#!/usr/bin/perl # helps facilitate the applications of multiple filters in-line # set as teh main vee-filter, and it will apply the stream to the # set filters in the order listed use strict; use warnings; $|++; # define filter dir here my $FILTERDIR = "sample-filters/"; # add new filters to the list - note, they are run in top-down order # warning - filters are not checked for existence first my @FILTERS = ( "$FILTERDIR/vee-filter.sh", "$FILTERDIR/vee-filter.pl", ,); # # automated from here on out - do not touch # my $FILTERS = join("|",@FILTERS); my $out = ""; # loop over STDIN and capture qscript while (<>) { $out .= $_; } # open pipe to filters, execute open(FILTER, "|$FILTERS"); # send contents of qscript to filters print FILTER $out; close(FILTER);