#!/usr/pkg/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use lib qw( /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.24.0 /meta/p/peteyboy/perl5/lib/perl5 ); #make request for all of the following use CGI::Tiny; use Mojo::Template; use Mojo::Loader 'data_section'; #use Routes::Tiny; use Readonly; my $ORIGIN_PAGE = "/wordle-life.cgi"; my $defaulttext = "Paste your wordle share here"; cgi { my $cgi = $_; $cgi->set_error_handler(sub { my ($cgi, $error, $rendered) = @_; warn $error; unless ($rendered) { if ($cgi->response_status_code == 413) { $cgi->render(json => {error => 'Request body limit exceeded'}); }elsif ($cgi->response_status_code == 400) { $cgi->render(json => {error => 'Bad request'}); } else { $cgi->render(json => {error => 'Internal server error'}); } } }); my $wordle; my $method = $cgi->method; my $rle = ""; if ($method eq 'GET' or $method eq 'HEAD') { $wordle = $defaulttext; } elsif ($method eq 'POST') { $wordle = $cgi->body_param('wordle-result'); #textarea name if ($wordle =~ /\Q$defaulttext\E/){ }else{ $rle = generate_rle($wordle); } } else { $cgi->set_response_status(405)->render; exit; } die "Invalid wordle parameter" unless length $wordle; my $mt = Mojo::Template->new(auto_escape => 1, vars => 1); my $template = data_section __PACKAGE__, 'index.html.ep'; my $output = $mt->render($template, { ORIGIN_PAGE =>$ORIGIN_PAGE, defaulttext => $defaulttext, wordle => $wordle, rle => $rle }); #my $output = $mt->render($template, {wordle => $wordle}); $cgi->render(html => $output ); }; sub generate_rle { my $headline = ""; my $rleline; my $rowcount; my $myline; Readonly my $headline_prefix => "#C "; #Part of RLE spec https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Run_Length_Encoded Readonly my $row_prefix => "x = 5"; #for wordle always 5 Readonly my $col_prefix => ",y = "; my $wordle = shift; # this is how you get variables in your function call! $rowcount = 0; my @lines = split /^/, $wordle; foreach $myline (@lines) { chomp($myline); if ($headline eq "" && $myline =~ /Wordle/){ $headline = $headline_prefix . $myline; }else{ #in case of text mode $myline =~ s/\R//; $myline =~ s/^(.*)$/$1\$/; $myline =~ s/:yellow_square:/o/g; $myline =~ s/:green_square:/o/g; $myline =~ s/:[a-z-]*square:/b/g; # for normal unicode $myline =~ s/\N{U+1f7e8}/o/g; #yellow $myline =~ s/\N{U+1f7e9}/o/g; #green $myline =~ s/\N{U+2B1B}/b/g; #black $myline =~ s/\N{U+2B1C}/b/g; #white #broken copy/paste text $myline =~ s/black_large_square/b/g; $myline =~ s/white_large_square/b/g; $myline =~ s/yellow_square/o/g; $myline =~ s/green_square/o/g; if(length($myline) > 1){ $rowcount += 1; $rleline= $rleline . $myline; } } } return "$headline\n$row_prefix$col_prefix$rowcount\n$rleline"; } __DATA__ @@ index.html.ep Play Conway's Life with your Wordle Score


Play your Wordle Share score in Conway's Life!

Hey, nerds, isn't it funny how the Wordle Scores can look like a glider in that old computer programming exercise, Conway's Life?

Glider image from Conwaylife.org, it looks like an 8-bit staple gun
  1. Paste your wordle share below and submit to convert it to a Conway's Life file so you can run it.

    To learn more about Conway's Life, read this

  2. Click "Submit" and and RLE format file for Conway's Game of Life will appear below.

if there is extra text or lines in your paste, you might not get a valid file here, so look and make sure it looks like a proper RLE file, for example:

#C Wordle 235 3/6
x = 5,y = 3

For details about the Life RLE file format above, read this.

Next steps:

  1. copy the contents of the Conway Life box above
  2. go to a Conway's Life site, such as this one at copy.sh or this one at lazyslug.com and load and run your file.
    1. specifically for the one at copy.sh:
    2. Press the [Import] button at the top
    3. paste in your Life file contents in the box and press [Import]
    4. It will put up a box telling you it loaded your Wordle, press [OK]
    5. Press the [Run] button and watch your Wordle score play LIFE!

This should work with the share/copy button in wordle, or copy/pasting your friends' wordles out of Discord or wherever as well. See whose Wordle Score looks coolest!

Disclaimer: I made this! People and/or corporations may own their marks or copyrights, etc, on words mentioned on this page I don't claim to

Questions, kudos or comments, mail me @sdf.org

Thanks to hankchizljaw for making his basic css publicly available

Hosted by SDF.org
