var SKIP = 'skip'; var CHECK = 'check'; var ONLY = 'only'; module.exports = function (options, callback) { var source = options.source; var target =; var skipComments = (options.comments) ? options.comments === SKIP : true; var skipStrings = (options.strings) ? options.strings === SKIP : true; var skipFunctionNames = (options.functionNames) ? options.functionNames === SKIP : true; var skipFunctionArguments = options.functionArguments === SKIP; var skipParentheticals = options.parentheticals === SKIP; var onceOptionUsed = false; Object.keys(options).forEach(function(key) { if (options[key] !== ONLY) return; if (!onceOptionUsed) { onceOptionUsed = true; } else { throw new Error('Only one syntax feature option can be the "only" one to check'); } }); var onlyComments = options.comments === ONLY; var onlyStrings = options.strings === ONLY; var onlyFunctionNames = options.functionNames === ONLY; var onlyFunctionArguments = options.functionArguments === ONLY; var onlyParentheticals = options.parentheticals === ONLY; var insideString = false; var insideComment = false; var insideSingleLineComment = false; var insideParens = false; var insideFunctionArguments = false; var openingParenCount = 0; var matchCount = 0; var openingQuote; var targetIsArray = Array.isArray(target); // If the target is just a string, it is easy to check whether // some index of the source matches it. // If the target is an array of strings, though, we have to // check whether some index of the source matches *any* of // those target strings (stopping after the first match). var getMatch = (function () { if (!targetIsArray) { return getMatchBase.bind(null, target); } return function(index) { for (var ti = 0, tl = target.length; ti < tl; ti++) { var checkResult = getMatchBase(target[ti], index); if (checkResult) return checkResult; } return false; } })(); function getMatchBase(targetString, index) { var targetStringLength = targetString.length; // Target is a single character if (targetStringLength === 1 && source[index] !== targetString) return false; // Target is multiple characters if (source.substr(index, targetStringLength) !== targetString) return false; return { insideParens: insideParens, insideFunctionArguments: insideFunctionArguments, insideComment: insideComment, insideString: insideString, startIndex: index, endIndex: index + targetStringLength, target: targetString, }; } for (var i = 0, l = source.length; i < l; i++) { var currentChar = source[i]; // Register the beginning of a comment if ( !insideString && !insideComment && currentChar === "/" && source[i - 1] !== "\\" // escaping ) { // standard comments if (source[i + 1] === "*") { insideComment = true; continue; } // single-line comments if (source[i + 1] === "/") { insideComment = true; insideSingleLineComment = true; continue; } } if (insideComment) { // Register the end of a standard comment if ( !insideSingleLineComment && currentChar === "*" && source[i - 1] !== "\\" // escaping && source[i + 1] === "/" && source[i - 1] !== "/" // don't end if it's /*/ ) { insideComment = false; continue; } // Register the end of a single-line comment if ( insideSingleLineComment && currentChar === "\n" ) { insideComment = false; insideSingleLineComment = false; } if (skipComments) continue; } // Register the beginning of a string if (!insideComment && !insideString && (currentChar === "\"" || currentChar === "'")) { if (source[i - 1] === "\\") continue; // escaping openingQuote = currentChar; insideString = true; // For string-quotes rule if (target === currentChar) handleMatch(getMatch(i)); continue; } if (insideString) { // Register the end of a string if (currentChar === openingQuote) { if (source[i - 1] === "\\") continue; // escaping insideString = false; continue; } if (skipStrings) continue; } // Register the beginning of parens/functions if (!insideString && !insideComment && currentChar === "(") { // Keep track of opening parentheticals so that we // know when the outermost function (possibly // containing nested functions) is closing openingParenCount++; insideParens = true; // Only inside a function if there is a function name // before the opening paren if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(source[i - 1])) { insideFunctionArguments = true; } if (target === "(") handleMatch(getMatch(i)); continue; } if (insideParens) { // Register the end of a function if (currentChar === ")") { openingParenCount--; // Do this here so the match is still technically inside a function if (target === ")") handleMatch(getMatch(i)); if (openingParenCount === 0) { insideParens = false; insideFunctionArguments = false; } continue; } } var isFunctionName = /^[a-zA-Z]*\(/.test(source.slice(i)); if (skipFunctionNames && isFunctionName) continue; if (onlyFunctionNames && !isFunctionName) continue; var match = getMatch(i); if (!match) continue; handleMatch(match); if (options.once) return; } function handleMatch(match) { if (onlyParentheticals && !insideParens) return; if (skipParentheticals && insideParens) return; if (onlyFunctionArguments && !insideFunctionArguments) return; if (skipFunctionArguments && insideFunctionArguments) return; if (onlyStrings && !insideString) return; if (onlyComments && !insideComment) return; matchCount++; callback(match, matchCount); } }