--- layout: default title: Layout parent: Utilities nav_order: 2 --- # Layout Utilities {: .no_toc } ## Table of contents {: .no_toc .text-delta } 1. TOC {:toc} --- ## Spacing These spacers are available to use for margins and padding with responsive utility classes. Combine these prefixes with a screen size and spacing scale to use them responsively. | Classname prefix | What it does | |:-----------------|:------------------------------| | `.m-` | `margin` | | `.mx-` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | | `.my-` | `margin top`, `margin bottom` | | `.mt-` | `margin-top` | | `.mr-` | `margin-right` | | `.mb-` | `margin-bottom` | | `.ml-` | `margin-left` | | Classname prefix | What it does | |:-----------------|:--------------------------------| | `.p-` | `padding` | | `.px-` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | | `.py-` | `padding top`, `padding bottom` | | `.pt-` | `padding-top` | | `.pr-` | `padding-right` | | `.pb-` | `padding-bottom` | | `.pl-` | `padding-left` | Spacing values are based on a `1rem = 16px` spacing scale, broken down into these units: | Spacer/suffix | Size in rems | Rem converted to px | |:---------------|:--------------|:--------------------| | `1` | 0.25rem | 4px | | `2` | 0.5rem | 8px | | `3` | 0.75rem | 12px | | `4` | 1rem | 16px | | `5` | 1.5rem | 24px | | `6` | 2rem | 32px | | `7` | 2.5rem | 40px | | `8` | 3rem | 48px | #### Examples {: .no_toc } In Markdown, use the `{: }` wrapper to apply custom classes: ```markdown This paragraph will have a margin bottom of 1rem/16px at large screens. {: .mb-lg-4 } This paragraph will have 2rem/32px of padding on the right and left at all screen sizes. {: .px-6 } ``` ## Vertical Alignment | Classname | What it does | |:-----------------------|:--------------------------------| | `.v-align-baseline` | `vertical-align: baseline` | | `.v-align-bottom` | `vertical-align: bottom` | | `.v-align-middle` | `vertical-align: middle` | | `.v-align-text-bottom` | `vertical-align: text-bottom` | | `.v-align-text-top` | `vertical-align: text-top` | | `.v-align-top` | `vertical-align: top` | ## Display Display classes aid in adapting the layout of the elements on a page: | Class | | |:------------------|:------------------------| | `.d-block` | `display: block` | | `.d-flex` | `display: flex` | | `.d-inline` | `display: inline` | | `.d-inline-block` | `display: inline-block` | | `.d-none` | `display: none` | Use these classes in conjunction with the responsive modifiers. #### Examples {: .no_toc } In Markdown, use the `{: }` wrapper to apply custom classes: ```markdown This button will be hidden until medium screen sizes: [ A button ](#url) {: .d-none .d-md-inline-block } These headings will be `inline-block`: ### heading 3 { .d-inline-block } ### heading 3 { .d-inline-block } ```