#!/bin/sh # This tells the system what terminal you are using or emulating. We do # support a number of terminals and can infact support more. For more # ideas, you can look in /usr/lib/terminfo. Default TTY is typically a # DEC vt100. export TERM="xterm-256color" # stty (Set TTY) sets up your TTY. Note, if you have problems with # your backspace key, try changing the "erase '^h'" to "erase '^?'". # If that still does not help, type stty erase at the shell prompt # and then hit your backspace key. stty erase '^?' echoe # Shell options shopt -s completion_strip_exe # Ignore list for filename completion export FIGNORE=".dll:.cpl" # PATH export PATH="/usr/sbin:~/bin:$PATH:." # LANGUAGE export LANG="en_GB" # Timezone from /usr/share/zoneinfo export TZ="Europe/Oslo" # Other variables export LYNX_CFG="~/.lynx/lynx.cfg" export EDITOR="nano" export DISPLAY="localhost:0.0" export LESS="-iRM" # Prompt with Git export PS1='\n\033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")\n$ ' # Aliases alias ls="ls --color=auto --group-directories-first" alias dir="ls -la" alias ll="ls -l" alias la="ls -la" alias rm="rm -i" alias mv="mv -i" alias cp="cp -i" alias del="rm -i" alias cd..="cd .." alias grep="grep --color" alias start="cygstart" alias keychaininit="eval \$(keychain --eval)" alias sublime="cygstart /cygdrive/d/bin/Sublime/sublime_text.exe" alias npp="cygstart /cygdrive/d/bin/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" alias gl="git log --oneline --all --graph --decorate" alias gs="git status" alias gw="git whatchanged" alias cyg-get="/cygdrive/e/Install/Cygwin/setup-x86_64.exe -qn -P" alias cyg-update="/cygdrive/e/Install/Cygwin/setup-x86_64.exe -qng" alias bb="ssh -t tty.sdf.org bboard" alias sudo="cygstart --action=runas" "$@" # Git source /usr/share/git-core/git-prompt.sh # ls colors #eval $(dircolors -b $HOME/.config/dircolors/dircolors.monokai) # Keychain for SSH Agent #eval $(keychain --eval) # Greeting echo "Welcome to the SDF Public Access UNIX system. (est. 1987)" date -R