/** * This procedure is only for those who have a signal generator/transceiver tuned to exactly 7.150 and a dummy load */ void btnWaitForClick(){ while(!btnDown()) active_delay(50); while(btnDown()) active_delay(50); active_delay(50); } /** * Take a deep breath, math(ematics) ahead * The 25 mhz oscillator is multiplied by 35 to run the vco at 875 mhz * This is divided by a number to generate different frequencies. * If we divide it by 875, we will get 1 mhz signal * So, if the vco is shifted up by 875 hz, the generated frequency of 1 mhz is shifted by 1 hz (875/875) * At 12 Mhz, the carrier will needed to be shifted down by 12 hz for every 875 hz of shift up of the vco * */ /* void factory_alignment(){ calibrateClock(); if (calibration == 0){ printLine2("Setup Aborted"); return; } //move it away to 7.160 for an LSB signal setFrequency(7170000l); updateDisplay(); printLine2("#2 BFO"); active_delay(1000); usbCarrier = 11053000l; menuSetupCarrier(1); if (usbCarrier == 11994999l){ printLine2("Setup Aborted"); return; } printLine2("#3:Test 3.5MHz"); isUSB = false; setFrequency(3500000l); updateDisplay(); while (!btnDown()){ checkPTT(); active_delay(100); } btnWaitForClick(); printLine2("#4:Test 7MHz"); setFrequency(7150000l); updateDisplay(); while (!btnDown()){ checkPTT(); active_delay(100); } btnWaitForClick(); printLine2("#5:Test 14MHz"); isUSB = true; setFrequency(14000000l); updateDisplay(); while (!btnDown()){ checkPTT(); active_delay(100); } btnWaitForClick(); printLine2("#6:Test 28MHz"); setFrequency(28000000l); updateDisplay(); while (!btnDown()){ checkPTT(); active_delay(100); } printLine2("Alignment done"); active_delay(1000); isUSB = false; setFrequency(7150000l); updateDisplay(); } */