/* names.c -- implements names.h */ #include "names.h" /* Name to function binding table. * * This table gives the names of all the bindable functions and their C * function address. These are used for the bind-to-key function and * command line parsing. */ #include #include #include #include "basic.h" #include "bind.h" #include "bindable.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "display.h" #include "eval.h" #include "exec.h" #include "execute.h" #include "file.h" #include "isearch.h" #include "line.h" #include "region.h" #include "random.h" #include "search.h" #include "spawn.h" #include "util.h" #include "window.h" #include "word.h" const name_bind names[] = { {" abort-command", ctrlg, CTRL | 'G'} , {" add-global-mode", setgmode, META | 'M'} , {" add-mode", setemode, CTLX | 'M'} , {" apropos", apro, META | 'A'} , {" backward-character", (fnp_t) backchar, CTRL | 'B'} , {" begin-macro", ctlxlp, CTLX | '('} , {" beginning-of-file", (fnp_t) gotobob, META | '<'} , {" beginning-of-line", (fnp_t) gotobol, CTRL | 'A'} , {" bind-to-key", bindtokey, META | 'K'} , {" buffer-position", showcpos, CTLX | '='} , {"!case-region-lower", lowerregion, CTLX | CTRL | 'L'} , {"!case-region-upper", upperregion, CTLX | CTRL | 'U'} , {"!case-word-capitalize", capword, META | 'C'} , {"!case-word-lower", lowerword, META | 'L'} , {"!case-word-upper", upperword, META | 'U'} , {" change-file-name", filename, CTLX | 'N'} , {" change-screen-size", newsize, META | CTRL | 'D'} , /* M^S */ {" change-screen-width", newwidth, META | CTRL | 'T'} , {" clear-and-redraw", redraw, CTRL | 'L'} , {" clear-message-line", clrmes, 0} , {" copy-region", copyregion, META | 'W'} , {" count-words", wordcount, META | CTRL | 'C'} , {" ctlx-prefix", cex, CTRL | 'X'} , {"!delete-blank-lines", deblank, CTLX | CTRL | 'O'} , {" delete-buffer", killbuffer, CTLX | 'K'} , {" delete-global-mode", delgmode, META | CTRL | 'M'} , {" delete-mode", delmode, CTLX | CTRL | 'M'} , {"!delete-next-character", forwdel, CTRL | 'D'} , {"!delete-next-word", delfword, META | 'D'} , {" delete-other-windows", onlywind, CTLX | '1'} , {"!delete-previous-character", backdel, CTRL | 'H'} , /* ^? */ {"!delete-previous-word", delbword, META | CTRL | 'H'} , /* M^? */ {" delete-window", delwind, CTLX | '0'} , {" describe-bindings", desbind, 0} , {" describe-key", deskey, CTLX | '?'} , {"!detab-line", detab, CTLX | CTRL | 'D'} , /* X^A */ {" end-macro", ctlxrp, CTLX | ')'} , {" end-of-file", (fnp_t) gotoeob, META | '>'} , {" end-of-line", (fnp_t) gotoeol, CTRL | 'E'} , {"!entab-line", entab, CTLX | CTRL | 'E'} , {" exchange-point-and-mark", (fnp_t) swapmark, CTLX | CTRL | 'X'} , {" execute-buffer", execbuf, 0} , {" execute-command-line", execcmd, 0} , {" execute-file", execfile, 0} , {" execute-macro", ctlxe, CTLX | 'E'} , {" execute-macro-1", cbuf1, 0} , {" execute-macro-10", cbuf10, 0} , {" execute-macro-11", cbuf11, 0} , {" execute-macro-12", cbuf12, 0} , {" execute-macro-13", cbuf13, 0} , {" execute-macro-14", cbuf14, 0} , {" execute-macro-15", cbuf15, 0} , {" execute-macro-16", cbuf16, 0} , {" execute-macro-17", cbuf17, 0} , {" execute-macro-18", cbuf18, 0} , {" execute-macro-19", cbuf19, 0} , {" execute-macro-2", cbuf2, 0} , {" execute-macro-20", cbuf20, 0} , {" execute-macro-21", cbuf21, 0} , {" execute-macro-22", cbuf22, 0} , {" execute-macro-23", cbuf23, 0} , {" execute-macro-24", cbuf24, 0} , {" execute-macro-25", cbuf25, 0} , {" execute-macro-26", cbuf26, 0} , {" execute-macro-27", cbuf27, 0} , {" execute-macro-28", cbuf28, 0} , {" execute-macro-29", cbuf29, 0} , {" execute-macro-3", cbuf3, 0} , {" execute-macro-30", cbuf30, 0} , {" execute-macro-31", cbuf31, 0} , {" execute-macro-32", cbuf32, 0} , {" execute-macro-33", cbuf33, 0} , {" execute-macro-34", cbuf34, 0} , {" execute-macro-35", cbuf35, 0} , {" execute-macro-36", cbuf36, 0} , {" execute-macro-37", cbuf37, 0} , {" execute-macro-38", cbuf38, 0} , {" execute-macro-39", cbuf39, 0} , {" execute-macro-4", cbuf4, 0} , {" execute-macro-40", cbuf40, 0} , {" execute-macro-5", cbuf5, 0} , {" execute-macro-6", cbuf6, 0} , {" execute-macro-7", cbuf7, 0} , {" execute-macro-8", cbuf8, 0} , {" execute-macro-9", cbuf9, 0} , {" execute-named-command", namedcmd, META | 'X'} , #if PROC {" execute-procedure", execproc, META | CTRL | 'E'} , #endif {" execute-program", execprg, CTLX | '$'} , {" exit-emacs", quit, CTLX | CTRL | 'C'} , {"!fill-paragraph", fillpara, META | 'Q'} , {"!filter-buffer", filter_buffer, CTLX | '#'} , {" find-file", filefind, CTLX | CTRL | 'F'} , {" forward-character", (fnp_t) forwchar, CTRL | 'F'} , {" goto-line", gotoline, META | 'G'} , #if CFENCE {" goto-matching-fence", getfence, META | CTRL | 'F'} , #endif {" grow-window", enlargewind, CTLX | 'Z'} , /* X^ */ {"!handle-tab", insert_tab, CTRL | 'I'} , {" help", help, META | '?'} , {" hunt-backward", backhunt, 0} , {" hunt-forward", forwhunt, META | 'S'} , {" i-shell", spawncli, CTLX | 'C'} , #if ISRCH {" incremental-search", fisearch, CTLX | 'S'} , #endif {"!insert-file", insfile, CTLX | CTRL | 'I'} , {"!insert-space", insspace, CTRL | 'C'} , {"!insert-string", istring, 0} , #if PKCODE {"!justify-paragraph", justpara, META | 'J'} , #endif {"!kill-paragraph", killpara, META | CTRL | 'W'} , {"!kill-region", killregion, CTRL | 'W'} , {"!kill-to-end-of-line", killtext, CTRL | 'K'} , {" list-buffers", listbuffers, CTLX | CTRL | 'B'} , {" meta-prefix", metafn, CTRL | '['} , {" move-window-down", mvdnwind, CTLX | CTRL | 'N'} , {" move-window-up", mvupwind, CTLX | CTRL | 'P'} , {" name-buffer", namebuffer, META | CTRL | 'N'} , {"!newline", insert_newline, CTRL | 'M'} , {"!newline-and-indent", indent, CTRL | 'J'} , {" next-buffer", nextbuffer, CTLX | 'X'} , {" next-line", (fnp_t) forwline, CTRL | 'N'} , {" next-page", (fnp_t) forwpage, CTRL | 'V'} , {" next-paragraph", gotoeop, META | 'N'} , {" next-window", nextwind, CTLX | 'O'} , {" next-word", forwword, META | 'F'} , {" nop", nullproc, SPEC | META | 'C'}, /* hook */ {"!open-line", openline, CTRL | 'O'} , {"!overwrite-string", ovstring, 0} , {" pipe-command", pipecmd, CTLX | '@'} , {" previous-line", (fnp_t) backline, CTRL | 'P'} , {" previous-page", (fnp_t) backpage, CTRL | 'Z'} , /* MV */ {" previous-paragraph", gotobop, META | 'P'} , {" previous-window", prevwind, CTLX | 'P'} , {" previous-word", backword, META | 'B'} , {"!query-replace-string", qreplace, META | CTRL | 'R'} , {" quick-exit", quickexit, META | 'Z'} , {"!quote-character", quote, CTRL | 'Q'} , /* also XQ */ {"!read-file", fileread, CTLX | CTRL | 'R'} , {" redraw-display", reposition, META | CTRL | 'L'} , /* M! */ {"!replace-string", sreplace, META | 'R'} , {" resize-window", resize, CTLX | 'W'} , {" restore-window", restwnd, 0} , #if ISRCH {" reverse-incremental-search", risearch, CTLX | 'R'} , #endif #if PROC {" run", execproc, 0} , // alias of execute-procedure #endif {"!save-file", filesave, CTLX | CTRL | 'S'} , /* also X^D */ {" save-window", savewnd, 0} , {" scroll-next-down", scrnextdw, META | CTRL | 'V'} , {" scroll-next-up", scrnextup, META | CTRL | 'Z'} , {" search-forward", forwsearch, CTRL | 'S'} , {" search-reverse", backsearch, CTRL | 'R'} , {" select-buffer", usebuffer, CTLX | 'B'} , {" set", setvar, CTLX | 'A'} , {" set-fill-column", setfillcol, CTLX | 'F'} , {" set-mark", (fnp_t) setmark, META | ' '} , /* M. */ {" shell-command", spawn, CTLX | '!'} , {" shrink-window", shrinkwind, CTLX | CTRL | 'Z'} , {" split-current-window", splitwind, CTLX | '2'} , {" store-macro", storemac, 0} , #if PROC {" store-procedure", storeproc, 0} , #endif #if BSD | SVR4 {" suspend-emacs", bktoshell, CTLX | 'D'} , /* BSD MS */ #endif {"!transpose-characters", (fnp_t) twiddle, CTRL | 'T'} , {"!trim-line", trim, CTLX | CTRL | 'T'} , {" unbind-key", unbindkey, META | CTRL | 'K'} , {" universal-argument", unarg, CTRL | 'U'} , {" unmark-buffer", unmark, META | '~'} , {" update-screen", upscreen, 0} , {" view-file", viewfile, CTLX | CTRL | 'V'} , {"!wrap-word", wrapword, SPEC | META | 'W'} , /* hook */ {" write-file", filewrite, CTLX | CTRL | 'W'} , {" write-message", writemsg, 0} , {"!yank", yank, CTRL | 'Y'} , {" ", NULL, 0}, /* extra key mapping */ // { NULL, newsize, META | CTRL | 'S'}, { NULL, backdel, CTRL | '?'}, { NULL, delbword, META | CTRL | '?'}, { NULL, detab, CTLX | CTRL | 'A'}, { NULL, enlargewind, CTLX | '^'}, { NULL, (fnp_t) backpage, META | 'V'}, { NULL, quote, CTLX | 'Q'}, { NULL, reposition, META | '!'}, //detab { NULL, filesave, CTLX | CTRL | 'D'}, { NULL, (fnp_t) setmark, META | '.'}, // { NULL, bktoshell, META | 'S'}, /* special key mapping */ { NULL, yank, SPEC | '2'}, /* Insert */ { NULL, forwdel /* killregion */, SPEC | '3'}, /* Delete */ { NULL, (fnp_t) backpage, SPEC | '5'}, /* Page Up */ { NULL, (fnp_t) forwpage, SPEC | '6'}, /* Page Down */ { NULL, (fnp_t) backline, SPEC | 'A'}, /* Up */ { NULL, (fnp_t) forwline, SPEC | 'B'}, /* Down */ { NULL, (fnp_t) forwchar, SPEC | 'C'}, /* Right */ { NULL, (fnp_t) backchar, SPEC | 'D'}, /* Left */ { NULL, (fnp_t) gotoeob, SPEC | 'F'}, /* End */ { NULL, (fnp_t) gotobob, SPEC | 'H'}, /* Home */ { NULL, help, SPEC | 'P'}, /* F1 */ /* hooks */ { NULL, nullproc, SPEC | META | 'R'}, /* hook */ { NULL, nullproc, SPEC | META | 'X'}, /* hook */ { NULL, NULL, 0} } ; static int lastnmidx = 0 ; /* index of last name entry */ kbind_p keytab ; static int ktsize = 140 ; /* last check: need at least 133 + 1 */ boolean init_bindings( void) { /* allocate table */ keytab = malloc( ktsize * sizeof *keytab) ; if( keytab == NULL) return FALSE ; /* insert end of table mark */ keytab->k_code = 0 ; keytab->k_nbp = NULL ; /* Add default key bindings */ nbind_p nbp ; for( nbp = names ; nbp->n_func != NULL ; nbp++) { /* Check entries and strict order */ assert( (nbp->n_name != NULL) && ((nbp == names) || (0 > strcmp( bind_name( nbp - 1), bind_name( nbp))) ) ) ; /* Add key definition */ if( nbp->n_keycode) { kbind_p ktp = setkeybinding( nbp->n_keycode, nbp) ; /* check it was indeed an insertion at end of table not a * key code re-definition */ assert( (++ktp)->k_code == 0) ; } } /* memorize position after last valid function entry */ lastnmidx = nbp - names ; /* Process extra key bindings if any */ for( nbp++ ; nbp->n_func != NULL ; nbp++) { /* Check entry */ assert( nbp->n_keycode && (nbp->n_name == NULL)) ; /* Look for corresponding function and add extra key binding */ nbind_p fnbp ; for( fnbp = names ; fnbp->n_func != NULL ; fnbp++) if( fnbp->n_func == nbp->n_func) { setkeybinding( nbp->n_keycode, fnbp) ; break ; } /* Insure there is a name entry for the keycode */ assert( fnbp->n_func != NULL) ; } return TRUE ; } kbind_p setkeybinding( unsigned key, nbind_p nbp) { kbind_p ktp ; /* search the table to see if it exists */ for( ktp = keytab ; ktp->k_code != 0 ; ktp++) if( ktp->k_code == key) { /* it exists, just change it then */ ktp->k_nbp = nbp ; return ktp ; } /* otherwise we need to add it to the end */ /* check if the end marker is at the end of the table */ if( ktp == &keytab[ ktsize - 1]) { /* out of binding room */ int newsize = ktsize + 10 ; kbind_p newkeytab = realloc( keytab, newsize * sizeof *keytab) ; if( newkeytab == NULL) /* out of space */ return ktp ; keytab = newkeytab ; ktp = &keytab[ ktsize - 1] ; ktsize = newsize ; } ktp->k_code = key ; /* add keycode */ ktp->k_nbp = nbp ; ++ktp ; /* and make sure the next is null */ ktp->k_code = 0 ; ktp->k_nbp = NULL ; return ktp - 1 ; } boolean delkeybinding( unsigned key) { kbind_p ktp ; /* pointer into the key binding table */ /* search the table to see if the key exists */ for( ktp = keytab ; ktp->k_code != 0 ; ktp++) { if( ktp->k_code == key) { /* save the pointer and scan to the end of the table */ kbind_p sav_ktp = ktp ; while( (++ktp)->k_code != 0) ; ktp -= 1 ; /* backup to the last legit entry */ /* copy the last entry to the current one */ sav_ktp->k_code = ktp->k_code ; sav_ktp->k_nbp = ktp->k_nbp ; /* null out the last one */ ktp->k_code = 0 ; ktp->k_nbp = NULL ; return TRUE ; } } return FALSE ; } /* * This function looks a key binding up in the binding table * * int c; key to find what is bound to it */ kbind_p getkeybinding( unsigned c) { kbind_p ktp ; for( ktp = keytab ; ktp->k_code != 0 ; ktp++) if (ktp->k_code == c) break ; return ktp ; } #define BINARY 1 nbind_p fncmatch( char *name) { #ifdef BINARY int found = lastnmidx ; int low = 0 ; int high = found - 1 ; do { int cur = (high + low) / 2 ; int s = strcmp( name, bind_name( &names[ cur])) ; if( s < 0) high = cur - 1 ; else if( s == 0) { found = cur ; break ; } else low = cur + 1 ; } while( low <= high) ; return &names[ found] ; #else nbind_p nbp ; for( nbp = names ; nbp->n_func != NULL ; nbp++) if( !strcmp( name, bind_name( nbp))) break ; return nbp ; #endif } /* user function that does NOTHING */ BINDABLE( nullproc) { return TRUE ; } /* dummy function for binding to meta prefix */ BINDABLE( metafn) { return TRUE ; } /* dummy function for binding to control-x prefix */ BINDABLE( cex) { return TRUE ; } /* dummy function for binding to universal-argument */ BINDABLE( unarg) { return TRUE ; } /* end of names.c */