[02] WHAT INTERESTING MULTIUSER GAMES CAN I PLAY HERE? netris Two player tetris game. Most players hang out in 'com'. To start a game, one player will run 'netris -w' while the other runs 'netris -c sdf' mazewar Mazewar is a multi player hunt and shoot maze game. Players can come and go as they please. hunt Hunt is a bit more involved than mazewar. read the man page before entering. Its a bit like a cross between nethack and mazewar. Just a simplified arena where you can blow up your friends. mdg Multiuser Dungeon Game. Up to 9 players play this 2D 'hack' style adventure game. Players can come and go as they please. phantasia Phantasia a matrix based adventure game. Players can come and go as they please. dopewars A drug trading game based in (for the most part) New York City. Players buy and sell drugs, hire pushers, get loans and pay off debts.