# wordle-life one-page app that turns wordle shares into standard file format used in the Conway's Game of Life community ## Dependencies This app is not at all packaged. You'll have to make sure all the perl modules you need are installed. If you are on a community unix server with just user rights (like, say SDF), you may need to ask an admin to install for you, or alternately, you can make a personal perl library in your user space. Here's what I used to [install the perl module I needed with cpanm](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2980297/how-can-i-use-cpan-as-a-non-root-user). It's just: curl http://cpanmin.us | perl - -l ~/perl5 App::cpanminus local::lib eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib` echo 'eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`' >> ~/.profile echo 'export MANPATH=$HOME/perl5/man:$MANPATH' >> ~/.profile then for each package, you can run *cpanminus*: $>cpanm CGI::Tiny ... $>cpanm Mojo::Template ... $>cpnam Mojo::Loader ...