Rxvt*background: black Rxvt*foreground: green Rxvt*geometry: 80x40 Rxvt*font: "Courier New" Rxvt*scrollBar_right: true Rxvt*termName: ansi Rxvt*print-pipe: lpr -P HPLaserJet Rxvt*saveLines: 1000 Rxvt*colorBD: white Rxvt*colorUL: grey Rxvt*color0: #000000 Rxvt*color1: #A80000 Rxvt*color2: #00A800 Rxvt*color3: #A8A800 Rxvt*color4: #0000A8 Rxvt*color5: #A800A8 Rxvt*color6: #00A8A8 Rxvt*color7: #A8A8A8 Rxvt*color8: #000054 Rxvt*color9: #FF0054 Rxvt*color10: #00FF54 Rxvt*color11: #FFFF54 Rxvt*color12: #0000FF Rxvt*color13: #FF00FF Rxvt*color14: #00FFFF Rxvt*color15: #FFFFFF # The rest of the defaults are client specific xterm*Foreground: green xterm*Background: black xterm*Border: dark blue xterm*Geometry: 80x40 xterm*ScrollBar: on xterm*TitleBar: on xterm*TextUnderIcon: on xterm*AllowIconInput: on xterm*AutoRaise: on xterm*termtype: vt100 xterm*ttyModes: intr ^c erase ^h susp ^@ dsusp ^@ kill ^u eof ^d xclock*Foreground: black xclock*Background: light grey xclock*Border: navy blue xclock*Highlight: cornflower blue xclock*Hands: slate blue xclock*Mode: analog