# 1.4.3 - Fixed: `at-mixin-no-argumentless-call-parentheses` messages # 1.4.2: - Fixed: false positives in inline comment detecting by `findCommentsInRaws` if a comment is the first/last in a file/line - Fixed: `findCommentsInRaws` error in function detection # 1.4.1 - Fixed: mixed import names for `at-else-closing-brace-space-after` and `at-else-empty-line-before` rules. - Fixed: false positives for nested props rules (`:not()`-like selectors, strings, numbers). # 1.4.0 - Added: `at-else-closing-brace-newline-after` rule. - Added: `at-else-closing-brace-space-after` rule. - Added: `at-if-closing-brace-newline-after` rule. - Added: `at-if-closing-brace-space-after` rule. - Added: `at-else-empty-line-before` rule. - Added: `declaration-nested-properties` rule. - Added: `declaration-nested-properties-no-divided-groups` rule. - Added: `dollar-variable-empty-line-before` rule. - Added: `ignore: "local"|"global"` to the `dollar-variable-pattern` rule. - Added: `docs` folder to `npm` package. - Removed: `src` folder from `npm` package. - Removed: NodeJS 0.12.x support, stylelint-scss now requires NodeJS > 4.2.1 LTS or greater # 1.3.4 - Fixed: parsing `-` and `+` at the operation start in `operator-` rules. - Fixed: `findCommentsInRaws` false positives on comments inside strings (applicable to rules `double-slash-comment-inline`, `double-slash-comment-whitespace-inside`, `operator-no-unspaced`). # 1.3.3 - Fixed: parsing `%` character by `operator-` rules. - Fixed: false positives on `operator-` rules. # 1.3.2 - Fixed: `findCommentsInRaws` fail on parsing selectors like `p:not(.not-p)` (applicable to rules `double-slash-comment-inline`, `double-slash-comment-whitespace-inside`, `operator-no-unspaced`). - Fixed: 'double-slash-comment-whitespace-inside' false positives on empty comments (e.g. `//`). - Fixed: `findCommentsInRaws` giving wrong column number (applicable to rules `double-slash-comment-inline`, `double-slash-comment-whitespace-inside`, `operator-no-unspaced`). # 1.3.1 - Fixed: `findCommentsInRaws` for multiline CSS comments and text for //-comments (`double-slash-comment-` rules and `operator-no-unspaced` rule). # 1.3.0 - Added: `at-mixin-argumentless-call-parentheses` rule (with "always"/"never" behavior as a replacement for `at-mixin-no-argumentless-call-parentheses`). - Added: `dollar-variable-colon-newline-after` rule. - Added: `dollar-variable-colon-space-after` rule. - Added: `dollar-variable-colon-space-before` rule. - Added: `double-slash-comment-empty-line-before` rule. - Added: `double-slash-comment-inline` rule. - Added: `double-slash-comment-whitespace-inside` rule. - Added: `operator-no-newline-after` rule. - Added: `operator-no-newline-before` rule. - Added: `operator-no-unspaced` rule. - Deprecated: `at-mixin-no-argumentless-call-parentheses`. - Fixed: `partial-no-import` failing when linting a code string (not in an actual file, e.g. via stylelilnt Node API). - Updated stylelint dependency to version 7. # 1.2.1 - Fixed: `at-function-pattern`, `at-mixin-pattern` failing if there are parens inside a parameters list. # 1.2.0 - Added: `partial-no-import` rule. - Added: `media-feature-value-dollar-variable` rule. - Added: `at-import-partial-extension-blacklist` rule. - Added: `at-import-partial-extension-whitelist` rule. - Deprecated: `at-import-no-partial-extension` rule. - Fixed: `dollar-variable-no-missing-interpolation` was throwing an error on older Node.js versions. # 1.1.1 - Fixed: newlines inside braces in `at-function-pattern`, `at-mixin-pattern`. - Fixed: false positives and false negatives in `selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector`. # 1.1.0 - Added: `at-mixin-no-argumentless-call-parentheses` rule. - Added: `at-import-no-partial-leading-underscore` rule. - Added: `at-import-no-partial-extension` rule. - Added: `percent-placeholder-pattern` rule. - Fixed: `selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector` no longer warns about BEM syntax. - Fixed: bug causing rules to ignore severity levels `warning` / `error` and report `ignore` instead. # 1.0.0 - Added: `at-extend-no-missing-placeholder` rule. - Added: `at-function-pattern` rule. - Added: `at-mixin-pattern` rule. - Added: `dollar-variable-no-missing-interpolation` rule. - Added: `dollar-variable-pattern` rule. - Added: `selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector` rule.