# selector-class-pattern Specify a pattern for class selectors. ```css .foo, #bar.baz span, #hoo[disabled] { color: pink; } /** ↑ ↑ * These class selectors */ ``` This rule ignores non-ouputting Less mixin definitions and called Less mixins. ## Options `regex|string` A string will be translated into a RegExp — `new RegExp(yourString)` — so *be sure to escape properly*. The selector value *after `.`* will be checked. No need to include `.` in your pattern. Given the string: ```js "foo-[a-z]+" ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css .foop {} ``` ```css .foo-BAR {} ``` ```css div > #zing + .foo-BAR {} ``` The following patterns are *not* considered warnings: ```css .foo-bar {} ``` ```css div > #zing + .foo-bar {} ``` ```css #foop {} ``` ```css [foo='bar'] {} ``` ```less .foop() {} ``` ```less .foo-bar { .foop; } ``` ## Optional secondary options ### `resolveNestedSelectors: true | false` (default: `false`) This option will resolve nested selectors with `&` interpolation. For example, with `true`. Given the string: ```js "^[A-Z]+$" ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css .A { &__B {} /* resolved to ".A__B" */ } ``` The following patterns are *not* considered warnings: ```css .A { &B {} /* resolved to ".AB" */ } ```