/* buffer.h -- buffer type and functions */ #ifndef _BUFFER_H_ #define _BUFFER_H_ #include "line.h" /* line_p */ #include "names.h" /* BINDABLE() */ /* Text is kept in buffers. A buffer header, described below, exists for every buffer in the system. The buffers are kept in a big list, so that commands that search for a buffer by name can find the buffer header. There is a safe store for the dot and mark in the header, but this is only valid if the buffer is not being displayed (that is, if "b_nwnd" is 0). The text for the buffer is kept in a circularly linked list of lines, with a pointer to the header line in "b_linep". Buffers may be "Inactive" which means the files associated with them have not been read in yet. These get read in at "use buffer" time. */ typedef char fname_t[ 256] ; /* file name type */ typedef char bname_t[ 16] ; /* buffer name type */ typedef struct buffer { struct buffer *b_bufp ; /* Link to next struct buffer */ line_p b_dotp ; /* Link to "." struct line structure */ line_p b_markp ; /* The same as the above two, */ line_p b_linep ; /* Link to the header struct line */ int b_doto ; /* Offset of "." in above struct line */ int b_marko ; /* but for the "mark" */ int b_mode ; /* editor mode of this buffer */ char b_active ; /* window activated flag */ char b_nwnd ; /* Count of windows on buffer */ char b_flag ; /* Flags */ fname_t b_fname ; /* File name */ bname_t b_bname ; /* Buffer name */ } *buffer_p ; extern buffer_p curbp ; /* Current buffer */ extern buffer_p bheadp ; /* Head of list of buffers */ extern buffer_p blistp ; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */ #define BFINVS 0x01 /* Internal invisable buffer */ #define BFCHG 0x02 /* Changed since last write */ #define BFTRUNC 0x04 /* buffer was truncated when read */ /* mode flags */ #define NUMMODES 10 /* # of defined modes */ #define MDWRAP 0x0001 /* word wrap */ #define MDCMOD 0x0002 /* C indentation and fence match */ #define MDEXACT 0x0004 /* Exact matching for searches */ #define MDVIEW 0x0008 /* read-only buffer */ #define MDOVER 0x0010 /* overwrite mode */ #define MDMAGIC 0x0020 /* regular expresions in search */ #define MDASAVE 0x0040 /* auto-save mode */ #define MDUTF8 0x0080 /* utf8 mode */ #define MDDOS 0x0100 /* CRLF eol mode */ #define MDMAC 0x0200 /* CR eol mode */ extern const char *modename[ NUMMODES] ; /* text names of modes */ extern int gmode ; /* global editor mode */ /* Bindable functions */ BINDABLE( killbuffer) ; BINDABLE( listbuffers) ; BINDABLE( namebuffer) ; BINDABLE( nextbuffer) ; BINDABLE( unmark) ; BINDABLE( usebuffer) ; boolean anycb( void) ; /* Any changed buffer? */ int bclear( buffer_p bp) ; /* empty buffer */ int swbuffer( buffer_p bp) ; /* switch to buffer, make it current */ int zotbuf( buffer_p bp) ; /* remove buffer */ /* Lookup a buffer by name. If not found and create_f is TRUE then create it with flags set. */ buffer_p bfind( const char *bname, boolean create_f, int flags) ; #endif /* end of buffer.h */