/** * The user interface of the ubitx consists of the encoder, the push-button on top of it * and the 16x2 LCD display. * The upper line of the display is constantly used to display frequency and status * of the radio. Occasionally, it is used to provide a two-line information that is * quickly cleared up. */ char byteToChar(byte srcByte){ if (srcByte < 10) return 0x30 + srcByte; else return 'A' + srcByte - 10; } //returns true if the button is pressed int btnDown(void){ if (digitalRead(FBUTTON) == HIGH) return 0; else return 1; } int enc_prev_state = 3; /** * The A7 And A6 are purely analog lines on the Arduino Nano * These need to be pulled up externally using two 10 K resistors * * There are excellent pages on the Internet about how these encoders work * and how they should be used. We have elected to use the simplest way * to use these encoders without the complexity of interrupts etc to * keep it understandable. * * The enc_state returns a two-bit number such that each bit reflects the current * value of each of the two phases of the encoder * * The enc_read returns the number of net pulses counted over 50 msecs. * If the puluses are -ve, they were anti-clockwise, if they are +ve, the * were in the clockwise directions. Higher the pulses, greater the speed * at which the enccoder was spun */ byte enc_state (void) { return (analogRead(ENC_A) > 500 ? 1 : 0) + (analogRead(ENC_B) > 500 ? 2: 0); } int enc_read(void) { int result = 0; byte newState; int enc_speed = 0; unsigned long start_at = millis(); while (millis() - start_at < 50) { // check if the previous state was stable newState = enc_state(); // Get current state if (newState != enc_prev_state) delay (1); if (enc_state() != newState || newState == enc_prev_state) continue; //these transitions point to the encoder being rotated anti-clockwise if ((enc_prev_state == 0 && newState == 2) || (enc_prev_state == 2 && newState == 3) || (enc_prev_state == 3 && newState == 1) || (enc_prev_state == 1 && newState == 0)){ result--; } //these transitions point o the enccoder being rotated clockwise if ((enc_prev_state == 0 && newState == 1) || (enc_prev_state == 1 && newState == 3) || (enc_prev_state == 3 && newState == 2) || (enc_prev_state == 2 && newState == 0)){ result++; } enc_prev_state = newState; // Record state for next pulse interpretation enc_speed++; delay(1); } return(result); }