# The stylelint Node API The stylelint module includes a `lint()` function that provides the Node API. ```js stylelint.lint(options) .then(function(resultObject) { .. }); ``` ## Installation stylelint is an [npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/stylelint). Install it using: ```console npm install stylelint ``` ## Options Options is an object with the following properties. Though both `files` and `code` are "optional", you *must* have one and *cannot* have both. All other options are optional. ### `code` A CSS string to be linted. ### `codeFilename` If using `code` to pass a source string directly, you can use `codeFilename` to associate that code with a particular filename. This can be useful, for example, when making a text editor plugin that passes in code directly but needs to still use the configuration's `ignoreFiles` functionality to possibly ignore that code. ### `config` A [stylelint configuration object](configuration.md). If no `config` or `configFile` is passed, stylelint will look for a `.stylelintrc` configuration file. ### `configBasedir` An absolute path to the directory that relative paths defining `extends` and `plugins` are *relative to*. If the `config` object passed uses relative paths, e.g. for `extends` or `plugins`, you are going to have to pass a `configBasedir`. If not, you do not need this. ### `configFile` The path to a JSON, YAML, or JS file that contains your [stylelint configuration object](configuration.md). It should be either absolute or relative to the directory that your process is running from (`process.cwd()`). We'd recommend absolute. ### `configOverrides` A partial stylelint configuration object whose properties will override the existing config object, whether that config was loaded via the `config` option or a `.stylelintrc` file. The difference between the `configOverrides` and `config` options is this: If any `config` object is passed, stylelint does not bother looking for a `.stylelintrc` file and instead just uses whatever `config` object you've passed; but if you want to *both* load a `.stylelintrc` file *and* override specific parts of it, `configOverrides` does just that. ### `files` A file glob, or array of file globs. Ultimately passed to [node-glob](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob) to figure out what files you want to lint. Relative globs are considered relative to `process.cwd()`. `node_modules` and `bower_components` are always ignored. ### `formatter` Options: `"json"|"string"|"verbose"`, or a function. Default is `"json"`. Specify the formatter that you would like to use to format your results. If you pass a function, it must fit the signature described in the [Developer Guide](../developer-guide/formatters.md). ### `ignoreDisables` If `true`, all disable comments (e.g. `/* stylelint-disable block-no-empty */`) will be ignored. You can use this option to see what your linting results would be like without those exceptions. ### `reportNeedlessDisables` If `true`, `ignoreDisables` will also be set to `true` and the returned data will contain a `needlessDisables` property, whose value is an array of objects, one for each source, with tells you which stylelint-disable comments are not blocking a lint warning. Use this report to clean up your codebase, keeping only the stylelint-disable comments that serve a purpose. *The recommended way to use this option is through the CLI.* It will output a clean report to the console. ### `ignorePath` A path to a file containing patterns describing files to ignore. The path can be absolute or relative to `process.cwd()`. By default, stylelint looks for `.stylelintignore` in `process.cwd()`. See [Configuration](configuration.md#stylelintignore). ### `syntax` Options: `"scss"|"less"|"sugarss"` Specify a non-standard syntax that should be used to parse source stylesheets. If you do not specify a syntax, non-standard syntaxes will be automatically inferred by the file extensions `.scss`, `.less`, and `.sss`. See the [`customSyntax`](#customsyntax) option below if you would like to use stylelint with a custom syntax. ### `customSyntax` An absolute path to a custom [PostCSS-compatible syntax](https://github.com/postcss/postcss#syntaxes) module. Note, however, that stylelint can provide no guarantee that core rules will work with syntaxes other than the defaults listed for the `syntax` option above. ## The returned promise `stylelint.lint()` returns a Promise that resolves with an object containing the following properties: ### `errored` Boolean. If `true`, at least one rule with an "error"-level severity registered a warning. ### `output` A string displaying the formatted warnings (using the default formatter or whichever you passed). ### `postcssResults` An array containing all the [PostCSS LazyResults](https://github.com/postcss/postcss/blob/master/docs/api.md#lazyresult-class) that were accumulated during processing. ### `results` An array containing all the stylelint result objects (the objects that formatters consume). ## Syntax errors `stylelint.lint()` does not reject the Promise when your CSS contains syntax errors. It resolves with an object (see [The returned promise](#the-returned-promise)) that contains information about the syntax error. ## Usage examples If `myConfig` contains no relative paths for `extends` or `plugins`, you do not have to use `configBasedir`: ```js stylelint.lint({ config: myConfig, files: "all/my/stylesheets/*.css" }) .then(function(data) { // do things with data.output, data.errored, // and data.results }) .catch(function(err) { // do things with err e.g. console.error(err.stack); });; ``` If `myConfig` *does* contain relative paths for `extends` or `plugins`, you *do* have to use `configBasedir`: ```js stylelint.lint({ config: myConfig, configBasedir: path.join(__dirname, "configs"), files: "all/my/stylesheets/*.css" }).then(function() { .. }); ``` Maybe you want to use a CSS string instead of a file glob, and you want to use the string formatter instead of the default JSON: ```js stylelint.lint({ code: "a { color: pink; }", config: myConfig, formatter: "string" }).then(function() { .. }); ``` Maybe you want to use my own custom formatter function and parse `.scss` source files: ```js stylelint.lint({ config: myConfig, files: "all/my/stylesheets/*.scss", formatter: function(stylelintResults) { .. }, syntax: "scss" }).then(function() { .. }); ``` The same pattern can be used to read Less or [SugarSS](https://github.com/postcss/sugarss) syntax.