# README # µEMACS (ue) on Cygwin/Linux/NetBSD, based on uEmacs/PK (em) from [kernel.org]( https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/editors/uemacs/uemacs.git/). ### Changes compare to uEmacs/PK ### * Line termination detection with new buffer mode (either Unix or DOS). * Encoding detection (ASCII, Extended ASCII, UTF-8 or Mixed). * Some fixes related to size either unchecked or limited (strcpy, insert-string, filenames, $kill). * Major refactoring of headers and file dependencies, hopefully to improve maintenance. * Some defaults changed due to 'finger habits': ue instead of em, ^S in commands mapping... ### Unicode (UTF-8) support ### * gcc limitation on Windows (__WCHAR_WIDTH__ 16). * Display of double and zero width characters ongoing. ### How to build ### * dependencies: gcc, gmake, ncurses-devel. * make