#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use strict; use Curses::UI; use Net::Telnet; use URI::Split; my $HOST_DEFAULT = "nightfall.city"; my $PATHSPEC_DEFAULT = ''; my $PORT_DEFAULT = 1900; my $PROT_NEX = "nex://"; my $home_default= $PROT_NEX . $HOST_DEFAULT; my $host = "nightfall.city"; my $port = "1900"; my $pathspec = ""; my $docname = ""; my $doctype = "txt"; my $dot_ext = "."; my @history; my $statusbar; my $win1; my $cui = new Curses::UI( -color_support => 1 ); my $connect = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10, Errmode => 'return'); my @menu = ( { -label => 'File', -submenu => [ { -label => 'Go to Link ^G', -value => \&goto_link_dialog }, { -label => 'Change Site ^C', -value => \&goto_site_dialog }, { -label => 'Back ^B', -value => \&goto_back }, { -label => 'History ^H', -value => "\&history_status_dialog" }, { -label => 'Exit ^Q', -value => \&exit_dialog } ] }, ); sub exit_dialog() { my $return = $cui->dialog( -message => "Really quit?", -title => "Are you sure?", -buttons => ['yes', 'no'], ); exit(0) if $return; } sub goto_link_dialog() { my $return = $cui->question(-question => "This is [$host/ $pathspec]. Enter destination link:", -answer => $pathspec, ); navigate($return); } sub goto_site_dialog() { my $return = $cui->question(-question => "This is [$host/ $pathspec]. Visit site:", -answer => $host, ); if ($return){ my $site = $return; if($site ne ''){ $host = $site; add_history($host); load($pathspec); update_status_bar(); } history_status_dialog(); } } sub goto_back() { my $fetched = fetch_history(); #if($fetched) { $pathspec =$fetched; load($pathspec); update_status_bar(); history_status_dialog(); #} } sub navigate{ my $link = shift; #if ($link){ # if($link ne ''){ add_history($pathspec); #add last link to history before going forward! $pathspec = $link; load($pathspec); # }else { # $pathspec = ''; # } update_status_bar(); #} } sub update_status_bar { my $browser = $win1->getobj("browser"); my $statusbar = $win1->getobj("status"); $statusbar->text("Current site: $host, current link: [$pathspec]"); $statusbar->draw(); $browser->focus(); } sub add_history { my $link = shift; print ("link $link"); push(@history, $link); history_status_dialog(); return; } sub fetch_history { my $latest; if(@history) { $latest = pop(@history); return $latest; }else{ return($PATHSPEC_DEFAULT); } } sub history_status_dialog { if(@history){ my $browser = $win1->getobj("browser"); $browser->focus(); my $history_list = join(", ", @history); my $return = $cui->status("$history_list"); } } my $menu = $cui->add( 'menu','Menubar', -menu => \@menu, -fg => "blue", ); $win1 = $cui->add( 'win1', 'Window', -border => 1, -y => 1, -bfg => 'red', -vscrollbar => 'right', ); my $texteditor = $win1->add("browser", "TextViewer", -text => "Start Page", -border => 1, -padtop => 0, -padbottom => 3, -showlines => 0, -sbborder => 0, -vscrollbar => 1, -hscrollbar => 1, -showhardreturns => 0, -wrapping => 0, # wrapping slows down the editor :-( ); $statusbar = $win1->add("status", "TextViewer", -border => 1, -bfg => 'red', -y => -1, -height => 1, -width => -1, -reverse => 1, -paddingspaces => 1, -text => "Current site: $HOST_DEFAULT, current link: [/]", ); #key bindings, should match menu items $cui->set_binding(sub {$menu->focus()}, "\cX"); $cui->set_binding( \&exit_dialog , "\cQ"); $cui->set_binding( \&goto_link_dialog , "\cG"); $cui->set_binding( \&goto_back , "\cB"); $cui->set_binding( \&goto_site_dialog , "\cC"); #start up $texteditor->focus(); navigate(''); $cui->mainloop(); #pick apart nex:// urls, which we should be using #sub parse_url #need to pass in url; and host, pathspec, file variables to be filled #{ # my $url = @_[0]; # my $host = url; # host =~ s/^nex://([a-z0-9]*)\/[a-z0-9\/\.]*$/$1/; # my $pathspec = url; # pathspec =~ s/^nex://[a-z0-9]*(\/[a-z0-9\/]*)[[a-z0-9\.]*$)/$1/; # my $file = $url # #} #make nex:// urls from parts, relative urls #sub construct_valid_url #protocol, host, pathspec #{ # my $protocol = shift; # my $host = shift; # my $pathspec = shift; # my $file = shift; # my $url = $protocol; #need error handling #what about the end slash and files vs index? # $url = $protocol . $host; # if ($pathspec){ # $url = $url . '/' . $pathspec; # if ($file){ # $url = $url . '.' $file; # } # } # return $url; #} sub load { my $pathspec = shift; my @lines; my $ok; $connect->host($host); $connect->port($port); $ok= $connect->open($host); $ok= $connect->print($pathspec); @lines =$connect->getlines(ErrMode=> 'return'); print $connect->eof(); #handle non-existant request? die unless $connect->eof(); $connect->close(); my $widget= $texteditor; my $loaded_text =""; my $currentline; my $count=0; foreach $currentline (@lines){ if ($currentline =~ m/^=>/){ $count+=1; $currentline =~ s/(^=>.*$)/$1 [\>$count\]/; } $loaded_text= $loaded_text . $currentline; } $widget->text($loaded_text); }