# PostCSS SCSS Syntax [![Build Status][ci-img]][ci] A [SCSS] parser for [PostCSS]. **This module does not compile SCSS.** It simply parses mixins as custom at-rules & variables as properties, so that PostCSS plugins can then transform SCSS source code alongside CSS. [PostCSS]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss [ci-img]: https://img.shields.io/travis/postcss/postcss-scss.svg [SCSS]: http://sass-lang.com/ [ci]: https://travis-ci.org/postcss/postcss-scss Sponsored by Evil Martians ## Usage ### SCSS Transformations The main use case of this plugin is to apply PostCSS transformations directly to SCSS source code. For example, if you ship a theme written in SCSS and need [Autoprefixer] to add the appropriate vendor prefixes to it; or you need to lint SCSS with a plugin such as [Stylelint]. ```js var syntax = require('postcss-scss'); postcss(plugins).process(scss, { syntax: syntax }).then(function (result) { result.content // SCSS with transformations }); ``` [Autoprefixer]: https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer [Stylelint]: http://stylelint.io/ ### Inline Comments for PostCSS This module also enables parsing of single-line comments in CSS source code. ```scss :root { // Main theme color --color: red; } ``` Note that you don’t need a special stringifier to handle the output; the default one will automatically convert single line comments into block comments. ```js var syntax = require('postcss-scss'); postcss(plugins).process(scss, { parser: syntax }).then(function (result) { result.css // CSS with normal comments }); ``` If you want Sass behaviour with removing inline comments, you can use [postcss-strip-inline-comments] plugin. [postcss-strip-inline-comments]: https://github.com/mummybot/postcss-strip-inline-comments