from transformers import AutoTokenizer from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer import os import re import copy import chromadb import logging from bs4 import BeautifulSoup logging.basicConfig(filename='embedding.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') class EmbeddingModel: def __init__(self, model_name, chromadb_path, collection_name, mulitlingual_e5=True): self.mulitlingual_e5=mulitlingual_e5 self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model = SentenceTransformer(model_name) self.chroma_client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path=chromadb_path) self.collection = self.chroma_client.get_or_create_collection(name=collection_name) def token_length(self, text): """ Calculates the token length of a given text Args: text (str): The text to be tokenized. Returns: int: The number of tokens in the text. This function takes a string, tokenizes the string, and returns the number of tokens. """ return len(self.tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False)) def passage_str(self, paragraphs, title): """ Constructs a passage string from given paragraphs and a title. Args: paragraphs (list of str): A list of paragraphs. title (str): The title of the passage. Returns: str: A passage string that combines the title and paragraphs. This function takes a list of paragraphs and a title, and constructs a single string with the title followed by the paragraphs, formatted for embedding. """ return f"passage: {title}\n" + '\n'.join(paragraphs) def embed_folder(self, html_folder_path, txt_folder_path): """ Embeds all the .html files within a specified folder into a ChromaDB collection using a specified embedding model. The txt folder is required to get the URL of the webpage. TODO: change this behavior in a future version. Args: html_folder_path (str): Path to the folder containing .html files. txt_folder_path (str): Path to the folder containing .txt files. Returns: None This function processes each .html file in the given folder, extracts the content, and uses `embed_page` to embed the content into the specified ChromaDB collection. """ for html_filename in os.listdir(html_folder_path): html_file_path = os.path.join(html_folder_path, html_filename) txt_filename = re.sub(r'\.html', '.txt', html_filename) txt_file_path = os.path.join(txt_folder_path, txt_filename) with open(txt_file_path, 'r') as file: txt_file_contents = url = txt_file_contents.split('\n')[0] if '?' in url: # URLs with a '?' corresponds to call to services and have no useful content continue if not url.startswith(''): continue prefix = '' suffix = url.replace(prefix, '') tags = suffix.split('/') tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag] # remove empty parts with open(html_file_path, 'r') as file: html_file_contents = soup = BeautifulSoup(html_file_contents, 'html.parser') first_section = soup.find('section') if not first_section: continue page_title_present = first_section.find('h1') if not page_title_present: continue page_title = page_title_present.get_text() sections = soup.find_all(lambda tag: in ['section']) struct_page = {'title': page_title} current_section = '' titles = [page_title] for section in sections: if 'key-informations' in section.get('class', []): key_items = [] for key_item in section.find_all('div', class_='container-block'): key_item_text = '' for key_item_title in key_item.find_all('div', class_='button'): key_item_text += key_item_title.get_text().strip() for key_item_desc in key_item.find_all('div', class_="tab-panel"): key_item_text += ' ' + key_item_desc.get_text().strip() if len(key_item_text) > 0: key_items.append(key_item_text) if len(key_items) > 0: struct_page['Les points clés'] = key_items continue for wysiwyg_tag in section.find_all(class_="wysiwyg"): # Check for a title within the wysiwyg container internal_title = wysiwyg_tag.find(['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']) or wysiwyg_tag.find('p', class_='title') if internal_title: title_tag = internal_title title = internal_title.get_text().strip() title = re.sub(r'\(\d\)', '', title) title = re.sub(r'^\d+\.\s*', '', title) titles.append(title) current_section = title else: # If no internal title, find the nearest title from previous tags title_tag = None current_section = titles[-1] if current_section not in struct_page: struct_page[current_section] = [] for child in wysiwyg_tag.find_all(['p', 'li', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']): if child == title_tag: continue if 'is-style-mentions' in child.get('class', []): continue text = child.get_text().strip() text = re.sub(r'\(\d\)', '', text) struct_page[current_section].append(text) if len(struct_page[current_section]) == 0: del struct_page[current_section]"{html_filename} : Start") self.embed_page(html_filename, url, struct_page, tags) def token_length(self, text): """ Calculates the token length of a given text Args: text (str): The text to be tokenized. Returns: int: The number of tokens in the text. This function takes a string, tokenizes the string, and returns the number of tokens. """ return len(self.tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False)) def passage_str(self, paragraphs, title, subtitle): """ Constructs a passage string from given paragraphs and a title. Args: paragraphs (list of str): A list of paragraphs. title (str): The title of the webpage. subtitle (str): The title of the passage. Returns: str: A passage string that combines the titles and paragraphs. This function takes a passage made of a list of paragraphs extracted from a webpage, the title of the webpage, the subtitle corresponding to the passage, and constructs a single string with the titles followed by the paragraphs, formatted for embedding. """ if self.mulitlingual_e5: prefix = "passage: " else: prefix = "" return f"{prefix}{title}\n\n{subtitle}\n\n" + '\n'.join(paragraphs) def embed_page(self, html_filename, url, struct_page, tags, max_chunk_size=500): documents = [] title = struct_page['title'] for subtitle, paragraphs in struct_page.items(): if subtitle != 'title': doc_str = self.passage_str(paragraphs, title, subtitle) doc_token_length = self.token_length(doc_str) if doc_token_length > max_chunk_size: long_passages = [] sub_paragraphs = [] sub_paragraphs_token_length = 0 paragraph_index = 0 while True: while sub_paragraphs_token_length < max_chunk_size and paragraph_index < len(paragraphs): sub_paragraphs.append(paragraphs[paragraph_index]) sub_paragraphs_str = self.passage_str(sub_paragraphs, title, subtitle) sub_paragraphs_token_length = self.token_length(sub_paragraphs_str) paragraph_index += 1 if paragraph_index >= len(paragraphs): if sub_paragraphs_token_length >= max_chunk_size: sub_paragraphs_str_1 = self.passage_str(sub_paragraphs[:-1], title, subtitle) sub_paragraphs_str_2 = self.passage_str([sub_paragraphs[-1]], title, subtitle) documents.append(sub_paragraphs_str_1) if self.token_length(sub_paragraphs_str_2) < max_chunk_size: documents.append(sub_paragraphs_str_2) else: long_passages.append(sub_paragraphs[0]) else: documents.append(sub_paragraphs_str) break else: # sub_paragraphs_token_length >= max_chunk_size and paragraph_index < len(paragraphs) if len(sub_paragraphs) > 1: sub_paragraphs_str = self.passage_str(sub_paragraphs[:-1], title, subtitle) documents.append(sub_paragraphs_str) paragraph_index -= 1 else: long_passages.append(sub_paragraphs[0]) sub_paragraphs = [] sub_paragraphs_token_length = 0 for long_passage in long_passages: passage = [] for word in long_passage.split(): passage.append(word) passage_str = self.passage_str([' '.join(passage)], title, subtitle) if self.token_length(passage_str) > max_chunk_size: passage_str = self.passage_str([' '.join(passage[:-1])], title, subtitle) documents.append(passage_str) passage = [passage[-1]] passage_str = self.passage_str([' '.join(passage)], title, subtitle) documents.append(passage_str) else: documents.append(doc_str) if len(documents) == 0: return embeddings = self.model.encode(documents, normalize_embeddings=True) embeddings = embeddings.tolist() # We consider the subpart of an URL as tags describing the webpage # For example, # "" # is associated to the tags: # tags[0] == 'rhone-alpes' # tags[1] == 'professionnels' # tags[2] == 'financer-projets-optimiser-tresorerie' if len(tags) < 2: category = '' else: if tags[0] == 'rhone-alpes': category = tags[1] else: category = tags[0] metadata = {'category': category, 'url': url} # All the documents corresponding to a same webpage have the same metadata, i.e. URL and category metadatas = [copy.deepcopy(metadata) for _ in range(len(documents))] ids = [html_filename + '-' + str(i+1) for i in range(len(documents))] self.collection.add(embeddings=embeddings, documents=documents, metadatas=metadatas, ids=ids)