import asyncio import concurrent.futures import json import logging import requests import time import sqlite3 from fastf1.signalr_aio import Connection import fastf1 """ ADOPTED FROM FASTF1 client """ def messages_from_raw(r): """Extract data messages from raw recorded SignalR data. This function can be used to extract message data from raw SignalR data which was saved using :class:`SignalRClient` in debug mode. Args: r (iterable) : Iterable containing raw SignalR responses. """ ret = list() errorcount = 0 for data in r: # fix F1's not json compliant data data = data.replace("'", '"') \ .replace('True', 'true') \ .replace('False', 'false') try: data = json.loads(data) except json.JSONDecodeError: errorcount += 1 continue messages = data['M'] if 'M' in data and len(data['M']) > 0 else {} for inner_data in messages: hub = inner_data['H'] if 'H' in inner_data else '' if hub.lower() == 'streaming': # method = inner_data['M'] message = inner_data['A'] ret.append(message) return ret, errorcount class SignalRClient: """A client for receiving and saving F1 timing data which is streamed live over the SignalR protocol. During an F1 session, timing data and telemetry data are streamed live using the SignalR protocol. This class can be used to connect to the stream and save the received data into a file. The data will be saved in a raw text format without any postprocessing. It is **not** possible to use this data during a session. Instead, the data can be processed after the session using the :mod:`fastf1.api` and :mod:`fastf1.core` Args: filename (str) : filename (opt. with path) for the output file filemode (str, optional) : one of 'w' or 'a'; append to or overwrite file content it the file already exists. Append-mode may be useful if the client is restarted during a session. debug (bool, optional) : When set to true, the complete SignalR message is saved. By default, only the actual data from a message is saved. timeout (int, optional) : Number of seconds after which the client will automatically exit when no message data is received. Set to zero to disable. logger (Logger or None) : By default, errors are logged to the console. If you wish to customize logging, you can pass an instance of :class:`logging.Logger` (see: :mod:`logging`). """ _connection_url = '' def __init__(self, filename, filemode='w', debug=False, timeout=60, logger=None): self.headers = {'User-agent': 'BestHTTP', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, identity', 'Connection': 'keep-alive, Upgrade'} self.topics = ["Heartbeat", "TopThree", "RcmSeries", "TimingStats", "WeatherData", "TrackStatus", "DriverList", "RaceControlMessages", "SessionInfo", "SessionData", "LapCount"] self.debug = debug self.filename = filename self.filemode = filemode self.timeout = timeout self._connection = None if not logger: logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s" ) self.logger = logging.getLogger('SignalR') else: self.logger = logger self._output_file = None self._t_last_message = None def _to_file(self, msg): """ self._output_file.write(msg + '\n') self._output_file.flush() """ #print(msg) con = sqlite3.connect('messages.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("insert into messages (message) values(?)", (msg,)) con.commit() cur.close() con.close() async def _on_do_nothing(self, msg): # just do nothing with the message; intended for debug mode where some # callback method still needs to be provided pass async def _on_message(self, msg): self._t_last_message = time.time() loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() try: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: await loop.run_in_executor( pool, self._to_file, str(msg) ) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Exception while writing message to file") async def _on_debug(self, **data): if 'M' in data and len(data['M']) > 0: self._t_last_message = time.time() loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() try: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: await loop.run_in_executor( pool, self._to_file, str(data) ) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Exception while writing message to file") async def _run(self): self._output_file = open(self.filename, self.filemode) # Create connection session = requests.Session() session.headers = self.headers self._connection = Connection(self._connection_url, session=session) # Register hub hub = self._connection.register_hub('Streaming') if self.debug: # Assign error handler self._connection.error += self._on_debug # Assign debug message handler to save raw responses self._connection.received += self._on_debug hub.client.on('feed', self._on_do_nothing) # need to connect an async method else: # Assign hub message handler self._connection.received += self._on_debug hub.client.on('feed', self._on_message) hub.server.invoke("Subscribe", self.topics) # Start the client loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: await loop.run_in_executor(pool, self._connection.start) async def _supervise(self): self._t_last_message = time.time() while True: if (self.timeout != 0 and time.time() - self._t_last_message > self.timeout): self.logger.warning(f"Timeout - received no data for more " f"than {self.timeout} seconds!") self._connection.close() return await asyncio.sleep(1) async def _async_start(self):"Starting FastF1 live timing client " f"[v{fastf1.__version__}]") await asyncio.gather(asyncio.ensure_future(self._supervise()), asyncio.ensure_future(self._run())) self._output_file.close() self.logger.warning("Exiting...") def start(self): """Connect to the data stream and start writing the data to a file.""" try: except KeyboardInterrupt: self.logger.warning("Keyboard interrupt - exiting...") return