/*	exec.c
 *	This file is for functions dealing with execution of
 *	commands, command lines, buffers, files and startup files.
 *	written 1986 by Daniel Lawrence
 *	modified by Petri Kutvonen

#include <stdio.h>

#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "line.h"

 * Execute a named command even if it is not bound.
int namedcmd(int f, int n)
	fn_t kfunc;	/* ptr to the requexted function to bind to */

	/* prompt the user to type a named command */
	mlwrite(": ");

	/* and now get the function name to execute */
	kfunc = getname();
	if (kfunc == NULL) {
		mlwrite("(No such function)");
		return FALSE;

	/* and then execute the command */
	return kfunc(f, n);

 * execcmd:
 *	Execute a command line command to be typed in
 *	by the user
 * int f, n;		default Flag and Numeric argument
int execcmd(int f, int n)
	int status;	/* status return */
	char cmdstr[NSTRING];	/* string holding command to execute */

	/* get the line wanted */
	if ((status = mlreply(": ", cmdstr, NSTRING)) != TRUE)
		return status;

	execlevel = 0;
	return docmd(cmdstr);

 * docmd:
 *	take a passed string as a command line and translate
 * 	it to be executed as a command. This function will be
 *	used by execute-command-line and by all source and
 *	startup files. Lastflag/thisflag is also updated.
 *	format of the command line is:
 *		{# arg} <command-name> {<argument string(s)>}
 * char *cline;		command line to execute
int docmd(char *cline)
	int f;		/* default argument flag */
	int n;		/* numeric repeat value */
	fn_t fnc;		/* function to execute */
	int status;		/* return status of function */
	int oldcle;		/* old contents of clexec flag */
	char *oldestr;		/* original exec string */
	char tkn[NSTRING];	/* next token off of command line */

	/* if we are scanning and not executing..go back here */
	if (execlevel)
		return TRUE;

	oldestr = execstr;	/* save last ptr to string to execute */
	execstr = cline;	/* and set this one as current */

	/* first set up the default command values */
	f = FALSE;
	n = 1;
	lastflag = thisflag;
	thisflag = 0;

	if ((status = macarg(tkn)) != TRUE) {	/* and grab the first token */
		execstr = oldestr;
		return status;

	/* process leadin argument */
	if (gettyp(tkn) != TKCMD) {
		f = TRUE;
		strcpy(tkn, getval(tkn));
		n = atoi(tkn);

		/* and now get the command to execute */
		if ((status = macarg(tkn)) != TRUE) {
			execstr = oldestr;
			return status;

	/* and match the token to see if it exists */
	if ((fnc = fncmatch(tkn)) == NULL) {
		mlwrite("(No such Function)");
		execstr = oldestr;
		return FALSE;

	/* save the arguments and go execute the command */
	oldcle = clexec;	/* save old clexec flag */
	clexec = TRUE;		/* in cline execution */
	status = (*fnc) (f, n);	/* call the function */
	cmdstatus = status;	/* save the status */
	clexec = oldcle;	/* restore clexec flag */
	execstr = oldestr;
	return status;

 * token:
 *	chop a token off a string
 *	return a pointer past the token
 * char *src, *tok;	source string, destination token string
 * int size;		maximum size of token
char *token(char *src, char *tok, int size)
	int quotef;	/* is the current string quoted? */
	char c;	/* temporary character */

	/* first scan past any whitespace in the source string */
	while (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t')

	/* scan through the source string */
	quotef = FALSE;
	while (*src) {
		/* process special characters */
		if (*src == '~') {
			if (*src == 0)
			switch (*src++) {
			case 'r':
				c = 13;
			case 'n':
				c = 10;
			case 't':
				c = 9;
			case 'b':
				c = 8;
			case 'f':
				c = 12;
				c = *(src - 1);
			if (--size > 0) {
				*tok++ = c;
		} else {
			/* check for the end of the token */
			if (quotef) {
				if (*src == '"')
			} else {
				if (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t')

			/* set quote mode if quote found */
			if (*src == '"')
				quotef = TRUE;

			/* record the character */
			c = *src++;
			if (--size > 0)
				*tok++ = c;

	/* terminate the token and exit */
	if (*src)
	*tok = 0;
	return src;

 * get a macro line argument
 * char *tok;		buffer to place argument
int macarg(char *tok)
	int savcle;		/* buffer to store original clexec */
	int status;

	savcle = clexec;	/* save execution mode */
	clexec = TRUE;		/* get the argument */
	status = nextarg("", tok, NSTRING, ctoec('\n'));
	clexec = savcle;	/* restore execution mode */
	return status;

 * nextarg:
 *	get the next argument
 * char *prompt;		prompt to use if we must be interactive
 * char *buffer;		buffer to put token into
 * int size;			size of the buffer
 * int terminator;		terminating char to be used on interactive fetch
int nextarg(char *prompt, char *buffer, int size, int terminator)
	/* if we are interactive, go get it! */
	if (clexec == FALSE)
		return getstring(prompt, buffer, size, terminator);

	/* grab token and advance past */
	execstr = token(execstr, buffer, size);

	/* evaluate it */
	strcpy(buffer, getval(buffer));
	return TRUE;

 * storemac:
 *	Set up a macro buffer and flag to store all
 *	executed command lines there
 * int f;		default flag
 * int n;		macro number to use
int storemac(int f, int n)
	struct buffer *bp;	/* pointer to macro buffer */
	char bname[NBUFN];	/* name of buffer to use */

	/* must have a numeric argument to this function */
	if (f == FALSE) {
		mlwrite("No macro specified");
		return FALSE;

	/* range check the macro number */
	if (n < 1 || n > 40) {
		mlwrite("Macro number out of range");
		return FALSE;

	/* construct the macro buffer name */
	strcpy(bname, "*Macro xx*");
	bname[7] = '0' + (n / 10);
	bname[8] = '0' + (n % 10);

	/* set up the new macro buffer */
	if ((bp = bfind(bname, TRUE, BFINVS)) == NULL) {
		mlwrite("Can not create macro");
		return FALSE;

	/* and make sure it is empty */

	/* and set the macro store pointers to it */
	mstore = TRUE;
	bstore = bp;
	return TRUE;

#if	PROC
 * storeproc:
 *	Set up a procedure buffer and flag to store all
 *	executed command lines there
 * int f;		default flag
 * int n;		macro number to use
int storeproc(int f, int n)
	struct buffer *bp;	/* pointer to macro buffer */
	int status;	/* return status */
	char bname[NBUFN];	/* name of buffer to use */

	/* a numeric argument means its a numbered macro */
	if (f == TRUE)
		return storemac(f, n);

	/* get the name of the procedure */
	if ((status =
	     mlreply("Procedure name: ", &bname[1], NBUFN - 2)) != TRUE)
		return status;

	/* construct the macro buffer name */
	bname[0] = '*';
	strcat(bname, "*");

	/* set up the new macro buffer */
	if ((bp = bfind(bname, TRUE, BFINVS)) == NULL) {
		mlwrite("Can not create macro");
		return FALSE;

	/* and make sure it is empty */

	/* and set the macro store pointers to it */
	mstore = TRUE;
	bstore = bp;
	return TRUE;

 * execproc:
 *	Execute a procedure
 * int f, n;		default flag and numeric arg
int execproc(int f, int n)
	struct buffer *bp;	/* ptr to buffer to execute */
	int status;	/* status return */
	char bufn[NBUFN + 2];	/* name of buffer to execute */

	/* find out what buffer the user wants to execute */
	if ((status =
	     mlreply("Execute procedure: ", &bufn[1], NBUFN)) != TRUE)
		return status;

	/* construct the buffer name */
	bufn[0] = '*';
	strcat(bufn, "*");

	/* find the pointer to that buffer */
	if ((bp = bfind(bufn, FALSE, 0)) == NULL) {
		mlwrite("No such procedure");
		return FALSE;

	/* and now execute it as asked */
	while (n-- > 0)
		if ((status = dobuf(bp)) != TRUE)
			return status;
	return TRUE;

 * execbuf:
 *	Execute the contents of a buffer of commands
 * int f, n;		default flag and numeric arg
int execbuf(int f, int n)
	struct buffer *bp;	/* ptr to buffer to execute */
	int status;	/* status return */
	char bufn[NSTRING];	/* name of buffer to execute */

	/* find out what buffer the user wants to execute */
	if ((status = mlreply("Execute buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN)) != TRUE)
		return status;

	/* find the pointer to that buffer */
	if ((bp = bfind(bufn, FALSE, 0)) == NULL) {
		mlwrite("No such buffer");
		return FALSE;

	/* and now execute it as asked */
	while (n-- > 0)
		if ((status = dobuf(bp)) != TRUE)
			return status;
	return TRUE;

 * dobuf:
 *	execute the contents of the buffer pointed to
 *	by the passed BP
 *	Directives start with a "!" and include:
 *	!endm		End a macro
 *	!if (cond)	conditional execution
 *	!else
 *	!endif
 *	!return		Return (terminating current macro)
 *	!goto <label>	Jump to a label in the current macro
 *	!force		Force macro to continue...even if command fails
 *	!while (cond)	Execute a loop if the condition is true
 *	!endwhile
 *	Line Labels begin with a "*" as the first nonblank char, like:
 *	*LBL01
 * struct buffer *bp;		buffer to execute
int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
	int status;	/* status return */
	struct line *lp;	/* pointer to line to execute */
	struct line *hlp;	/* pointer to line header */
	struct line *glp;	/* line to goto */
	struct line *mp;		/* Macro line storage temp */
	int dirnum;		/* directive index */
	int linlen;		/* length of line to execute */
	int i;			/* index */
	int c;			/* temp character */
	int force;		/* force TRUE result? */
	struct window *wp;		/* ptr to windows to scan */
	struct while_block *whlist;	/* ptr to !WHILE list */
	struct while_block *scanner;	/* ptr during scan */
	struct while_block *whtemp;	/* temporary ptr to a struct while_block */
	char *einit;		/* initial value of eline */
	char *eline;		/* text of line to execute */
	char tkn[NSTRING];	/* buffer to evaluate an expresion in */

	char *sp;		/* temp for building debug string */
	char *ep;	/* ptr to end of outline */

	/* clear IF level flags/while ptr */
	execlevel = 0;
	whlist = NULL;
	scanner = NULL;

	/* scan the buffer to execute, building WHILE header blocks */
	hlp = bp->b_linep;
	lp = hlp->l_fp;
	while (lp != hlp) {
		/* scan the current line */
		eline = lp->l_text;
		i = lp->l_used;

		/* trim leading whitespace */
		while (i-- > 0 && (*eline == ' ' || *eline == '\t'))

		/* if theres nothing here, don't bother */
		if (i <= 0)
			goto nxtscan;

		/* if is a while directive, make a block... */
		if (eline[0] == '!' && eline[1] == 'w' && eline[2] == 'h') {
			whtemp = (struct while_block *)malloc(sizeof(struct while_block));
			if (whtemp == NULL) {
				    ("%%Out of memory during while scan");
				return FALSE;
			whtemp->w_begin = lp;
			whtemp->w_type = BTWHILE;
			whtemp->w_next = scanner;
			scanner = whtemp;

		/* if is a BREAK directive, make a block... */
		if (eline[0] == '!' && eline[1] == 'b' && eline[2] == 'r') {
			if (scanner == NULL) {
				    ("%%!BREAK outside of any !WHILE loop");
				goto failexit;
			whtemp = (struct while_block *)malloc(sizeof(struct while_block));
			if (whtemp == NULL)
				goto noram;
			whtemp->w_begin = lp;
			whtemp->w_type = BTBREAK;
			whtemp->w_next = scanner;
			scanner = whtemp;

		/* if it is an endwhile directive, record the spot... */
		if (eline[0] == '!' && strncmp(&eline[1], "endw", 4) == 0) {
			if (scanner == NULL) {
				    ("%%!ENDWHILE with no preceding !WHILE in '%s'",
				goto failexit;
			/* move top records from the scanner list to the
			   whlist until we have moved all BREAK records
			   and one WHILE record */
			do {
				scanner->w_end = lp;
				whtemp = whlist;
				whlist = scanner;
				scanner = scanner->w_next;
				whlist->w_next = whtemp;
			} while (whlist->w_type == BTBREAK);

	      nxtscan:		/* on to the next line */
		lp = lp->l_fp;

	/* while and endwhile should match! */
	if (scanner != NULL) {
		mlwrite("%%!WHILE with no matching !ENDWHILE in '%s'",
		goto failexit;

	/* let the first command inherit the flags from the last one.. */
	thisflag = lastflag;

	/* starting at the beginning of the buffer */
	hlp = bp->b_linep;
	lp = hlp->l_fp;
	while (lp != hlp) {
		/* allocate eline and copy macro line to it */
		linlen = lp->l_used;
		if ((einit = eline = malloc(linlen + 1)) == NULL) {
			mlwrite("%%Out of Memory during macro execution");
			return FALSE;
		strncpy(eline, lp->l_text, linlen);
		eline[linlen] = 0;	/* make sure it ends */

		/* trim leading whitespace */
		while (*eline == ' ' || *eline == '\t')

		/* dump comments and blank lines */
		if (*eline == ';' || *eline == 0)
			goto onward;

		/* if $debug == TRUE, every line to execute
		   gets echoed and a key needs to be pressed to continue
		   ^G will abort the command */

		if (macbug) {
			strcpy(outline, "<<<");

			/* debug macro name */
			strcat(outline, bp->b_bname);
			strcat(outline, ":");

			/* debug if levels */
			strcat(outline, itoa(execlevel));
			strcat(outline, ":");

			/* and lastly the line */
			strcat(outline, eline);
			strcat(outline, ">>>");

			/* change all '%' to ':' so mlwrite won't expect arguments */
			sp = outline;
			while (*sp)
				if (*sp++ == '%') {
					/* advance to the end */
					ep = --sp;
					while (*ep++);
					/* null terminate the string one out */
					*(ep + 1) = 0;
					/* copy backwards */
					while (ep-- > sp)
						*(ep + 1) = *ep;

					/* and advance sp past the new % */
					sp += 2;

			/* write out the debug line */

			/* and get the keystroke */
			if ((c = get1key()) == abortc) {
				mlforce("(Macro aborted)");
				return FALSE;

			if (c == metac)
				macbug = FALSE;

		/* Parse directives here.... */
		dirnum = -1;
		if (*eline == '!') {
			/* Find out which directive this is */
			for (dirnum = 0; dirnum < NUMDIRS; dirnum++)
				if (strncmp(eline, dname[dirnum],
					    strlen(dname[dirnum])) == 0)

			/* and bitch if it's illegal */
			if (dirnum == NUMDIRS) {
				mlwrite("%%Unknown Directive");
				return FALSE;

			/* service only the !ENDM macro here */
			if (dirnum == DENDM) {
				mstore = FALSE;
				bstore = NULL;
				goto onward;

			/* restore the original eline.... */

		/* if macro store is on, just salt this away */
		if (mstore) {
			/* allocate the space for the line */
			linlen = strlen(eline);
			if ((mp = lalloc(linlen)) == NULL) {
				    ("Out of memory while storing macro");
				return FALSE;

			/* copy the text into the new line */
			for (i = 0; i < linlen; ++i)
				lputc(mp, i, eline[i]);

			/* attach the line to the end of the buffer */
			bstore->b_linep->l_bp->l_fp = mp;
			mp->l_bp = bstore->b_linep->l_bp;
			bstore->b_linep->l_bp = mp;
			mp->l_fp = bstore->b_linep;
			goto onward;

		force = FALSE;

		/* dump comments */
		if (*eline == '*')
			goto onward;

		/* now, execute directives */
		if (dirnum != -1) {
			/* skip past the directive */
			while (*eline && *eline != ' ' && *eline != '\t')
			execstr = eline;

			switch (dirnum) {
			case DIF:	/* IF directive */
				/* grab the value of the logical exp */
				if (execlevel == 0) {
					if (macarg(tkn) != TRUE)
						goto eexec;
					if (stol(tkn) == FALSE)
				} else
				goto onward;

			case DWHILE:	/* WHILE directive */
				/* grab the value of the logical exp */
				if (execlevel == 0) {
					if (macarg(tkn) != TRUE)
						goto eexec;
					if (stol(tkn) == TRUE)
						goto onward;
				/* drop down and act just like !BREAK */

			case DBREAK:	/* BREAK directive */
				if (dirnum == DBREAK && execlevel)
					goto onward;

				/* jump down to the endwhile */
				/* find the right while loop */
				whtemp = whlist;
				while (whtemp) {
					if (whtemp->w_begin == lp)
					whtemp = whtemp->w_next;

				if (whtemp == NULL) {
					    ("%%Internal While loop error");
					return FALSE;

				/* reset the line pointer back.. */
				lp = whtemp->w_end;
				goto onward;

			case DELSE:	/* ELSE directive */
				if (execlevel == 1)
				else if (execlevel == 0)
				goto onward;

			case DENDIF:	/* ENDIF directive */
				if (execlevel)
				goto onward;

			case DGOTO:	/* GOTO directive */
				/* .....only if we are currently executing */
				if (execlevel == 0) {

					/* grab label to jump to */
					eline =
					    token(eline, golabel, NPAT);
					linlen = strlen(golabel);
					glp = hlp->l_fp;
					while (glp != hlp) {
						if (*glp->l_text == '*' &&
						      linlen) == 0)) {
							lp = glp;
							goto onward;
						glp = glp->l_fp;
					mlwrite("%%No such label");
					return FALSE;
				goto onward;

			case DRETURN:	/* RETURN directive */
				if (execlevel == 0)
					goto eexec;
				goto onward;

			case DENDWHILE:	/* ENDWHILE directive */
				if (execlevel) {
					goto onward;
				} else {
					/* find the right while loop */
					whtemp = whlist;
					while (whtemp) {
						if (whtemp->w_type ==
						    && whtemp->w_end == lp)
						whtemp = whtemp->w_next;

					if (whtemp == NULL) {
						    ("%%Internal While loop error");
						return FALSE;

					/* reset the line pointer back.. */
					lp = whtemp->w_begin->l_bp;
					goto onward;

			case DFORCE:	/* FORCE directive */
				force = TRUE;


		/* execute the statement */
		status = docmd(eline);
		if (force)	/* force the status */
			status = TRUE;

		/* check for a command error */
		if (status != TRUE) {
			/* look if buffer is showing */
			wp = wheadp;
			while (wp != NULL) {
				if (wp->w_bufp == bp) {
					/* and point it */
					wp->w_dotp = lp;
					wp->w_doto = 0;
					wp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
				wp = wp->w_wndp;
			/* in any case set the buffer . */
			bp->b_dotp = lp;
			bp->b_doto = 0;
			execlevel = 0;
			return status;

	      onward:		/* on to the next line */
		lp = lp->l_fp;

      eexec:			/* exit the current function */
	execlevel = 0;
	return TRUE;

 * free a list of while block pointers
 * struct while_block *wp;		head of structure to free
void freewhile(struct while_block *wp)
	if (wp == NULL)
	if (wp->w_next)

 * execute a series of commands in a file
 * int f, n;		default flag and numeric arg to pass on to file
int execfile(int f, int n)
	int status;	/* return status of name query */
	char fname[NSTRING];	/* name of file to execute */
	char *fspec;		/* full file spec */

	if ((status =
	     mlreply("File to execute: ", fname, NSTRING - 1)) != TRUE)
		return status;

#if	1
	/* look up the path for the file */
	fspec = flook(fname, FALSE);	/* used to by TRUE, P.K. */

	/* if it isn't around */
	if (fspec == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* otherwise, execute it */
	while (n-- > 0)
		if ((status = dofile(fspec)) != TRUE)
			return status;

	return TRUE;

 * dofile:
 *	yank a file into a buffer and execute it
 *	if there are no errors, delete the buffer on exit
 * char *fname;		file name to execute
int dofile(char *fname)
	struct buffer *bp;	/* buffer to place file to exeute */
	struct buffer *cb;	/* temp to hold current buf while we read */
	int status;	/* results of various calls */
	char bname[NBUFN];	/* name of buffer */

	makename(bname, fname);	/* derive the name of the buffer */
	unqname(bname);		/* make sure we don't stomp things */
	if ((bp = bfind(bname, TRUE, 0)) == NULL)	/* get the needed buffer */
		return FALSE;

	bp->b_mode = MDVIEW;	/* mark the buffer as read only */
	cb = curbp;		/* save the old buffer */
	curbp = bp;		/* make this one current */
	/* and try to read in the file to execute */
	if ((status = readin(fname, FALSE)) != TRUE) {
		curbp = cb;	/* restore the current buffer */
		return status;

	/* go execute it! */
	curbp = cb;		/* restore the current buffer */
	if ((status = dobuf(bp)) != TRUE)
		return status;

	/* if not displayed, remove the now unneeded buffer and exit */
	if (bp->b_nwnd == 0)
	return TRUE;

 * cbuf:
 *	Execute the contents of a numbered buffer
 * int f, n;		default flag and numeric arg
 * int bufnum;		number of buffer to execute
int cbuf(int f, int n, int bufnum)
	struct buffer *bp;	/* ptr to buffer to execute */
	int status;	/* status return */
	static char bufname[] = "*Macro xx*";

	/* make the buffer name */
	bufname[7] = '0' + (bufnum / 10);
	bufname[8] = '0' + (bufnum % 10);

	/* find the pointer to that buffer */
	if ((bp = bfind(bufname, FALSE, 0)) == NULL) {
		mlwrite("Macro not defined");
		return FALSE;

	/* and now execute it as asked */
	while (n-- > 0)
		if ((status = dobuf(bp)) != TRUE)
			return status;
	return TRUE;

int cbuf1(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 1);

int cbuf2(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 2);

int cbuf3(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 3);

int cbuf4(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 4);

int cbuf5(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 5);

int cbuf6(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 6);

int cbuf7(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 7);

int cbuf8(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 8);

int cbuf9(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 9);

int cbuf10(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 10);

int cbuf11(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 11);

int cbuf12(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 12);

int cbuf13(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 13);

int cbuf14(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 14);

int cbuf15(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 15);

int cbuf16(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 16);

int cbuf17(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 17);

int cbuf18(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 18);

int cbuf19(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 19);

int cbuf20(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 20);

int cbuf21(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 21);

int cbuf22(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 22);

int cbuf23(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 23);

int cbuf24(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 24);

int cbuf25(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 25);

int cbuf26(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 26);

int cbuf27(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 27);

int cbuf28(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 28);

int cbuf29(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 29);

int cbuf30(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 30);

int cbuf31(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 31);

int cbuf32(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 32);

int cbuf33(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 33);

int cbuf34(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 34);

int cbuf35(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 35);

int cbuf36(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 36);

int cbuf37(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 37);

int cbuf38(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 38);

int cbuf39(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 39);

int cbuf40(int f, int n)
	return cbuf(f, n, 40);