var SETTINGS_FULL; var HOTKEY_CODES; function getSettings(callback) {["extension-settings"], function (result) { SETTINGS_FULL = result["extension-settings"]; HOTKEY_CODES =; console.log(HOTKEY_CODES); if (callback instanceof Function) { callback(); } }); } function populateFields() { let hotkeyDivs = document.querySelectorAll(".setting[data-type='shortcut']"); hotkeyDivs.forEach((hotkeyDiv) => { setHotkeyBtn(hotkeyDiv); }); } function enterNewHotkey(event) { let element = event.currentTarget; element.removeEventListener("click", enterNewHotkey); element.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-enter"); let textArea = element.children[0]; textArea.innerHTML = ` Enter the shortcut `; let keysDown = new Set(); let keysFinal; window.addEventListener("keydown", keyPress); window.addEventListener("keyup", keyRelease); function keyPress(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // hitting escape cancels input if (e.key.toLowerCase() === "escape") { window.removeEventListener("keydown", keyPress); window.removeEventListener("keyup", keyRelease); setHotkeyBtn(element.parentNode); } keysDown.add(e.key.toLowerCase(), keysDown.size); console.log(keysDown); textArea.innerHTML = formateHotkeys(keysDown); keysFinal = new Set(keysDown); } function keyRelease(e) { keysDown.delete(e.key.toLowerCase()); // once no more keys are pressed, the final combo is recorded if (keysDown.size === 0) { window.removeEventListener("keydown", keyPress); window.removeEventListener("keyup", keyRelease); // setHotkeyBtn(element.parentNode); updateHotkey(element, [...keysFinal]); } } } function updateHotkey(element, newVal, index) { let parentSection = element.parentNode; parentSection.removeChild(element); let newSettings = SETTINGS_FULL; if (newVal === null) { // remove the hotkey at the index provided[].splice(index, 1); } else { // add the new hotkey to the beginning of the stored hotkeys[].unshift(newVal); }{ "extension-settings": newSettings }, function () { getSettings(setHotkeyBtn(parentSection)); // TODO: Send message to content scripts that settings updated }); } function formateHotkeys(set1) { let replaceTable = { Control: "Ctrl", Arrowup: "↑", Arrowright: "→", Arrowdown: "↓", Arrowleft: "←", " ": " Space", Pageup: "PgUp", Pagedown: "PgDn", Delete: "Del", }; let keyString = [...set1].map((c) => c.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + c.slice(1).toLowerCase()).join(" + "); keyString = keyString.replace( /Control|Arrowup|Arrowright|Arrowdown|Arrowleft|\s\s|Pageup|Pagedown|Delete/g, function (match) { return replaceTable[match]; } ); keyString = keyString === " " ? "Space" : keyString; return keyString; } function setHotkeyBtn(btnParent) { let hotkeys = HOTKEY_CODES[]; // remove old buttons while (btnParent.childNodes.length > 2) { btnParent.removeChild(btnParent.lastChild); } // TODO: Check if hotkey combo in storage let createNewBtn = document.createElement("div"); createNewBtn.setAttribute("id", + "-btn"); createNewBtn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-hov addHotkey"); createNewBtn.innerHTML = ` Click to type a new shortcut `; // Add listner for new hotkey input createNewBtn.addEventListener("click", enterNewHotkey); btnParent.appendChild(createNewBtn); // if in storage print stored combo if (hotkeys.length !== 0) { hotkeys.forEach((hotkey, index) => { let el = document.createElement("div"); console.log(hotkey + " " + index); el.setAttribute("id", + "-hotkey-" + index); el.setAttribute("class", "btn hotkeys"); el.innerHTML = ` ${formateHotkeys(new Set(hotkey))} `; el.getElementsByClassName("close")[0].addEventListener( "click", (deleteHotkey = function () { updateHotkey(el, null, index); }) ); btnParent.appendChild(el); }); } } getSettings(function () { // once the DOM is ready file in all settings info let stateCheck = setInterval(() => { if (document.readyState === "complete") { clearInterval(stateCheck); populateFields(); } }, 100); });