Urchin ==== Tests are organized recursively in directories, where the names of the files and directories have special meanings. tests/ setup bar/ setup test_that_something_works teardown baz/ jack-in-the-box/ setup test_that_something_works teardown cat-in-the-box/ Directories are processed in a depth-first order. When a particular directory is processed, `setup` is run before everything else in the directory, including subdirectories. Use `urchin_export`, which works like `export`, to set variables in the setup function and make them available to other files in the same directory. `teardown` is run after everything else in the directory. The "everything else" actually only includes files whose names contain "test". The test passes if the file exits 0; otherwise, it fails. Aside from files named '`setup`' or '`teardown`', files and directories are run only if they start with '`test`'. Thus, fixtures and libraries can be included sloppily within the test directory tree.