsed})." echo 1.."${n}" elif "${print_margins}"; then echo echo "Done, took ${elapsed} $(plural second ${elapsed})." printf '%s\n' "${oks} $(plural test "${oks}") passed." printf '%s\n' "${skips} $(plural test "${skips}") skipped." # If any tests are not ok, print the message in red. if [ "${not_oks}" -gt 0 ] && "${print_in_color}"; then printf '\033[31m' fi printf '%s\n' "${not_oks} $(plural test "${not_oks}") failed." if "${print_in_color}"; then printf '\033[m\n' fi fi test "${not_oks}" -eq '0' } has_shebang_line() { head -n 1 "${1}" | grep -q -v '^#!/bin/sh' } USAGE="usage: $0 [options]... [test file or directory]..." urchin_help() { cat < Tell Urchin to use a different list of shells. (You can pass this flag multiple times.) -n, --disable-cycling Disable the cycling of shells; Urchin will execute test files ordinarily, implicitly using sh for files that lack shebang lines. It will set the TEST_SHELL variable to "/bin/sh" if and only if TEST_SHELL is empty or undefined. The following flags affect how Urchin processes tests. -b, --run-in-series Run tests in series. The default is to run tests in parallel where possible. -e, --exit-on-fail Stop running if any single test fails. This is useful if you are running something configuration files with Urchin. -T, --timeout Kill a test if it runs for longer than the specified duration. The default is no timeout. -f, --force Force running even if the test directory's name does not contain the word "test". These options affect how results are formatted. Options -q, and -v have no effect when combined with --tap. -vv, -vvv, and -vvvv do have effect when combined with --tap. -c, --color Print results in color. -t, --tap Format output in Test Anything Protocol (TAP) -q, --quiet Print nothing to stdout; the only output is the exit code. (default verbosity) Print names of failed tests and counts of passed, failed, and skipped tests. -v Print stdout from failing tests. -vv Print names of passed tests. -vvv, --verbose Print stdout from all tests. -vvvv, --debug Print debugging messages (XXX not implemented) The remaining flags provide information about urchin. -h, --help Display this help. --version Display the version number. Go to https://github.com/tlevine/urchin for documentation on writing tests. EOF } plural () { # Make $1 a plural according to the number $2. # If $3 is supplied, use that instead of "${1}s". # Result is written to stdout. if [ "${2}" = 1 ] then printf '%s\n' "${1}" else printf '%s\n' "${3-${1}s}" fi } validate_strings() { test $(echo "${1}" | wc -l) -eq 1 || { echo '$1 may not contain tab or newline characters.' >&2 echo 'If this is really a problem, tell me, and I may fix it.' >&2 urchin_exit 11 } } main() { cycle_shell=true shell_list="${urchin_tmp}"/shell_list test_arg_list="${urchin_tmp}"/test_list run_in_series=false force=false exit_on_not_ok=false tap_format=false print_in_color=false print_margins=true print_ok=false print_not_ok=true print_ok_stdout=false print_not_ok_stdout=false while [ "${#}" -gt 0 ] do case "${1}" in -b|--run-in-series) run_in_series=true;; -e|--exit-on-fail) exit_on_not_ok=true;; -f|--force) force=true;; -s|--shell) shift shell_for_sh_tests="${1}" which "${shell_for_sh_tests}" > /dev/null || { echo "Cannot find specified shell: '${shell_for_sh_tests}'" >&2 urchin_help >&2 urchin_exit 11 } validate_strings "${shell_for_sh_tests}" 'Shell paths' if echo "${shell_for_sh_tests}" | grep -q \ ; then echo "Warning: It is best if shell paths contain no spaces so that you don't need to quote the TEST_SHELL variable." > /dev/stderr fi echo "${shell_for_sh_tests}" >> "${shell_list}" ;; -n|--disable-cycling) cycle_shell=false;; -t|--tap) tap_format=true;; -T|--timeout) shift; urchin_timeout="${1}" ;; -c|--color) print_in_color=true;; -q|--quiet) print_not_ok=false print_margins=false;; -v) print_not_ok_stdout=true;; -vv) print_not_ok_stdout=true print_ok=true;; -vvv|--verbose)print_not_ok_stdout=true print_ok=true; print_ok_stdout=true;; -vvvv|--debug) echo 'Not implemented' > /dev/stderr && exit 1;; -h|--help) urchin_help urchin_exit 0;; --version) echo "${VERSION}" urchin_exit;; -*) urchin_help >&2 urchin_exit 11;; *) validate_strings "${1}" 'Test file names' validate_test_arg "${1}" echo "${1}" >> "${test_arg_list}" ;; esac shift done # -------------------- VALIDATE INPUT -------------------- # if ! "${cycle_shell}" && test -f "${shell_list}"; then echo "The -n/--disable-cycling and -s/--shell options clash with each other." >&2 urchin_exit 11 fi # If -s was not passed, use the available default shells. if ! test -f "${shell_list}"; then if $cycle_shell; then for shell in $DEFAULT_SHELLS; do if which $shell > /dev/null; then echo $shell >> "$shell_list" fi done else echo > "$shell_list" fi fi if test -n "${urchin_timeout}"; then # Choose the timeout command if timeout -t 0 true; then TIMEOUT="timeout -t ${urchin_timeout}" elif timeout 0 true; then TIMEOUT="timeout ${urchin_timeout}" else echo I couldn\'t figure out how to use your version of timeout >&2 urchin_exit 1 fi fi if "${exit_on_not_ok}" && ! "${run_in_series}"; then echo 'You must also pass -b/--series in order to use -e/--exit-on-fail.' >&2 urchin_exit 11 fi # -------------------- REALLY RUN -------------------- # start=$(date +%s) # 1 test file or folder to run # 2 urchin root # 3 Should we cycle shells? # 4 TEST_SHELL while read seed; do recurse "$(fullpath "${seed}")" "${root}" "${cycle_shell}" \ "${TEST_SHELL}" || break done < "${test_arg_list}" finish=$(date +%s) test $(cat "${urchin_tmp}"/log | wc -l) -gt 0 || { echo 'No tests found' > /dev/stderr urchin_exit 1 } report_outcome "${root}" "${tap_format}" "${urchin_tmp}"/log "${start}" \ "${finish}" urchin_exit "${?}" } test -n "${TESTING_URCHIN_INTERNALS}" || main "$@"