# About rules We have taken great care to consistently name rules. The rules have been designed to work in conjunction with one another so that strict conventions can be enforced. ## About rule names - Made of lowercase words separated by hyphens. - Split into two parts: - The first describes what [*thing*](http://apps.workflower.fi/vocabs/css/en) the rule applies to. - The second describes what the rule is checking. ```js "number-leading-zero" // ↑ ↑ // the thing what the rule is checking ``` - Except when the rule applies to the whole stylesheet: ```js "no-eol-whitespace" "indentation" // ↑ // what the rules are checking ``` ### No rules Most rules allow you to choose whether you want to require *or* disallow something. For example, whether numbers *must* or *must not* have a leading zero: - `number-leading-zero`: `string - "always"|"never"` - `"always"` - there *must always* be a leading zero. - `"never"` - there *must never* be a leading zero. ```css a { line-height: 0.5; } /** ↑ * This leading zero */ ``` However, some rules *just disallow* something. `*-no-*` is used to identify these rules. For example, whether empty blocks should be disallowed: - `block-no-empty` - blocks *must not* be empty. ```css a { } /** ↑ * Blocks like this */ ``` Notice how, for a rule like this, it does not make sense to have an option to enforce the opposite i.e. that every block *must* be empty. ### Max rules `*-max-*` is used when a rule is *setting a limit* to something. For example, specifying the maximum number of digits after the "." in a number: - `number-max-precision`: `int` ```css a { font-size: 1.333em; } /** ↑ * The maximum number of digits after this "." */ ``` ### Whitespace rules Whitespace rules allow you to specify whether an empty line, a single space, a newline or no space must be used in some specific part of the stylesheet. The whitespace rules combine two sets of keywords: 1. `before`, `after` and `inside` are used to specify where the whitespace (if any) is expected. 2. `empty-line`, `space` and `newline` are used to specify whether a single empty line, a single space, a single newline or no space is expected there. For example, specifying if a single empty line or no space must come before all the comments in a stylesheet: - `comment-empty-line-before`: `string` - `"always"|"never"` ```css a {} ← /* comment */ ↑ ↑ /** ↑ * This empty line */ ``` Additionally, some whitespace rule make use of another set of keywords: 1. `comma`, `colon`, `semicolon`, `opening-brace`, `closing-brace`, `opening-parenthesis`, `closing-parenthesis`, `operator` or `range-operator` are used if a specific piece of punctuation in the *thing* is being targetted. For example, specifying if a single space or no space must come after a comma in a function: - `function-comma-space-after`: `string` - `"always"|"never"` ```css a { transform: translate(1, 1) } /** ↑ * The space after this commas */ ``` The plural of the punctuation is used for `inside` rules. For example, specifying if a single space or no space must be inside the parentheses of a function: - `function-parentheses-space-inside`: `string` - `"always"|"never"` ```css a { transform: translate( 1, 1 ); } /** ↑ ↑ * The space inside these two parentheses */ ``` ## Rules work together The rules can be used together to enforce strict conventions. ### `*-newline/space-before` and `*-newline/space-after` rules Say you want to enforce no space before and a single space after the colon in every declaration: ```css a { color: pink; } /** ↑ * No space before and a single space after this colon */ ``` You can enforce that with: ```js "declaration-colon-space-after": "always", "declaration-colon-space-before": "never" ``` Some *things* (e.g. declaration blocks and value lists) can span more than one line. In these cases `newline` rules and extra options can be used to provide flexibility. For example, this is the complete set of `value-list-comma-*` rules and their options: - `value-list-comma-space-after`: `"always"|"never"|"always-single-line"|"never-single-line"` - `value-list-comma-space-before`: `"always"|"never"|"always-single-line"|"never-single-line"` - `value-list-comma-newline-after`: `"always"|"always-multi-line|"never-multi-line"` - `value-list-comma-newline-before`: `"always"|"always-multi-line"|"never-multi-line"` Where `*-multi-line` and `*-single-line` are in reference to the value list (the *thing*). For example, given: ```css a, b { color: red; font-family: sans, serif, monospace; /* single line value list */ } ↑ ↑ /** ↑ ↑ * The value list start here and ends here */ ``` There is only a single-line value list in this example. The selector is multi-line, as is the declaration block and, as such, also the rule. But the value list isn't and that is what the `*-multi-line` and `*-single-line` refer to in the context of this rule. #### Example A Say you only want to allow single-line value lists. And you want to enforce no space before and a single space after the commas: ```css a { font-family: sans, serif, monospace; box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px red, 2px 2px 1px 1px blue inset, 2px 2px 1px 2px blue inset; } ``` You can enforce that with: ```js "value-list-comma-space-after": "always", "value-list-comma-space-before": "never" ``` #### Example B Say you want to allow both single-line and multi-line value lists. You want there to be a single space after the commas in the single-line lists and no space before the commas in both the single-line and multi-line lists: ```css a { font-family: sans, serif, monospace; /* single-line value list with space after, but no space before */ box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px red, /* multi-line value list ... */ 2px 2px 1px 1px blue inset, /* ... with newline after, ... */ 2px 2px 1px 2px blue inset; /* ... but no space before */ } ``` You can enforce that with: ```js "value-list-comma-newline-after": "always-multi-line", "value-list-comma-space-after": "always-single-line", "value-list-comma-space-before": "never" ``` #### Example C Say you want to allow both single-line and multi-line value lists. You want there to be no space before the commas in the single-line lists and always a space after the commas in both lists: ```css a { font-family: sans, serif, monospace; box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px red , 2px 2px 1px 1px blue inset , 2px 2px 1px 2px blue inset; } ``` You can enforce that with: ```js "value-list-comma-newline-before": "always-multi-line", "value-list-comma-space-after": "always", "value-list-comma-space-before": "never-single-line" ``` #### Example D Lastly, the rules are flexible enough to enforce entirely different conventions for single-line and multi-line lists. Say you want to allow both single-line and multi-line value lists. You want the single-line lists to have a single space before and after the colons. Whereas you want the multi-line lists to have a single newline before the commas, but no space after: ```css a { font-family: sans , serif , monospace; /* single-line list with a single space before and after the comma */ box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px red /* multi-line list ... */ ,2px 2px 1px 1px blue inset /* ... with newline before, ... */ ,2px 2px 1px 2px blue inset; /* ... but no space after the comma */ } ``` You can enforce that with: ```js "value-list-comma-newline-after": "never-multi-line", "value-list-comma-newline-before": "always-multi-line", "value-list-comma-space-after": "always-single-line", "value-list-comma-space-before": "always-single-line" ``` ### `*-empty-line-before` and `*-max-empty-lines` rules These rules work together to control where empty lines are allowed. Each *thing* is responsible for pushing itself away from the *preceding thing*, rather than pushing the *subsequent thing* away. This consistency is to avoid conflicts, and is why there aren't any `*-empty-line-after` rules in stylelint. Say you want to enforce the following: ```css a { background: green; color: red; @media (min-width: 30em) { color: blue; } } b { --custom-property: green; background: pink; color: red; } ``` You can do that with: ```js "at-rule-empty-line-before": ["always", { "except": ["first-nested"] }], "custom-property-empty-line-before": [ "always", { "except": [ "after-custom-property", "first-nested" ] }], "declaration-empty-line-before": ["always", { "except": [ "after-declaration", "first-nested" ] }], "block-closing-brace-empty-line-before": "never", "rule-non-nested-empty-line-before": ["always-multi-line"] ``` We recommend that you set your primary option (e.g. `"always"` or `"never"`) to whatever is your most common occurrence and define your exceptions with the `except` optional secondary options. There are many values for the `except` option e.g. `first-nested`, `after-comment` etc. The `*-empty-line-before` rules control whether there must never be an empty line or whether there must be *one or more* empty lines before a *thing*. The `*-max-empty-lines` rules complement this by controlling *the number* of empty lines within *things*. The `max-empty-lines` rule is used to set a limit across the entire source. A *stricter* limit can then be set within *things* using the likes of `function-max-empty-lines`, `selector-max-empty-lines` and `value-list-max-empty-lines`. For example, say you want to enforce the following: ```css a, b { box-shadow: inset 0 2px 0 #dcffa6, 0 2px 5px #000; } c { transform: translate( 1, 1 ); } ``` i.e. a maximum of 1 empty line within the whole source, but no empty lines within functions, selector lists and value lists. You can do that with: ```js "function-max-empty-lines": 0, "max-empty-lines": 1, "selector-list-max-empty-lines": 0, "value-list-max-empty-lines": 0 ``` ### `*-whitelist`, `*-blacklist`, `color-named` and applicable `*-no-*` rules These rules work together to (dis)allow language features and constructs. There are `*-whitelist` and `*-blacklist` rules that target the main constructs of the CSS language: at-rules, functions, declarations (i.e. property-value pairs), properties and units. These rules can be used to (dis)allow any language features that makes use of these constructs (e.g. `@media`, `rgb()`). However, there are features not caught by these `*-whitelist` and `*-blacklist` rules (or are, but would require complex regex to configure). There are individual rules, usually a `*-no-*` rule (e.g. `color-no-hex` and `selector-no-id`), to disallow each of these features. Say you want to disallow the `@debug` language extension. You can do that using either the `at-rule-blacklist` or `at-rule-whitelist` rules because the `@debug` language extension uses the at-rule construct e.g. ```js "at-rule-blacklist": ["debug"] ``` Say you want to, for whatever reason, disallow the whole at-rule construct. You can do that using: ```js "at-rule-whitelist": [] ``` Say you want to disallow the value `none` for the `border` properties. You can do that using either the `declaration-property-value-blacklist` or `declaration-property-value-whitelist` e.g. ```js "declaration-property-value-blacklist": [{ "/^border/": ["none"] }] ``` #### color Most `` values are *functions*. As such, they can be (dis)allowed using either the `function-blacklist` or `function-whitelist` rules. There are two other color representations that aren't functions: named colors and hex colors. There are two specific rules that (dis)allow these: `color-named` and `color-no-hex`, respectively. Say you want to enforce using a named color *if one exists for your chosen color* and use `hwb` color if one does not, e.g: ```css a { background: hwb(235, 0%, 0%); /* there is no named color equivalent for this color */ color: black; } ``` If you're taking a whitelisting approach, you can do that with: ```js "color-named": "always-where-possible", "color-no-hex": true, "function-whitelist": ["hwb"] ``` Or, if you're taking a blacklisting approach: ```js "color-named": "always-where-possible", "color-no-hex": true, "function-blacklist": ["/^rgb/", "/^hsl/", "gray"] ``` This approach scales to when language extensions (that use the two built-in extendable syntactic constructs of at-rules and functions) are used. For example, say you want to disallow all standard color presentations in favour of using a custom color representation function, e.g. `my-color(red with a dash of green / 5%)`. You can do that with: ```js "color-named": "never", "color-no-hex": true, "function-whitelist": ["my-color"] ```