gmnisrv(1) # NAME gmnisrv - serve clients over the gemini protocol # SYNPOSIS *gmnisrv* [-C _path_] # DESCRIPTION *gmnisrv* is a daemon which serves network clients over the gemini protocol. It requires a config file; by default this shall be read from /etc/gmnisrv.ini unless the installation was configured with a different SYSCONFDIR or the user provides the -C flag. # OPTIONS *-C* _path_ Specifies an alternate path to read the config file from. # LOG FORMAT Server diagnostics and client errors are printed to *stderr* in an unspecified format. Nominal client logging is printed to *stdout*, with each of the following fields in order, separated by whitespace: - Client IP - Request hostname - Request path - Service time - Response body size in bytes - Response status - Response meta # SEE ALSO *gmnisrv.ini*(5)