# Specificity Calculator A JavaScript module for calculating and comparing the [specificity of CSS selectors](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#specificity). The module is used on the [Specificity Calculator](http://specificity.keegan.st/) website. Specificity Calculator is built for CSS Selectors Level 3. Specificity Calculator isn’t a CSS validator. If you enter invalid selectors it will return incorrect results. For example, the [negation pseudo-class](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#negation) may only take a simple selector as an argument. Using a psuedo-element or combinator as an argument for `:not()` is invalid CSS3 so Specificity Calculator will return incorrect results. ## Front-end usage ```js SPECIFICITY.calculate('ul#nav li.active a'); // [{ specificity: '0,1,1,3' }] ``` ## Node.js usage ```js var specificity = require('specificity'); specificity.calculate('ul#nav li.active a'); // [{ specificity: '0,1,1,3' }] ``` ## Passing in multiple selectors You can use comma separation to pass in multiple selectors: ```js SPECIFICITY.calculate('ul#nav li.active a, body.ie7 .col_3 h2 ~ h2'); // [{ specificity: '0,1,1,3' }, { specificity: '0,0,2,3' }] ``` ## Return values The `specificity.calculate` function returns an array containing a result object for each selector input. Each result object has the following properties: * `selector`: the input * `specificity`: the result as a string e.g. `0,1,0,0` * `specificityArray`: the result as an array of numbers e.g. `[0, 1, 0, 0]` * `parts`: array with details about each part of the selector that counts towards the specificity ## Example ```js var specificity = require('../'), result = specificity.calculate('ul#nav li.active a'); console.log(result); /* result = [ { selector: 'ul#nav li.active a', specificity: '0,1,1,3', specificityArray: [0, 1, 1, 3], parts: [ { selector: 'ul', type: 'c', index: 0, length: 2 }, { selector: '#nav', type: 'a', index: 2, length: 4 }, { selector: 'li', type: 'c', index: 5, length: 2 }, { selector: '.active', type: 'b', index: 8, length: 7 }, { selector: 'a', type: 'c', index: 13, length: 1 } ] } ] */ ``` ## Comparing two selectors Specificity Calculator also exposes a `compare` function. This function accepts two CSS selectors or specificity arrays, `a` and `b`. * It returns `-1` if `a` has a lower specificity than `b` * It returns `1` if `a` has a higher specificity than `b` * It returns `0` if `a` has the same specificity than `b` ```js SPECIFICITY.compare('div', '.active'); // -1 SPECIFICITY.compare('#main', 'div'); // 1 SPECIFICITY.compare('span', 'div'); // 0 SPECIFICITY.compare('span', [0,0,0,1]); // 0 SPECIFICITY.compare('#main > div', [0,1,0,1]); // 0 ``` ## Ordering an array of selectors by specificity You can pass the `SPECIFICITY.compare` function to `Array.prototype.sort` to sort an array of CSS selectors by specificity. ```js ['#main', 'p', '.active'].sort(SPECIFICITY.compare); // ['p', '.active', '#main'] ``` ## Command-line usage Run `npm install specificity` to install the module locally, or `npm install -g specificity` for global installation. You may need to elevate permissions by `sudo` for the latter. Run `specificity` without arguments to learn about its usage: ```bash $ specificity Usage: specificity Computes specificity of a CSS selector. ``` Pass a selector as the first argument to get its specificity computed: ```bash $ specificity "ul#nav li.active a" 0,1,1,3 ``` ## Testing To install dependencies, run: `npm install` Then to test, run: `npm test`