# video2gif A batch script for convert video to GIF files by FFmpeg.exe on Windows ## Installation * Clone the repo * Install [FFmpeg](http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/) for Windows. * Make sure the `ffmpeg.exe` and `video2gif.bat` are on your systems path. ## Usage **Method #1:** Anywhere you can use it by this command in `cmd`: ``` video2gif myvideo.mp4 ``` Then you have `myvideo.gif` in current directory. If `myvideo.gif` there is existed, question from you for overwrite it. **Method #2:** You can just drag and drop `.gif` file on the `video2gif.bat` file. ## Advance Usage ``` video2gif SOURCE_FILE [OPTIONS] ``` ##Options: ``` SOURCE_FILE Source video file name for convert also you can drag and drop source video file to this batch file directly -o Output destination .GIF file name if not set it, use video source file name with new .gif extension -y Overwrite destination file if not set it, appears prompt for overwrite destination file -f Frame per second (fps) default: 15 -w Width scale of destination gif file in pixel unit and (-1) for use original width, default: -1 -s Start time of video source for crop in second or time format (ex. 1:12), if set it, so must be set (-d) param -d Duration time of video source for crop in second, if set it, so must be set (-s) param -c Maximum number of colors to the palette must be (<=256), default: 256 -q Quality of destination gif file must be a number between 1(low) to 6(high), default: 5 ``` ## Examples: ``` video2gif sample.mp4 video2gif sample.mp4 -y -w 60 -q 1 -f 10 video2gif sample.mp4 -o new_file.gif -y -w 100 -f 10 -s 10 -d 5 video2gif sample.mp4 -s 0:30 -d 20 -c 128 -q 6 video2gif sample.mp4 -s 1:16.5 -d 8.3 ``` ## Tips Special thanks to [this article](http://blog.pkh.me/p/21-high-quality-gif-with-ffmpeg.html).