/* cstartup.c -- data and bss RAM memory initialization ** Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Renaud Fivet */ /* Memory locations defined by linker script */ void __StackTop( void) ; /* __StackTop points after end of stack */ void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */ extern const long __etext[] ; /* start of initialized data copy in flash */ extern long __data_start__[] ; extern long __bss_start__[] ; extern long __bss_end__ ; /* &__bss_end__ points after end of bss */ /* Interrupt vector table: * 1 Stack Pointer reset value * 15 System Exceptions * NN Device specific Interrupts */ typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ; isr_p const isr_vector[ 2] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = { __StackTop, /* System Exceptions */ Reset_Handler } ; int main( void) ; void Reset_Handler( void) { const long *f ; /* from, source constant data from FLASH */ long *t ; /* to, destination in RAM */ /* Assume: ** __bss_start__ == __data_end__ ** All sections are 4 bytes aligned */ f = __etext ; for( t = __data_start__ ; t < __bss_start__ ; t += 1) *t = *f++ ; while( t < &__bss_end__) *t++ = 0 ; main() ; for( ;;) ; } /** Test code: main.c *********************************************************/ const char hexa[] = "0123456789abcdef" ; long first = 1 ; long i ; int main( void) { static char c = 'a' ; char *cp = &c ; *cp += i ; i += hexa[ 13] - c + first++ ; return 0 ; } /* end of cstartup.c */