# Changelog ## 1.4.1 - Add `filter` option. - Add blacklist functionality to `plugins` option with `!` prefix`. ## 1.3.3 - Fix regression that caused positions from sources without incoming sourcemaps not to be logged. ## 1.3.2 - Find more accurate positions of preprocessed files with sourcemaps. ## 1.3.1 - Fix Windows path bug. ## 1.3.0 - Check individual messages for distinct sources, then group messages by those sources, instead of always using the PostCSS Result's source. - Output empty string from `formatter` if there are no messages, instead of `undefined`. ## 1.2.1 - Handle variable and absent input sources. ## 1.2.0 - Add `noIcon` and `noPlugin` options to both reporter and formatter. ## 1.1.0 - Use PostCSS 5's line/column properties on warnings, instead of relying on the source node. ## 1.0.0 - Upgrade to PostCSS 5. ## 0.4.0 - Add `positionless` option (to both the reporter and the formatter), with default value `"first"`. - Cleaner npm install (files specified in `package.json`). ## 0.3.1 - Remove leftover debugging log statement. ## 0.3.0 - Add `sortByPosition` option (to both the reporter and the formatter), with default value `true`. ## 0.2.0 - Alter `defaultFormatter` to use warning symbol and not repeat `# postcss-reporter`. ## 0.1.0 - First release.