/* startup.crc.c -- entry point at reset and C startup ** Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Renaud Fivet ** v8: flash CRC32 validation ** v7: isr vector mapped to RAM to enable in RAM execution ** v6: device specific interrupts mapped ** v5: System Exceptions mapped ** v4: calls to init() and main() ** v3: data and bss RAM memory initialization ** v2: SysTick System Exception mapped ** v1: stack and entry point */ #include "system.h" /* init() */ #include "stm32f030xx.h" /* Memory locations defined by linker script */ void __StackTop( void) ; /* __StackTop points after end of stack */ void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */ extern const long __etext[] ; /* start of initialized data copy in flash */ extern long __data_start__[] ; extern long __bss_start__[] ; extern long __bss_end__ ; /* &__bss_end__ points after end of bss */ /* Stubs for System Exception Handler */ void Default_Handler( void) ; #define dflt_hndlr( fun) void fun##_Handler( void) \ __attribute__((weak,alias("Default_Handler"))) dflt_hndlr( NMI) ; dflt_hndlr( HardFault) ; dflt_hndlr( SVCall) ; dflt_hndlr( PendSV) ; dflt_hndlr( SysTick) ; dflt_hndlr( WWDG) ; dflt_hndlr( RTC) ; dflt_hndlr( FLASH) ; dflt_hndlr( RCC) ; dflt_hndlr( EXTI0_1) ; dflt_hndlr( EXTI2_3) ; dflt_hndlr( EXTI4_15) ; dflt_hndlr( DMA_CH1) ; dflt_hndlr( DMA_CH2_3) ; dflt_hndlr( DMA_CH4_5) ; dflt_hndlr( ADC) ; dflt_hndlr( TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM) ; dflt_hndlr( TIM1_CC) ; dflt_hndlr( TIM3) ; dflt_hndlr( TIM6) ; dflt_hndlr( TIM14) ; dflt_hndlr( TIM15) ; dflt_hndlr( TIM16) ; dflt_hndlr( TIM17) ; dflt_hndlr( I2C1) ; dflt_hndlr( I2C2) ; dflt_hndlr( SPI1) ; dflt_hndlr( SPI2) ; dflt_hndlr( USART1) ; dflt_hndlr( USART2) ; dflt_hndlr( USART3_4_5_6) ; dflt_hndlr( USB) ; /* Interrupt vector table: * 1 Stack Pointer reset value * 15 System Exceptions * 32 Device specific Interrupts */ typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ; isr_p const isr_vector[ 16 + 32] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = { __StackTop, /* System Exceptions */ Reset_Handler, NMI_Handler, HardFault_Handler, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SVCall_Handler, 0, 0, PendSV_Handler, SysTick_Handler, /* STM32F030xx specific Interrupts cf RM0360 */ WWDG_Handler, 0, RTC_Handler, FLASH_Handler, RCC_Handler, EXTI0_1_Handler, EXTI2_3_Handler, EXTI4_15_Handler, 0, DMA_CH1_Handler, DMA_CH2_3_Handler, DMA_CH4_5_Handler, ADC_Handler, TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_Handler, TIM1_CC_Handler, 0, TIM3_Handler, TIM6_Handler, 0, TIM14_Handler, TIM15_Handler, TIM16_Handler, TIM17_Handler, I2C1_Handler, I2C2_Handler, SPI1_Handler, SPI2_Handler, USART1_Handler, USART2_Handler, USART3_4_5_6_Handler, 0, USB_Handler } ; #if RAMISRV == 2 # define ISRV_SIZE (sizeof isr_vector / sizeof *isr_vector) isr_p ram_vector[ ISRV_SIZE] __attribute__((section(".ram_vector"))) ; #endif int main( void) ; #ifdef CRC32SIGN const unsigned crcsum __attribute__((section(".crc_chk"))) = 0xDEC0ADDE ; static int check_flash( void) { int ret = 0 ; /* Flash CRC validation */ RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN ; /* Enable CRC periph */ CRC_CR = 1 ; /* Reset */ if( CRC_DR == 0xFFFFFFFF) { /* CRC periph is alive and resetted */ const unsigned *wp = (const unsigned *) isr_vector ; while( wp <= &crcsum) CRC_DR = *wp++ ; ret = CRC_DR == 0 ; } RCC_AHBENR &= ~RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN ; /* Disable CRC periph */ return ret ; } #endif void Reset_Handler( void) { const long *f ; /* from, source constant data from FLASH */ long *t ; /* to, destination in RAM */ #if RAMISRV == 2 /* Copy isr vector to beginning of RAM */ for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < ISRV_SIZE ; i++) ram_vector[ i] = isr_vector[ i] ; #endif /* Assume: ** __bss_start__ == __data_end__ ** All sections are 4 bytes aligned */ f = __etext ; for( t = __data_start__ ; t < __bss_start__ ; t += 1) *t = *f++ ; while( t < &__bss_end__) *t++ = 0 ; /* Make sure active isr vector is mapped at 0x0 before enabling interrupts */ RCC_APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN ; /* Enable SYSCFG */ #if RAMISRV SYSCFG_CFGR1 |= 3 ; /* Map RAM at 0x0 */ #else SYSCFG_CFGR1 &= ~3 ; /* Map FLASH at 0x0 */ #endif if( #ifdef CRC32SIGN check_flash() && #endif init() == 0) main() ; for( ;;) __asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for interrupt */ } void Default_Handler( void) { for( ;;) ; } /* end of startup.crc.c */