#!/bin/sh VERSION=2.0-rc1 if [ ! "$EDITOR" ]; then EDITOR=vi fi MARGIN=67 FORMAT=html INDEX=vee.html DIR=.vee DRAFT="$DIR/.vee.tmp.$$" USE_EDITOR=1 LISTENSTDIN=0 _CUSTOM_UMASK= # use -U to force to 0022 or -u to set something during post PUBLISHED=$(date "+%m/%d/%Y") # date formated for index page entry SORT_NEWEST="sort -t. -nr" # sorts all new to old SORT_OLDEST="sort -t. -n" # sorts all old to new RAWEXT=raw # default .raw (non-HTML) files, can change to .txt or something else in .veerc # also used for updating $GOPHERMAP when $GOPHERMODE is 1 (-g) or 2 (-G) DATE=$(date) YEAR=$(date "+%Y") TIME=$(date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") SEC=$(date "+%s") TITLE= DEFAULT_TITLE="Entry #$SEC (pid: $$)"; HEADERTXT= # text or $(cat some.header.txt) FOOTERTXT="Powered by vee
Copyright © 2006-$YEAR" TOP_TPL=./vee-top.tpl # if file exists, used to generate top of HTML post by OUTPUT_TOP func BOT_TPL=./vee-bottom.tpl # if file exists, used to generate bottom of HTML post by OUTPUT_BOT func OUTPUT_TOP=output_top # default template processor, uses TOP_TPL OUTPUT_BOT=output_bottom # default template processor, use s BOT_TPL # PRE/POST Format Hooks; used in both HTML and Gopher modes; to differentiate, $1 is always # going to be 'html' or 'gopher' PREFORMAT_HOOK=./vee-pre # the hook is assumed to be executable, else it is ignored POSTFORMAT_HOOK=./vee-post # the hook is assumed to be executable, esle it is ignored # Gopher defaults GOPHERMODE=0 # -g set it to 1, -G sets it to 2; set in .veerc to skip always typing -g or -G GOPHER_FORMAT=txt # extension for files linked in gophermap GOPHERMAP=gophermap # pretty standard, so low chance of this needing to be changed OUTPUT_TOP_GOPHER= # may define a top "template" function for gopher posts OUTPUT_BOT_GOPHER= # may define a bottom "template" function for gopher posts # gophermap header text and footer text - sorry didn't separate them out like was done # for the HTML support (but these can be customized in a .veerc!) GOPHERMAP_HEADER="Welcome to my Gophertunnel!" GOPHERMAP_FOOTER="Carl Spackler: [preparing to dynamite the gopher tunnel] In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, Au revoir, gopher." guess_arch() { case $(uname) in Linux) ARCH='linux' ;; FreeBSD) ARCH='freebsd' ;; NetBSD) ARCH='netbsd' ;; Darwin) ARCH='macosx' ;; *) ARCH='unknown' ;; esac } ARCH='unknown' guess_arch # define custom formatting define custom functions file; see example in # vee/sample-custom-format/vee-custom.sh FORMAT_FUNC=format_with_groff FORMAT_DISPATCHER=default_set_format_func FORMAT_CUSTOM_DISPATCHER=custom_set_format_func FORMAT_CUSTOM_DEFS=./vee-custom.sh # path is relative to -d DIR, where .veerc resides UPDATE_INDEX=default_update_index CUSTOM_SETUP=default_setup # # vee is a zero configuration, commandline blog tool that # requires NO installation other than dropping the vee # script into your ~/bin, or someother directory in your PATH # # vee accepts input when in batch mode (-b), so it is well # suited for use in batch situations, such as in a cronjob # # System utilities required via PATH: # cat, cd, date, env, find, fmt, fold, grep, groff, # head, ls, pwd, sort, tail, which # # vee provided utilities that must also be in PATH: # vee (duh!), veels, veecat # disclaimer() { echo "Copyright (c) 2007-infinity /me" echo "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person" echo "obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation" echo "files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without" echo "restriction, including without limitation the rights to use," echo "copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or" echo "sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the" echo "Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following" echo "conditions:" echo "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be" echo "included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software." echo "THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY" echo "KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE" echo "WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE" echo "AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT" echo "HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY," echo "WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING" echo "FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR" echo "OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE." } # # vee - the minimal, zero configuration command line blog thingy # # Contact (bugs, patches, suggestions) # https://git.sdf.org/pifty/phlea/issues # # Instructions: # 1. put in directory accessible via PATH # 2. go to a web visible directory and type 'vee' # 3. put in your title and write your post in vi # 4. tell your mom to visit: http://..../yourdir/vee.html # 5. tell your gen Z nephew to visit your gopherhole :E # # Tips: # # 1 You can force the index to be index.html using "-I", or # you can specify the index with "-i somefile.html". But, # if you do this, you'll have to specify this for all other # commands, otherwise vee defaults to vee.html # # 2 vee respects your EDITOR environmental variable # # 3 What you do with vee.html or the formatting is up to you :) # # 4 Gopher support (-g|-G) may be lacking some parity with http/s # support, but with feedback this can be fixed and go well beyond # # CREDITS # Francois Saint-Jacques (fsaintjacques@networkdump.com) supplied 2nd patch ever :) # efbeha (efbeha@gmail.com) - supplied first patch ever :) # Oliver @ forums.bsdnexus.com # arun @ chat.taucher.net #bsd # J65nko @ bsdforums.com default_set_format_func() { case $1 in default) FORMAT_FUNC=format_with_groff ;; groff) FORMAT_FUNC=format_with_groff ;; fold) FORMAT_FUNC=format_with_fold ;; fmt) FORMAT_FUNC=format_with_fmt ;; none) FORMAT_FUNC=with_no_formatting ;; # if not a supplied format, see if it is in the custom format file, if it exists *) if [ -e "$FORMAT_CUSTOM_DEFS" ]; then # call dispatch function that is defined in # the custom format file, pass on format nickname $FORMAT_CUSTOM_DISPATCHER "$1" else echo "bad format type" die_cleanly fi esac } usage() { echo " " echo " " echo " .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. " echo " | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | " echo " | | ____ ____ | || | _________ | || | _________ | | " echo " | ||_ _| |_ _| | || | |_ ___ | | || | |_ ___ | | | " echo " | | \ \ / / | || | | |_ \_| | || | | |_ \_| | | " echo " | | \ \ / / | || | | _| _ | || | | _| _ | | " echo " | | \ ' / | || | _| |___/ | | || | _| |___/ | | | " echo " | | \_/ | || | |_________| | || | |_________| | | " echo " | | | || | | || | | | " echo " | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | " echo " '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' " echo " the Zero-conf, commandline blog tool thingy " echo " .... now with GopherMode! ("gopherlog" support) " echo " (see -g|-G) " echo " " echo "Version: $VERSION " echo " " echo "Options: " echo " -b Batch mode; used when piping in msg via stdin " echo " -B file Define bottom template; default is ./vee-bottom.tpl " echo " -c [1-9\d*] Specify the number of characters 'fold' allows per line " echo " this only applies when 'fold' (-f) is used " echo " -d 'publis_dir' Specify the directory .vee is in - defaults to PWD " echo " -D Debug mode with, set -x " echo " -f 'format' Option for setting formatinstead of the default, groff; " echo " 'groff', 'fmt', 'fold', and 'none' are all supported " echo " -g Update the gophermap file with the INDEX " echo " -G Exclusively update the gophermap file rather than INDEX " echo " Note: for -g|-G, the gophermap is merely appended to, there" echo " is no maintaining of the order from newest first to last; " echo " -g|-G will create the gophermap if it isn't found. " echo " -h Prints this blurb " echo " -i 'custom.html' Specify a custom index file over the default " echo " -I force index file to be \"index.html\" " echo " -l edit latest post's *.raw; used with '-r' publishes changes;" echo " calls reformat automatically; " echo " -L [1-9\d*] edit the Nth latest, relative to last post; lp starts at 1" echo " -m 'message ...' Epecify entry message at commandline and avoid vi " echo " -n Lists all entries, newest first, then quits " echo " -o Lists all entries, oldest first, then quits " echo " -p See what *raw files don't have an entry in the INDEX " echo " -P Forever deletes all *raw and formatted files associated with" echo " posts that are listed with -p; " echo " -r [1-9\d*] Reformats the Nth latest post " echo " -R reformats _all_ .vee/*.raw files; -c applies as well " echo " -s 'summary' Placed below title in INDEX " echo " -t 'title' Specify title at commandline and avoid annoying default prompt" echo " -T file Define top template; default is ./vee-top.tpl " echo " -u Temporarily set umask to " echo " -U Temporarily set umask to 0022 " echo " -v Version and exit " echo " -x hook Defines hook if not using default "./vee-pre"; hook " echo " must be executable, i.e., chmod 755 vee-pre " echo " " echo "Examples: " echo " " echo "%vee " echo " " echo " user will be prompted for title and presented with vi " echo " " echo " if no default dir/files are found, they will be created " echo " " echo "%vee -t \"this is the title\" " echo " " echo " user will just be presented with a vi session; " echo " " echo "%cat text.txt | vee -b -t \"my title\" -m \"text to go before stdin\" " echo " " echo " This publishes contents of text.txt with provided title; -m's msg will be " echo " shown above the cat'd text. This means of publishing content is well suited " echo " for use with cronjobs or batch processes. It also works when GopherMode! is " echo " invoked (-g|-G). " echo " " echo "%vee -l # edit and reformat the latest post " echo "%vee -L 5 # allows one to edit and reformats the fifth latest post " echo "%vee -r 8 # reformats the 8th latest post " echo "%vee -n # see which post is the 8th latest post " echo "%vee -R # reformats ALL posts that have *.raw files " echo " " echo "To delete a post forever: " echo " " echo "1) delete the entry in the INDEX " echo " " echo "2) purge the entry: " echo " %vee -p # make sure it is the one you want to purge " echo " %vee -P # purge it! " echo " " echo " brings up the latest entry as a vi sessions; when changes are save, " echo " all messages are reformatted " echo " " echo " :E We Need to Talk About Gopher Support :E " echo " " echo "vee supports the creation of content in the gophersphere by formatting text-only" echo "posts using the provided formatters (meant for text-only anyway). vee also goes" echo "a step further and generates the gophermap (index listing) for you. " echo " " echo "All of the vee commands immediately above *should* work when GopherMode! is on" echo "which is as simple as adding the -g xor -G flags. -g invokes the Gopher bits " echo "*and* the default www support. -G only invokes the Gopher bits. Not using -g " echo " or -G only involes the traditional www support. " echo " " echo "Usage examples from above, with GopherMode! enabled: " echo " " echo "%vee -l -G # edit and reformat the latest post " echo "%vee -L 5 -g # allows one to edit and reformats the fifth latest post " echo "%vee -r 8 -G # reformats the 8th latest post " echo "%vee -n # see which post is the 8th latest post " echo "%vee -R -g # reformats ALL posts that have *.raw files " echo " " echo "Notes: " echo " " echo "0. Reminder - vee requires zero configurations to start, but *can* be coed " echo " by creating a .veerc file. This is also the case when in GopherGeb!Mode " echo " " echo "1. Batch mode looks for piped input via STDIN; if none after a short time, " echo " message creation fails UNLESS something was passed in via '-m' as well. " echo " If nothing was passed in via '-t' for the title, some default is used; " echo " This is set at the top of the script as 'DEFAULT_TITLE'. " echo " " echo "2. Interactive mode (default) prompts for a title if no '-t' is provided. " echo " Such is the case even if '-m' is used. If '-m' is not used in this " echo " " echo "3. Gopher support (-g|-G) is limited and users may discover weird issues with " echo " updating posts or the batch reformatting options. It's a best effort. Also " echo " the gophermap is fully regenerated whenever a new post is added; for a large" echo " number of posts this may take a few seconds. " echo " " echo "4. Patches are welcome; the goal is not more feature bloat, but a nicer " echo " way of dealing with STDIN, etc and reports/fixes for any weird gopher phlog" echo " bugs or UX would be greatly welcomed. vee development laid dormant for years," echo " being used as a niche static site generator. But the rediscovery of Gopher " echo " by the masses has made adding Gopher support a high priority. " echo " " disclaimer exit 1 } default_update_html_index() { echo "$PUBLISHED: $3" >> $INDEX if [ -n "$SUMMARY" ]; then SEC=$(expr "$SEC" - 1) echo "$SUMMARY" >> "$INDEX" fi } default_update_gophermap() { # rebuild the entire $GOPHERMAP # toggle IFS if in -b mode if [ 1 -eq $LISTENSTDIN ]; then _OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$OLDIFS fi if [ -e $GOPHERMAP ]; then echo Found existing $GOPHERMAP, renaming to $GOPHERMAP.bkp mv $GOPHERMAP $GOPHERMAP.bkp #(be nice, just move to the side) fi default_setup_gophermap # initialize gophermap for f in $(veels -d "$DIR" -e "$GOPHER_FORMAT"); do _RAW=$(echo $f | sed 's/$GOPHER_FORMAT/$RAWEXT/') _TITLE=$(echo $_RAW | veecat -t) _DATE=$(echo $_RAW | veecat -d | awk '{print $3 " " $2 " " $6}') #e.g., Fri May 29 09:02:12 UTC 2020 # creating a symlink to $DIR because the default $DIR # starts with a '.' and the gopher server seems to not # want to serve files in such a directory fileLink=$(echo $f | sed "s/$DIR/phlogsrc/") # seems relative paths can't be directories that start # with a dot (e.g., ".vee") ln -s $DIR phlogsrc > /dev/null 2>&1 # rather than check if link exists, just try it and hide error printf "0[$_DATE] $_TITLE\t$fileLink\n" >> $GOPHERMAP done echo >> $GOPHERMAP echo >> $GOPHERMAP echo $GOPHERMAP_FOOTER | fmt -w 67 >> $GOPHERMAP echo >> $GOPHERMAP echo >> $GOPHERMAP echo Generated with vee. >> $GOPHERMAP # toggle IFS back if temporarily set to interactive IFS above if [ 1 -eq $LISTENSTDIN ]; then IFS=$_OLDIFS fi } #"$FINAL" "$gFINAL" "$RAW" "$gRAW" "$TITLE" default_update_index() { if [ 2 != $GOPHERMODE ]; then default_update_html_index "$1" "$3" "$5" fi if [ 0 != $GOPHERMODE ]; then default_update_gophermap "$2" "$4" "$5" fi } output_top() { echo "$HEADERTXT" > "$FINAL" if [ -e "$TOP_TPL" ]; then cat "$TOP_TPL" >> "$FINAL" else echo "" >> "$FINAL" echo "" >> "$FINAL" echo " $TITLE - $DATE" >> "$FINAL" echo " " >> "$FINAL" echo "
"                                                                                   >> "$FINAL"
     echo "[index][raw][main]" >> "$FINAL"
   echo                   >> "$FINAL"

{ echo                   >> "$FINAL"
  echo --                >> "$FINAL"
  echo "$FOOTERTXT"      >> "$FINAL"
  if [ -e "$BOT_TPL" ]; then
    cat "$BOT_TPL"       >> "$FINAL"
    echo "    
" >> "$FINAL" echo " " >> "$FINAL" echo "" >> "$FINAL" fi } # begin formatting funcs format_with_groff() { #sed 1liner from http://sed.sourceforge.net/sed1line.txt if [ "html" = "$_OUTPUT_TYPE" ]; then groff -man -Tascii "$RAW" > $$.tmp.$RAWEXT sed '/^$/N;/\n$/D' < $$.tmp.$RAWEXT > $$.tmp.final cat $$.tmp.final >> "$FINAL" fi if [ "gopher" = "$_OUTPUT_TYPE" ]; then groff -man -Tascii "$gRAW" > $$.tmp.$RAWEXT sed '/^$/N;/\n$/D' < $$.tmp.$RAWEXT > $$.tmp.final cat $$.tmp.final > "$gFINAL" fi rm $$.tmp.$RAWEXT $$.tmp.final } format_with_fmt() { if [ 0 -lt $MARGIN ]; then if [ "html" = $_OUTPUT_TYPE ]; then fmt -w $MARGIN "$RAW" > $$.tmp.$RAWEXT cat $$.tmp.$RAWEXT >> "$FINAL" fi if [ "gopher" = $_OUTPUT_TYPE ]; then fmt -w $MARGIN "$gRAW" > $$.tmp.$RAWEXT cat $$.tmp.$RAWEXT > "$gFINAL" fi rm $$.tmp.$RAWEXT else with_no_formatting fi } format_with_fold() { if [ 0 -lt $MARGIN ]; then if [ "html" = $_OUTPUT_TYPE ]; then fold -s -w $MARGIN "$RAW" > $$.tmp.$RAWEXT cat $$.tmp.$RAWEXT >> "$FINAL" fi if [ "gopher" = $_OUTPUT_TYPE ]; then fold -s -w $MARGIN "$gRAW" > $$.tmp.$RAWEXT cat $$.tmp.$RAWEXT > "$gFINAL" fi rm $$.tmp.$RAWEXT else with_no_formatting fi } with_no_formatting() { if [ "html" = $_OUTPUT_TYPE ]; then cat "$RAW" >> "$FINAL" fi if [ "gopher" = $_OUTPUT_TYPE ]; then cat "$gRAW" > "$gFINAL" fi } # # preformat hook has been changed to NOT be a filter; # # $1 is 'html' or 'gopher' # preformat() { if [ -x "$PREFORMAT_HOOK" ]; then "$PREFORMAT_HOOK" "$1" fi } # # this hook is for any things to do after the post; a good example for use # would be to integrate git or another SCM; another is a notification script # # $1 is 'html' or 'gopher' # postformat() { if [ -x "$POSTFORMAT_HOOK" ]; then "$POSTFORMAT_HOOK" "$1" fi } # dispatches formatting based on $GOPHERMODE; sets $_OUTPUT_TYPE # for called functions to know for what $_OUTPUT_TYPE they're doing stuff format_main_html() { FINAL=$DIR/$1 FINALNAME=$1 RAW=$DIR/$2 RAWNAME=$2 preformat $_OUTPUT_TYPE # expecting 'html' if [ ! -e "$RAW" ]; then echo "$DATE" > "$RAW" # in RAW, line 1 is date echo >> "$RAW" echo "$TITLE" >> "$RAW" # in RAW, line 2 is title echo >> "$RAW" echo "--" >> "$RAW" echo >> "$RAW" # this blank line is important cat "$DRAFT" >> "$RAW" fi $OUTPUT_TOP $FORMAT_FUNC $OUTPUT_BOT postformat $_OUTPUT_TYPE # expecting 'html' } format_main_gopher() { gFINAL=$DIR/$1 gFINALNAME=$1 gRAW=$DIR/$2 gRAWNAME=$2 preformat $_OUTPUT_TYPE # expecting 'gopher' if [ ! -e "$gRAW" ]; then echo "$DATE" > "$gRAW" # in gRAW, line 1 is date echo >> "$gRAW" echo "$TITLE" >> "$gRAW" # in gRAW, line 2 is title echo >> "$gRAW" echo "--" >> "$gRAW" echo >> "$gRAW" # this blank line is important cat "$DRAFT" >> "$gRAW" fi $OUTPUT_TOP_GOPHER # NOTE: not set by default $FORMAT_FUNC $OUTPUT_BOT_GOPHER # NOTE not set by default postformat $_OUTPUT_TYPE # expecting 'gopher' } format_main() { if [ 2 != $GOPHERMODE ]; then _OUTPUT_TYPE=html # tracks formatting type format_main_html "$1" "$3" fi if [ 0 != $GOPHERMODE ]; then _OUTPUT_TYPE=gopher # tracks formatting type format_main_gopher "$2" "$3" fi _OUTPUT_TYPE=none } reformat_singleton() { if [ -e "$DIR/$1.$RAWEXT" ]; then cat "$DIR/$1.$RAWEXT" > "$DRAFT" format_main "$1.$FORMAT" "$1.$GOPHER_FORMAT" "$1.$RAWEXT" fi } reformat_all() { for f in $(veels -d "$DIR" -r); do # From: Randall R Schulz FULLNAME="$f" DIR=${FULLNAME%/*} FILE=${FULLNAME##*/} MAXBASE=${FILE%.*} MINBASE=${FILE%%.*} MAXSUF=${FILE#*.} MINSUF=${FILE##*.} _TITLE=$(echo $f | veecat -t) echo "..reformatting '$_TITLE'" reformat_singleton "$MAXBASE" done } list_newest_first() { COUNT=1 for _RAW in $(veels -d "$DIR"); do _TITLE=$(echo $_RAW | veecat -t) _DATE=$(echo $_RAW | veecat -d) printf "%4d) " "$COUNT" echo $_DATE - $_TITLE COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1) done } list_oldest_first() { COUNT=1 for _RAW in $(veels -d "$DIR" -r); do _TITLE=$(echo $_RAW | veecat -t) _DATE=$(echo $_RAW | veecat -d) printf "%4d) " "$COUNT" echo $_DATE - $_TITLE COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1) done } get_path2post() { GOAL=$1 COUNT=1 for FILE in $(veels -d "$DIR"); do FULLNAME=$FILE DIR=${FULLNAME%/*} FILE=${FULLNAME##*/} MAXBASE=${FILE%.*} if [ "$COUNT" -eq "$GOAL" ]; then echo "$MAXBASE" break fi COUNT=$(expr "$COUNT" + 1) done } purge_entries() { LEVEL=$1 COUNT=0 if [ ! -e "$INDEX" ]; then echo "Can't find index, \"$INDEX\"" die_cleanly fi for FILE in $(veels -d "$DIR"); do FULLNAME=$FILE DIR=${FULLNAME%/*} FILE=${FULLNAME##*/} MAXBASE=${FILE%.*} ENTRY=$(grep "$MAXBASE" "$INDEX") if [ -z "$ENTRY" ]; then COUNT=$(expr "$COUNT" + 1) if [ "$LEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$DIR/$FILE (not really purged, use -P for realz)" elif [ "$LEVEL" -eq 2 ]; then echo "$DIR/$MAXBASE[.$RAWEXT,$FORMAT] (delebed)" rm -f "$DIR/$MAXBASE"* fi fi done if [ "$LEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then echo "use -P to remove all $COUNT entrie(s)" elif [ "$LEVEL" -eq 2 ]; then echo "removed $COUNT entrie(s)..." fi } die_cleanly() { if [ -e "$DRAFT" ]; then rm -f "$DRAFT" fi exit 0 } _POST2REFORMAT=0 _REFORMATALL=0 _PURGELEVEL=0 _POST2EDIT=0 SUMMARY= MESSAGE= SET_DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNC= # get opts ! stdin append to anything passed in by -m while getopts 'DgGf:m:t:T:c:d:i:IbB:hRr:lL:novx:X:Pps:u:U' option; do case $option in u) _CUSTOM_UMASK=$OPTARG ;; U) _CUSTOM_UMASK=0022 ;; D) set -x echo Setting debug mode with, set -x ;; g) # Gopher mode 1: output .txt and update $GOPHERMAP along side of HTML GOPHERMODE=1 ;; G) # Gopher mode 2: treat as gopher phlog only (skip HTML stuff) GOPHERMODE=2 ;; i) INDEX=$OPTARG # specify INDEX to $OPTARG ;; I) INDEX="index.html" # force INDEX to index.html ;; d) if [ -d "$OPTARG" ]; then cd "$OPTARG" else echo "$OPTARG" is not a directory! die_cleanly fi ;; r) _POST2REFORMAT=$OPTARG ;; R) _REFORMATALL=1 ;; b) LISTENSTDIN=1 USE_EDITOR=0 ;; B) BOT_TPL=$OPTARG ;; f) SET_DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNC=$OPTARG ;; c) MARGIN=$OPTARG ;; l) _POST2EDIT=1 ;; L) _POST2EDIT=$OPTARG ;; m) MESSAGE=$OPTARG USE_EDITOR=0 ;; n) list_newest_first die_cleanly ;; o) list_oldest_first die_cleanly ;; s) SUMMARY=$OPTARG ;; t) TITLE=$OPTARG ;; T) TOP_TPL=$OPTARG ;; v) echo $VERSION die_cleanly ;; p) _PURGELEVEL=1 ;; P) _PURGELEVEL=2 ;; h) usage | less die_cleanly ;; x) PREFORMAT_HOOK=$OPTARG ;; ?) #usage | less die_cleanly ;; esac done post_opts() { if [ -n "$_CUSTOM_UMASK" ]; then umask "$_CUSTOM_UMASK" fi if [ $LISTENSTDIN -ne 1 ]; then # brute check for umask 0022 if not using -b ($LISTENSTDIN -eq 1) if [ $(umask) != "0022" ]; then _default=yes read -p "Would you like to temporarily set umask to 0022, to create files that are world readable [$_default]?" tmp_set_umask if [ -z "$tmp_set_umask" ]; then tmp_set_umask=$_default fi if [ "$tmp_set_umask" = "yes" ]; then echo umask 0022 && \ echo OK. To avoid this message in the future use -U, set umask in your login environment, or set the _CUSTOM_UMASK variable in your ./.veerc. fi fi else echo Warning: umask should be set to 0022. Your files may not be visible to others. fi if [ -e "$FORMAT_CUSTOM_DEFS" ]; then . "$FORMAT_CUSTOM_DEFS" fi if [ -n "$SET_DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNC" ]; then "$FORMAT_DISPATCHER" "$SET_DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNC" # default is set_format_func fi if [ "$_PURGELEVEL" -ge 1 ]; then purge_entries "$_PURGELEVEL" die_cleanly fi if [ "$_POST2EDIT" -ge 1 ]; then LATEST=$(get_path2post "$_POST2EDIT") $EDITOR "$DIR/$LATEST.$RAWEXT" _POST2REFORMAT=$_POST2EDIT fi if [ "$_POST2REFORMAT" -ge 1 ]; then LATEST=$(get_path2post "$_POST2REFORMAT") reformat_singleton "$LATEST" if [ 0 != $GOPHERMODE ]; then default_update_gophermap fi die_cleanly fi # if "-R", or reformat all, is set if [ "$_REFORMATALL" -eq 1 ]; then # future may yield seperate "rebuild reindex" functionality reformat_all if [ 0 != $GOPHERMODE ]; then default_update_gophermap fi die_cleanly fi # blocks vee -l (without the -r) from going on if [ "$_POST2EDIT" -ge 1 ]; then die_cleanly fi # Batch message creation: -m and stdin # handles -m if [ -n "$MESSAGE" ]; then echo "$MESSAGE" >> "$DRAFT" fi if [ $LISTENSTDIN -eq 1 ]; then OLDIFS=$IFS IFS="" # ensures that leading spaces are retained while read -r IN <&0 ; do # break after 1 sec of no stdin echo "$IN" # echo's stdin back out so user can see echo "$IN" >> "$DRAFT" LISTENSTDIN=1 USE_EDITOR=0 done fi } # generates INDEX file if none exists default_setup_html() { if [ ! -e "$INDEX" ]; then echo echo "...creating $INDEX" echo "my vee index
" >> "$INDEX"
   # header stuff
    echo "" >> "$INDEX"
    echo "" >> "$INDEX"
    echo "" >> "$INDEX"
   # footer stuff
    echo "" >> "$INDEX"
    echo "" >> "$INDEX"
    echo "Powered by vee" >> "$INDEX"
    echo "
" >> "$INDEX" echo fi } default_setup_gophermap() { if [ ! -e "$GOPHERMAP" ]; then echo echo "...generating updated $GOPHERMAP" echo $GOPHERMAP_HEADER > $GOPHERMAP echo >> $GOPHERMAP echo >> $GOPHERMAP fi } default_setup() { if [ 2 != $GOPHERMODE ]; then default_setup_html fi if [ 0 != $GOPHERMODE ]; then default_setup_gophermap fi } use_editor() { if [ $USE_EDITOR -eq 1 ]; then OK=0 $EDITOR "$DRAFT" && OK=1 if [ "$OK" -ne 1 ]; then echo there has been a problem with your editor session exit fi #else #echo ...vi mode off fi } # ask for title if not set with -t and not in batch mode # if in batch mode with no -t set, use default title below get_title() { if [ -z "$TITLE" ]; then TITLE=$DEFAULT_TITLE fi } read_config() { if [ -e ./.veerc ]; then . ./.veerc fi } # this case statement may be overkill if "sort -t';' -nr -k2,2" works across platforms sort_index() { if [ -e "$INDEX" ]; then case $ARCH in linux) sort -t';' +0f -1 +1nr "$INDEX" > ".$INDEX.$$.sorted" ;; freebsd) sort -t';' +0f -1 +1nr "$INDEX" > ".$INDEX.$$.sorted" ;; netbsd) sort -t';' +0f -1 +1nr "$INDEX" > ".$INDEX.$$.sorted" ;; macosx) # -k2,2 sorts by second field as delimted by -t';' - this may actually work # for all platforms sort -t';' -nr -k2,2 "$INDEX" > ".$INDEX.$$.sorted" ;; *) sort -t';' +0f -1 +1nr "$INDEX" > ".$INDEX.$$.sorted" ;; esac mv ".$INDEX.$$.sorted" "$INDEX" # "rebuild $INDEX fi } #-- main program body mkdir -p "$DIR" || echo "found $DIR ..." read_config # done after all options are read in, could look in -d before # opts are processed though so opts could override defaults # and config file .. yeah do that post_opts # process options "$CUSTOM_SETUP" # initialized indexes, can be defined in .veerc get_title use_editor main() { if [ -e "$DRAFT" ]; then RAWFILE="$SEC.$$.$TIME.$RAWEXT" # uses process id, $$, assuming there will # not be duplicate process ids within 1 sec of each other format_main "$SEC.$$.$TIME.$FORMAT" "$SEC.$$.$TIME.$GOPHER_FORMAT" "$RAWFILE" "$UPDATE_INDEX" "$FINAL" "$gFINAL" "$RAW" "$gRAW" "$TITLE" sort_index die_cleanly else echo Error! "$DRAFT" not found fi } main