import glob from PIL import Image from random import randrange from uuid import uuid4 class Bingo: """Class which allows creation and cleanup of F1 bingo card images.""" def __init__(self): self.LAYOUT_WIDTH = 88 self.X_OFFSET = 10 self.Y_OFFSET = 110 self.SQUARES_PATH = "bingo_images/squares/*.png" self.FREE_SQUARES_PATH = "bingo_images/free_squares/*.png" self.BLANK_CARD_PATH = "bingo_images/card_blank.png" self.TEMP_FOLDER = "bingo_images/temp/" def get_card(self): square_files = glob.glob(self.SQUARES_PATH) free_square_files = glob.glob(self.FREE_SQUARES_PATH) used_files = set() with as card_img: card_img.load() card_img = card_img.convert('RGBA') # Fill the grid for y in range(5): for x in range(5): square_file = "" # If this is the center square, pick a random free square if x == 2 and y == 2: square_file = \ free_square_files[randrange(len(free_square_files))] # otherwise, find a random file that hasn't been used yet else: rand_file_idx = randrange(len(square_files)) while rand_file_idx in used_files: rand_file_idx = randrange(len(square_files)) square_file = square_files[rand_file_idx] used_files.add(rand_file_idx) with as square: position = (self.X_OFFSET + (x * self.LAYOUT_WIDTH), self.Y_OFFSET + (y * self.LAYOUT_WIDTH)) card_img.paste(square, position, square) # Write image to temp file outfile = "".join((self.TEMP_FOLDER, str(uuid4()), ".png")) print(f"{outfile=}") return outfile