\ mccirc.fs - Minecraft circle block calculator variable UD \ Plotting circle diameter in blocks variable UR \ Plotting circle radius in blocks variable FB \ Plotting circle block-centered flag (FALSE => edge-centered) variable UW \ Centering field width in characters variable USC \ Current semi-chord length in blocks \ Graphic elements create C-BOX \ [] box 2 c, 91 c, 93 c, create C-ORGB \ [+] origin (box-centered) 3 c, 91 c, 43 c, 93 c, create C-AXVB \ [|] vert. axis (box-centered) 3 c, 91 c, 124 c, 93 c, create C-AXHLB \ [- horiz. axis left (box-centered) 2 c, 91 c, 45 c, create C-AXHRB \ -] horiz. axis right (box-centered) 2 c, 45 c, 93 c, create C-ORGE \ + origin (edge-centered) 1 c, 43 c, create C-AXVE \ | vert. axis (edge-centered) 1 c, 124 c, create C-AXHE \ -- horiz. axis (edge-centered) 2 c, 45 c, 45 c, : cstype ( c-elem -- , type counted string C-ELEM ) count type ; : multype ( u c-elem -- , type counted string C-ELEM U times ) count rot 1 u+do 2dup type loop type ; : b>c ( ub -- uc , Convert blocks UB to char. width UC ) 2* ; : chrdblk ( usc -- ub : Calculate blocks in chord UB with semi-chord length USC ) 2* FB @ if 1+ then ; : chord ( uw usc -- : Print horizontal circle chord with length 2*USC centere in field UW chars ) tuck FB @ if 2* 1+ b>c else 2* b>c 1+ then - 2/ ( usc um ) tuck cr spaces ( um usc ) dup C-BOX multype FB @ if C-AXVB else C-AXVE then cstype dup C-BOX multype swap 2 + spaces chrdblk . ; : haxis ( uw ur -- : Print horizontal axis ) tuck FB @ if 2* 1+ b>c else 2* b>c 1+ then - 2/ ( ur um ) tuck cr spaces dup dup FB @ if C-AXHLB multype C-ORGB cstype C-AXHRB multype else C-AXHE multype C-ORGE cstype C-AXHE multype then FB @ if swap 2 + spaces chrdblk . else 2drop then ; : fincircle ( uy ux -- f : Determine if block UX,UY is within circle - Global: UR ) 10 * 5 + swap 10 * 5 + dup * swap dup * + s>d d>f 1e2 f/ fsqrt f>d d>s UR @ < ; : scircle ( ud -- : Plot semicircle with diameter UD blocks -- Globals: UD, UR, FB, UW, USC ) dup UD ! dup 2/ UR ! dup 2 mod FB ! b>c FB @ invert if 1+ then UW ! UW @ UR @ haxis FB @ invert if UW @ UR @ chord then UR @ 1 u+do 1 USC ! UR @ 1 u+do j i fincircle if 1 USC +! then loop UW @ USC @ chord loop ; : circle ( ud -- : Plot circle with diameter UD blocks -- Globals: UD, UR, FB, UW, USC ) dup UD ! dup 2/ UR ! dup 2 mod FB ! b>c 1+ UW ! UR @ 1 u+do 1 USC ! UR @ 1 u+do UR @ j - i fincircle if 1 USC +! then loop USC @ dup UW @ swap chord loop FB @ invert if UW @ UR @ chord then UW @ UR @ haxis FB @ invert if UW @ UR @ chord then UR @ 1 u+do UW @ swap chord loop ; : hsphere ( ud -- , plot layers of hemisphere with block diameter UD ) ; : ellipse ( umaj umin -- , plot ellipse with major axis UMAJ blocks and minor axis UMIN blocks ) ;