from transformers import AutoTokenizer from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer import os import re import copy import chromadb import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') class EmbeddingModel: def __init__(self, model_name, chromadb_path, collection_name): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model = SentenceTransformer(model_name) self.chroma_client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path=chromadb_path) self.collection = self.chroma_client.get_or_create_collection(name=collection_name) def token_length(self, text): """ Calculates the token length of a given text Args: text (str): The text to be tokenized. Returns: int: The number of tokens in the text. This function takes a string, tokenizes the string, and returns the number of tokens. """ return len(self.tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False)) def passage_str(self, paragraphs, title): """ Constructs a passage string from given paragraphs and a title. Args: paragraphs (list of str): A list of paragraphs. title (str): The title of the passage. Returns: str: A passage string that combines the title and paragraphs. This function takes a list of paragraphs and a title, and constructs a single string with the title followed by the paragraphs, formatted for embedding. """ return f"passage: {title}\n" + '\n'.join(paragraphs) def embed_page(self, filename, url, title, contents, tags, max_chunk_size=512): """ Embeds the text of a webpage into a ChromaDB collection. Args: filename (str): The name of the file being processed. url (str): The URL of the webpage. title (str): The title of the webpage. contents (list of str): The contents of the webpage, split into paragraphs. tags (list of str): Tags derived from the URL. max_chunk_size (int): The maximum token length for a chunk. Defaults to 512. Returns: None This function divides the webpage content into chunks that fit within the max_chunk_size limit, embeds each chunk using the provided model, and stores the embeddings in the specified ChromaDB collection. """ documents = [] contents_to_embed = [contents] while contents_to_embed: last_item = contents_to_embed.pop() # (1) For the `multilingual-e5-large` embedding model, # the string of a document must be prepended with "passage:" # (2) Since the text of a webpage may have to be cut into many documents, # we always add the title of the webpage at the top of a document last_item_str = self.passage_str(last_item, title) last_item_token_length = self.token_length(last_item_str) if last_item_token_length > max_chunk_size: # If the text of the webpage, present in file `filename`, # contains more than `max_chunk_size` tokens, it must be divided # into multiple documents if len(last_item) > 1: # If there are many paragraphs in `last_item`, i.e. the current # part of the webpage for which an embedding will be made, # the length of `last_item` can be reduced by dividing its set of # paragraphs in half h = len(last_item) // 2 last_item_h1 = last_item[:h] last_item_h2 = last_item[h:] contents_to_embed.append(last_item_h1) contents_to_embed.append(last_item_h2) else: # If `last_item` is made of only one long paragraph whose length is # larger than `chunk_size`, this paragraph will be divided into two parts. sentences = re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', last_item[0]) if len(sentences) > 1: # If there are multiple sentences, try to split into two parts i = 1 while True: part1 = ' '.join(sentences[:i]) part2 = ' '.join(sentences[i:]) token_length_part_1 = self.token_length(self.passage_str([part1], title)) token_length_part_2 = self.token_length(self.passage_str([part2], title)) if (token_length_part_1 <= max_chunk_size and token_length_part_2 <= max_chunk_size) or \ token_length_part_1 > max_chunk_size: break i += 1 else: # If there's only one long sentence or no suitable split found, split by words words = last_item[0].split() h = len(words) // 2 part1 = ' '.join(words[:h]) part2 = ' '.join(words[h:]) contents_to_embed.append([part1]) contents_to_embed.append([part2]) else: documents.append(last_item_str) # We want the documents into which a webpage has been divided # to be in the natural reading order documents.reverse() embeddings = self.model.encode(documents, normalize_embeddings=True) embeddings = embeddings.tolist() # We consider the subpart of an URL as tags describing the webpage # For example, # "" # is associated to the tags: # tags[0] == 'rhone-alpes' # tags[1] == 'professionnels' # tags[2] == 'financer-projets-optimiser-tresorerie' if len(tags) < 2: category = '' else: if tags[0] == 'rhone-alpes': category = tags[1] else: category = tags[0] metadata = {'category': category, 'url': url} # All the documents corresponding to a same webpage have the same metadata, i.e. URL and category metadatas = [copy.deepcopy(metadata) for _ in range(len(documents))] ids = [filename + '-' + str(i+1) for i in range(len(documents))] self.collection.add(embeddings=embeddings, documents=documents, metadatas=metadatas, ids=ids) def embed_folder(self, folder_path): """ Embeds all the .txt files within a specified folder into a ChromaDB collection using a specified embedding model. Args: folder_path (str): Path to the folder containing .txt files. Returns: None This function processes each .txt file in the given folder, extracts the content, and uses `embed_page` to embed the content into the specified ChromaDB collection. """ for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): if filename.endswith('.txt'): file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) with open(file_path, 'r') as file: file_contents = contents_lst = [str.replace('\n',' ').replace('\xa0', ' ') for str in file_contents.split('\n\n')] if len(contents_lst) < 3: # contents_lst[0] is the URL, contents_lst[1] is the title, the rest is the content continue url = contents_lst[0] if '?' in url: # URLs with a '?' corresponds to call to services and have no useful content continue title = contents_lst[1] if not title: # when the title is absent (or empty), the page has no interest continue"{filename} : Start") prefix = '' suffix = url.replace(prefix, '') tags = suffix.split('/') tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag] # remove empty parts self.embed_page(filename, url, title, contents_lst[2:], tags)"{filename} : Done")