# FAQ ## How do I disable a rule? You can disable a rule by setting its config value to `null`. For example, to use `stylelint-config-standard` without the `at-rule-empty-line-before` rule: ```json { "extends": "stylelint-config-standard", "rules": { "at-rule-empty-line-before": null } } ``` You can also disable a rule for specific sections of your CSS. Refer to the rules section of the [configuration guide](configuration.md#rules) for more information. ## How do I lint from the command line? Refer to the [CLI section](cli.md) of the docs. The CLI can also be used from within [npm run scripts](https://blog.keithcirkel.co.uk/how-to-use-npm-as-a-build-tool/) to use a non-global installation of stylelint. ## How do I lint using Git pre-commit hooks? [lint-staged](https://github.com/okonet/lint-staged) is a NodeJS script that supports running stylelint against Git staged files. ## How do I lint using my task runner of choice? The stylelint community maintains a [handful of plugins](complementary-tools.md#build-tool-plugins) for popular task runners, including ones for gulp, webpack, Broccoli and Grunt. Refer to their individual READMEs to get started. If there isn't a dedicated stylelint plugin for your task runner of choice, you can use stylelint as a PostCSS plugin and make use of PostCSS's [numerous](https://github.com/postcss/postcss#runners) task runner plugins. There are also examples of using the PostCSS plugin via the PostCSS JS API within the [docs](postcss-plugin.md). However, using stylelint as a PostCSS plugin limits your reporting options to [postcss-reporter](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-reporter/). We recommend using the stylelint CLI or Node API, instead, for better reporting. ## How do I lint within my text editor? The stylelint community also maintains a [handful of plugins](complementary-tools.md#editor-plugins) for popular editors. Refer to their individual READMEs to get started. ## How do I lint SCSS, Less, or other non-standard syntax? stylelint can *parse* any the following non-standard syntaxes by default: SCSS, Less and SugarSS. Non-standard syntaxes can automatically be inferred from the following file extensions `.scss`, `.less`, and `.sss`; or else you can specify the syntax yourself. Additionally, stylelint can accept any [PostCSS-compatible syntax](https://github.com/postcss/postcss#syntaxes) when using the CLI or Node API. Note, however, that stylelint can provide no guarantee that core rules will work with syntaxes other than the defaults listed above. Refer to the [docs](css-processors.md#parsing-non-standard-syntax) on how to configure stylelint to parse non-standard syntaxes. ## Should I lint before or after processing my stylesheets through PostCSS plugins or other processors? We [recommend](css-processors.md) linting your source files before any transformations. ## How do I lint styles within `