1.7 C Startup

The C compiler uses a memory model where the RAM is divided into four contiguous sections. The linker provides the symbols needed to make sure the initial state meet the requirements of this memory model. So I need to write a piece of code to use those symbols to initialize or clear the RAM accordingly.
SectionDescription                                  │
│ data    │ static initialized, initial values in flash  │
│ bss     │ static unassigned, cleared                   │
│ heap    │ dynamically allocated, user managed          │
│ stack   │ automatically allocated, stack frame managed │
My bootstrap since the first boot.c already initializes the stack. I need now to copy the initial values from flash to the data section and clear the bss section.

You can check your understanding of the C memory model by looking at the C test code below and figuring where the linker will allocate the variables.

/** Test code: main.c *********************************************************/

const char hexa[] = "0123456789abcdef" ;
long first = 1 ;
long i ;

int main( void) {
    static char c = 'a' ;
    char *cp = &c ;

    *cp += i ;
    i += hexa[ 13] - c + first++ ;
    return 0 ;

Evolving the bootstrap

First I make a copy of boot.c into cstartup.c.

I add the symbols defined by the linker script:

I rework Reset_handler() to: Finally I append the test code for validation.
/* Memory locations defined by linker script */
extern long __StackTop ;        /* &__StackTop points after end of stack */
void Reset_Handler( void) ;     /* Entry point for execution */
extern const long __etext[] ;   /* start of initialized data copy in flash */
extern long __data_start__[] ;
extern long __bss_start__[] ;
extern long __bss_end__ ;       /* &__bss_end__ points after end of bss */

/* Interrupt vector table:
 * 1  Stack Pointer reset value
 * 15 System Exceptions
 * NN Device specific Interrupts
typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ;
isr_p const isr_vector[ 2] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = {
    (isr_p) &__StackTop,
/* System Exceptions */
} ;

extern int main( void) ;

void Reset_Handler( void) {
    const long  *f ;    /* from, source constant data from FLASH */
    long    *t ;        /* to, destination in RAM */

/* Assume:
**  __bss_start__ == __data_end__
**  All sections are 4 bytes aligned
    f = __etext ;
    for( t = __data_start__ ; t < __bss_start__ ; t += 1)
        *t = *f++ ;

    while( t < &__bss_end__)
        *t++ = 0 ;

    main() ;
    for( ;;) ;

/** Test code: main.c *********************************************************/

const char hexa[] = "0123456789abcdef" ;
long first = 1 ;
long i ;

int main( void) {
    static char c = 'a' ;
    char *cp = &c ;

    *cp += i ;
    i += hexa[ 13] - c + first++ ;
    return 0 ;


Building a binary, I can see that the data and bss sections are not empty anymore and their sizes match my estimations.
$ make cstartup.bin
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    121       8       4     133      85 cstartup.elf
rm cstartup.o cstartup.elf
If I look further in the cstartup.map generated by the linker.
.text           0x08000000       0x79
 .isr_vector    0x08000000        0x8 cstartup.o
                0x08000000                isr_vector
 .text          0x08000008       0x34 cstartup.o
                0x08000008                Reset_Handler
 .text.startup  0x0800003c       0x2c cstartup.o
                0x0800003c                main
 .rodata        0x08000068       0x11 cstartup.o
                0x08000068                hexa
.data           0x20000000        0x8 load address 0x0800007c
                0x20000000                __data_start__ = .
 .data          0x20000000        0x8 cstartup.o
                0x20000004                first
                0x20000008                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                0x20000008                __data_end__ = .
.bss            0x20000008        0x4 load address 0x08000084
                0x20000008                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                0x20000008                __bss_start__ = .
 .bss           0x20000008        0x0 cstartup.o
 COMMON         0x20000008        0x4 cstartup.o
                0x20000008                i
                0x2000000c                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                0x2000000c                __bss_end__ = .
                0x20001000                __StackTop = (ORIGIN (RAM) + LENGTH (RAM))
A hexadecimal dump of cstartup.bin confirms that the initial value of c is at offset 0x7c, which also means that c has been located at 0x20000000.
$ hexdump -C cstartup.bin
00000000  00 10 00 20 09 00 00 08  10 b5 08 4a 08 4b 09 49  |... .......J.K.I|
00000010  8b 42 06 d3 00 21 08 4a  93 42 05 d3 00 f0 0e f8  |.B...!.J.B......|
00000020  fe e7 01 ca 01 c3 f3 e7  02 c3 f5 e7 7c 00 00 08  |............|...|
00000030  00 00 00 20 08 00 00 20  0c 00 00 20 30 b5 08 49  |... ... ... 0..I|
00000040  08 48 0a 78 04 68 4b 68  12 19 d2 b2 5d 1c 9b 1a  |.H.x.hKh....]...|
00000050  64 33 1b 19 4d 60 03 60  0a 70 00 20 30 bd c0 46  |d3..M`.`.p. 0..F|
00000060  00 00 00 20 08 00 00 20  30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  |... ... 01234567|
00000070  38 39 61 62 63 64 65 66  00 00 00 00 61 00 00 00  |89abcdef....a...|
00000080  01 00 00 00                                       |....|


I use the STM32 Cube Programmer to check that the code behaves as expected by checking the RAM content after main() has been executed.

RAM display in STM32 Cube Programmer


I have now a sample bootstrap that puts the RAM memory in a state required for a C startup.

Next, I will merge the C startup initialization with the ledtick code.

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