====== [[index.html|SDF ARC ====== ===== SDF.ORG's Amateur Radio Club ===== * [[index.html|Home]] * [[roster.html|Roster]] * [[net.html|NET]] * [[repeaters.html|Repeaters]] * [[shacks.html|Shacks]] * [[contact.html|Contact Us]] ===== SDFARC Members' Shacks and Gear ===== If you a member, please feel free to add information, links, pictures of your gear and shacks here. ==== KD5RYO ==== My "shack" is rarely in a single location and I try to stay highly portable. More info can be found on my QRZ page. * Yaesu FT-60R - 2m/440 used for hiking, driving, local chat, and satellites * Comet SMA dual band whip for general use * Tram 1191 for vehicle use * Home made dual band half wave flower pot for base use * Home made dual band tape measure yagi for satellite ops * LNR Precision MTR-5B - QRP CW rig, mostly used on 40m * Home made 40m speaker-wire dipole for use while hiking * MFJ G5RV Junior (40m-10m) for backyard ops * ASUS X101CH EeePC - EchoLink and SDR computer * Generic RTL-SDR dongle for monitoring/exploring * RadioShack DX-398 (Rebranded Sangean ATS-909) - Portable SWL * RadioShack 278-1374A wind up antenna or random wire for general use Copyright © black_white | [[http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer|HTML5]] | [[http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer|CSS]] | [[http://www.html5webtemplates.co.uk|Free CSS Templates]]$Id: shacks.html,v 1.5 2017/12/29 20:19:08 smj Exp $