#include "defines.h" /* #include "estruct.h" */ #include "edef.h" /* initialized global definitions */ int fillcol = 72; /* Current fill column */ int eolexist = TRUE; /* does clear to EOL exist */ int revexist = FALSE; /* does reverse video exist? */ int flickcode = FALSE; /* do flicker supression? */ int sgarbf = TRUE; /* TRUE if screen is garbage */ int clexec = FALSE; /* command line execution flag */ int discmd = TRUE; /* display command flag */ int disinp = TRUE; /* display input characters */ int metac = CONTROL | '['; /* current meta character */ int ctlxc = CONTROL | 'X'; /* current control X prefix char */ int reptc = CONTROL | 'U'; /* current universal repeat char */ int abortc = CONTROL | 'G'; /* current abort command char */ int tabmask = 0x07; /* tabulator mask */ int restflag = FALSE; /* restricted use? */ long envram = 0l; /* # of bytes current in use by malloc */ int rval = 0; /* return value of a subprocess */ int overlap = 0; /* line overlap in forw/back page */ int scrollcount = 1; /* number of lines to scroll */ /* uninitialized global definitions */ int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */ int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */ int curgoal; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */ char sres[NBUFN]; /* current screen resolution */