HA!! You basically have to do nothing. Check it out. Just drop bin/vee somewhere, make sure it is in your path, and you are set to go! When vee is run for the first time, it will create the necessary files and directory that it needs. Note, this is done relative to `pwd` unless you use the '-d' option to specify a directory. Example first time: % vee -d /path/to/my/www/myblog -t "first post.." Autogenerated files and directories: 1) ./.vee :: stores all entries in here 2) ./vee.html :: entry index; the name can be controlled with "-i custom.html" or "-I" which is equivalent to "-i index.html" Manually created files vee looks for: 1) ./.veerc :: custom config file 2) vee-top.tpl and vee-bottom.tpl :: template files; other can be specifed with "-T" and "-B" Environmental variables vee looks at: 1) "EDITOR" :: determines default editor; If not set, it will default to "vi" as seen via PATH