#!/usr/bin/env python3 # pylint: disable=W1401 """ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | _ | | __ _ _ _ __| |___ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ | | / _` | '_|_ / / _ \/ _` / _` / -_) '_| | | \__, |_| /__|_\___/\__, \__, \___|_| | | |_| |___/|___/ | | | | | | A python application to log QSOs directly to QRZ.com from the CLI | | | | Author: Michael Clemens, DK1MI (qrzlogger@qrz.is) | | | | Documentation: Please see the README.md file | | License: Please see the LICENSE file | | Repository: https://github.com/exitnode/qrzlogger | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ """ import urllib import re import datetime import os from os.path import exists import sys import csv import configparser import zipfile import signal import atexit from datetime import timezone from colored import attr, fg from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict from prettytable import PrettyTable import xmltodict import requests from pathlib import Path class QRZLogger(): """QRZLogger class""" def __init__(self): """initialize things""" self.version = "0.9.0" self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.home_dir = str(Path.home()) self.config_dir = self.home_dir + "/.config/qrzlogger/" # Check if config directory exists and else create it Path(self.config_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.config_file = os.path.expanduser(self.config_dir + 'qrzlogger.ini') self.read_config(self.config, self.config_file) self.check_files() if self.config['lotw']['user'] != "N0CALL" and self.check_lotw_confirmed: self.confirmed_entities = self.get_confirmed_entities() if self.check_cty: with open(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['cty'], encoding='us-ascii') as csvfile: self.cty = list(csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')) if self.check_lotw_activity: with open(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity'], encoding='us-ascii') as csvfile: self.lotw_activity = list(csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')) if self.config and self.config['log']['log_file']: self.log_file = self.config['log']['log_file'] else: self.log_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.qrzlogger.log') self.contest = False if len(sys.argv) > 1 and str(sys.argv[1]) == "-c": self.contest = True # QRZ.com URLs self.xml_url = "https://xmldata.QRZ.com/xml/current/" self.api_url = "https://logbook.qrz.com/api" # headers for all POST requests self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" # Default colors self.inputcol = attr('reset') self.hlcol = attr('reset') self.defvalcol = attr('reset') self.errorcol = attr('reset') self.successcol = attr('reset') self.tablecol = attr('reset') self.logocol = attr('reset') self.qso = None self.recent_qso_limit = 5 self.recent_qsos = [] # read colors from config and overwrite default vaulues self.config_colors() def print_banner(self): """print an awesome banner""" ver = self.version # print the banner print(self.logocol) print(" _ ") print(" __ _ _ _ __| |___ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ ") print(" / _` | '_|_ / / _ \/ _` / _` / -_) '_|") print(" \__, |_| /__|_\___/\__, \__, \___|_| ") print(" |_| -=DK1MI=- |___/|___/ v"+ver+" ") print(attr('reset')) def config_colors(self): """Read color settings from config file""" if self.config and self.config['colors']['use_colors'] == "yes": self.inputcol = fg(self.config['colors']['inputcol']) self.hlcol = fg(self.config['colors']['hlcol']) self.defvalcol = fg(self.config['colors']['defvalcol']) self.errorcol = fg(self.config['colors']['errorcol']) self.successcol = fg(self.config['colors']['successcol']) self.tablecol = fg(self.config['colors']['tablecol']) self.logocol = fg(self.config['colors']['logocol']) @staticmethod def read_config(config, file_name): """reads the configuration from the config file or creates a default config file if none could be found""" if os.path.isfile(file_name): config.read(file_name) else: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config['qrz.com'] = { 'station_call': 'MYCALL', 'api_key': '1234-ABCD-1234-A1B2', 'qrz_user': 'MYCALL', 'qrz_pass': 'my_secret_password', 'xml_fields': '("call", "band", "mode", "qso_date", "time_on", "rst_sent", "rst_rcvd", "comment")'} config['files'] = { 'cty': 'cty.csv', 'cty_url': 'https://www.country-files.com/bigcty/download/bigcty.zip', 'lotw_confirmed': 'lotw.adi', 'lotw_activity': 'lotw-user-activity.csv', 'lotw_activity_url': 'https://lotw.arrl.org/lotw-user-activity.csv'} config['lotw'] = { 'user': 'N0CALL', 'password': 'CHANGEME', 'mode': 'ssb'} config['log'] = { 'log_file': '/tmp/qrzlogger.log'} config['qso_defaults'] = { 'band': '20m', 'mode': 'SSB', 'rst_rcvd': '59', 'rst_sent': '59', 'tx_pwr': '100'} config['colors'] = { 'use_colors': 'yes', 'inputcol': 'yellow', 'hlcol': 'yellow', 'defvalcol': 'light_blue', 'errorcol': 'red', 'successcol': 'green', 'tablecol': 'light_blue', 'logocol': 'yellow'} config['bandfreqs'] = { '160m': '1.850', '80m': '3.700', '60m': '5.355', '40m': '7.100', '30m': '10.130', '20m': '14.200', '17m': '18.130', '15m': '21.200', '12m': '24.950', '10m': '28.500', '6m': '50.150', '2m': '145.500', '70cm': '432.300' } with open(file_name, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) print("\nNo configuration file found. A new configuration file has been created.") print("\nPlease edit the file " + file_name + " and restart the application.\n" ) sys.exit() return config @staticmethod def remove_indicators(call): """returns the actual call sign without any indicators (e.g, "/p" or "F/")""" # set the return value to the value of "call" cleaned_call = call # check if the callsign has a suffix (.e.g. /p) if call.endswith(("/P","/MM","/M","/QRP")): cleaned_call = call.rsplit('/', 1)[0] # check if the callsign has a prefix (e.g. DL/) if "/" in cleaned_call: cleaned_call = re.sub(r'^\w+/', "", cleaned_call) return cleaned_call def print_table(self, tab): """Print the table object to stdout""" print(self.tablecol) print(tab) print(attr('reset')) @staticmethod def download_file(url, local_filename): """downloads a file via HTTP and saves it to a defined file""" with requests.get(url, stream=True) as request: request.raise_for_status() with open(local_filename, 'wb') as file: for chunk in request.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): file.write(chunk) return local_filename def check_files(self): """Checks if all necessary files are in the file system. Downloads all files and unzips them (if necessary)""" # check for lotw qsl information file if self.config['lotw']['user'] != "N0CALL": self.check_lotw_confirmed = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed']) if not self.check_lotw_confirmed: print("The file " + self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed'] + " is missing.") user = self.config['lotw']['user'] password = self.config['lotw']['password'] mode = self.config['lotw']['mode'] url = "https://lotw.arrl.org/lotwuser/lotwreport.adi?login={}&password={}"\ "&qso_query=1&qso_qsl=yes&qso_mode={}&qso_qsldetail=yes&"\ "qso_qslsince=1970-01-01".format(user, password, mode) print("Trying to download " + url) self.download_file(url, self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed']) self.check_lotw_confirmed = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed']) if self.check_lotw_confirmed: print("File successfully downloaded") else: print("something went wrong while downloading " + url) else: self.check_lotw_confirmed = False # check for cty.csv file self.check_cty = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['cty']) if not self.check_cty: url = self.config['files']['cty_url'] print("The file " + self.config_dir + self.config['files']['cty'] + " is missing.") print("Trying to download " + url) # TODO: pfad? zip_name = self.download_file(url, self.config_dir + "bigcty.zip" ) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extract("cty.csv", path=self.config_dir) os.remove(zip_name) self.check_cty = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['cty']) if self.check_cty: print("File successfully downloaded and extracted.") else: print("something went wrong while downloading " + url) # check for lotw user activity file self.check_lotw_activity = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity']) if not self.check_lotw_activity: url = self.config['files']['lotw_activity_url'] print("The file " + self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity'] + " is missing.") print("Trying to download " + url) self.download_file(url, self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity']) self.check_lotw_activity = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity']) if self.check_lotw_activity: print("File successfully downloaded") else: print("something went wrong while downloading " + url) def get_confirmed_entities(self): """Reads the file downlaoded from LotW with all confirmed QSOs, extracts all confirmed DXCCs and puts them into a list""" ret = [] with open(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed'], encoding='us-ascii') as file: for row in file: if re.search("")[2].lower().rstrip() if dxcc not in ret: ret.append(dxcc) return ret def check_lotw(self, call): """Reads the LotW user activity file and returns the date of the last upload date if a specific call sign""" ret = "" for row in self.lotw_activity: if call == row[0]: ret = row[1] return ret return ret def get_cty_row(self, call): """Parses all CTY records, tries to find the DXCC entity of a specific call sign and returns the line as a list of strings""" done = False while not done: for row in self.cty: entities = row[9].replace(";", "").replace("=", "").split(" ") # TODO: Check if it is a speciall call (=) and mark it in the list for prefix in entities: if call == prefix: return row call = call[:-1] if call == "": return ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"] return None ##################################################### # QRZ.com API Functions # ##################################################### def get_session(self): """Generate a session for QRZ.com's xml service with the help of the QRZ.com username and password""" session_key = None data = { 'username' : self.config['qrz.com']['qrz_user'], 'password' : self.config['qrz.com']['qrz_pass'] } try: session = requests.Session() session.verify = True result = session.post(self.xml_url, data=data) if result.status_code == 200: raw_session = xmltodict.parse(result.content) if raw_session.get('QRZDatabase').get('Session').get('Error'): print(self.errorcol + "\nError while logging into the QRZ.com XML Service:\n") print(raw_session.get('QRZDatabase').get('Session').get('Error')) print(attr('reset')) session_key = raw_session.get('QRZDatabase').get('Session').get('Key') if session_key: return session_key except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e_conn: print(self.errorcol + "\nUnable to connect to xmldata.qrz.com:") print(e_conn) print("\nPlease check if\n * username and password are correct \ (see config.ini)\n * you are connected to the internet") print(attr('reset')) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except print(self.errorcol + "\nsomething unexpected has happened:\n") print(attr('reset')) return session_key def send_request(self, post_data): """Sends a POST request to QRZ.com, checks for errors and returns the response""" try: resp = requests.post(self.api_url, headers=self.headers, data=post_data) if resp.status_code == 200: str_resp = resp.content.decode("utf-8") response = urllib.parse.unquote(str_resp) resp_list = response.splitlines() if resp_list[0]: if "invalid api key" in resp_list[0]: print(self.errorcol + "\nThe API key configured \ in config.ini is not correct.\n" + attr('reset')) else: return response elif resp.status_code == 404: print(self.errorcol + "\nThe API URL could not be found. \ Please check the URL in config.ini\n" + attr('reset')) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e_conn: print(self.errorcol + "\nUnable to connect to xmldata.qrz.com:") print(e_conn) print("\nPlease check if you are connected to the internet") print(attr('reset')) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except print(self.errorcol + "\nsomething unexpected has happened:\n") print(e_conn) print(attr('reset')) return None def get_call_data(self, call, session_key): """Query QRZ.com's xml api to gather information about a specific call sign""" data = { 's' : session_key, 'callsign' : call } try: session = requests.Session() session.verify = True result = session.post(self.xml_url, data=data) raw = xmltodict.parse(result.content).get('QRZDatabase') calldata = raw.get('Callsign') if calldata: return calldata except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e_conn: print(self.errorcol + "\nUnable to connect to xmldata.qrz.com:") print(e_conn) print("\nPlease check if you are connected to the internet") print(attr('reset')) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except print(self.errorcol + "\nsomething unexpected has happened:\n") print(attr('reset')) return None def get_qsos(self, option): """Query QRZ.com's logbook for all previous QSOs with a specific call sign or for a specific logid""" result = [{}] post_data = { 'KEY' : self.config['qrz.com']['api_key'], 'ACTION' : 'FETCH', 'OPTION' : "TYPE:ADIF," + option } post_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(post_data) response = self.send_request(post_data) if response: resp_list = response.splitlines() for resp in resp_list: if not resp: result.append({}) else: if any(s+":" in resp for s in self.config['qrz.com']['xml_fields']): resp = re.sub('<','',resp, flags=re.DOTALL) resp = re.sub(':.*>',":",resp, flags=re.DOTALL) value = re.sub('^.*:',"",resp, flags=re.DOTALL) key = re.sub(':.*$',"",resp, flags=re.DOTALL) result[-1][key] = value return result def send_qso(self, qso, call): """Sends the previously collected QSO information as a new QRZ.com logbook entry via the API""" logid = "null" log_status = "FAILED: " # construct ADIF QSO entry adif = '' + self.config['qrz.com']['station_call'] adif += '' + call for field in qso: adif += '<' + field + ':' + str(len(qso[field][1])) + '>' + qso[field][1] adif += '' # construct POST data post_data = { 'KEY' : self.config['qrz.com']['api_key'], \ 'ACTION' : 'INSERT', 'ADIF' : adif } # URL encode the payload data = urllib.parse.urlencode(post_data) # send the POST request to QRZ.com response = self.send_request(data) # Check if the upload failed and print out # the reason plus some additional info if response: if "STATUS=FAIL" in response: print(self.errorcol) print("QSO upload failed. QRZ.com has send the following reason:\n") resp_list = response.split("&") for item in resp_list: print(item) print("\nPlease review the following request that led to this error:\n") print(attr('reset')) print(post_data) else: try: logid = re.search('LOGID=(\d+)', response).group(1) print(self.successcol) print("QSO successfully uploaded to QRZ.com (LOGID "+ logid + ")") log_status = "SUCCESS: " print(attr('reset')) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except logid = "null" print(self.errorcol) print("\nQSO upload to QRZ.com failed!\n") print(attr('reset')) with open(self.log_file, "a") as log: log.write(log_status + adif + "\n") return logid ##################################################### # Functions for generating ASCII Tables # ##################################################### @staticmethod def get_qso_table(result): """Generate a pretty ascii table containing all previous QSOs with a specific call sign""" table = PrettyTable(['Date', 'Time', 'Band', 'Mode', 'RST-S', 'RST-R', 'Power', 'QRZ', 'LotW', 'Comment']) for qso in result: if "qso_date" in qso: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(qso["qso_date"], '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y/%m/%d') time = datetime.datetime.strptime(qso["time_on"], '%H%M').strftime('%H:%M') # add missing fields to dict for field in ["band", "mode", "rst_sent", "rst_rcvd", "tx_pwr", "app_qrzlog_status", "lotw_qsl_rcvd", "comment"]: if field not in qso: qso[field] = "" table.add_row([date, time, qso["band"], qso["mode"], qso["rst_sent"], \ qso["rst_rcvd"], qso["tx_pwr"], qso["app_qrzlog_status"], qso["lotw_qsl_rcvd"], qso["comment"]]) table.align = "r" return table @staticmethod def get_xml_query_table(result): """Print a pretty ascii table containing all interesting data found for a specific call sign""" table = PrettyTable(['key', 'value']) if "fname" in result: table.add_row(["First Name", result["fname"]]) if "name" in result: table.add_row(["Last Name", result["name"]]) if "addr1" in result: table.add_row(["Street", result["addr1"]]) if "addr2" in result: table.add_row(["City", result["addr2"]]) if "state" in result: table.add_row(["State", result["state"]]) if "country" in result: table.add_row(["Country", result["country"]]) if "grid" in result: table.add_row(["Locator", result["grid"]]) if "email" in result: table.add_row(["Email", result["email"]]) if "qslmgr" in result: table.add_row(["QSL via:", result["qslmgr"]]) table.align = "l" table.header = False return table @staticmethod def get_extra_info_table(extra_info): """Print a pretty ascii table containing some extra info""" table = PrettyTable(['key', 'value']) if "cty_country" in extra_info: table.add_row(["Country:", extra_info["cty_country"]]) if "cty_continent" in extra_info: table.add_row(["Continent:", extra_info["cty_continent"]]) if "lotw_call_date" in extra_info and extra_info["lotw_call_date"] != "": table.add_row(["LotW uploaded ({}):".format(extra_info["lotw_call"]), extra_info["lotw_call_date"]]) if "lotw_cleaned_call_date" in extra_info and extra_info["lotw_cleaned_call_date"] != "": table.add_row(["LotW uploaded ({}):".format(extra_info["lotw_cleaned_call"]), extra_info["lotw_cleaned_call_date"]]) table.align = "l" table.header = False return table @staticmethod def get_qso_detail_table(qso): """Print a pretty ascii table containing all previously entered user data""" table = PrettyTable(['key', 'value']) for item in qso: table.add_row([qso[item][0], qso[item][1]]) table.align = "l" table.header = False return table @staticmethod def get_recent_qso_table(recent_qsos): """Print a pretty ascii table containing the n previous QSOs""" table = PrettyTable(['Time', 'Frequency', 'Call']) for hist_qso in recent_qsos: table.add_row([hist_qso[1], hist_qso[2], hist_qso[0]]) table.align = "l" table.header = True return table ##################################################### # User Interaction Functions # ##################################################### def query_qso_data(self, qso): """Queries QSO specific data from the user via the command line""" date_time = datetime.datetime.now(timezone.utc) dt_now = date_time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) # If this is the first try filling out the QSO fields # then we use defaults if qso is None: if not self.contest: questions = { "band": ["Band", self.config['qso_defaults']['band']], "rst_rcvd": ["RST Received", self.config['qso_defaults']['rst_rcvd']], "rst_sent": ["RST Sent", self.config['qso_defaults']['rst_sent']], "comment": ["Comment", ""], "freq": ["Frequency", ""], "mode": ["Mode", self.config['qso_defaults']['mode']], "tx_pwr": ["Power (in W)", self.config['qso_defaults']['tx_pwr']], "qso_date" : ["QSO Date", dt_now.strftime("%Y%m%d")], "time_on": ["QSO Time", dt_now.strftime("%H%M")] } else: questions = { "band": ["Band", self.config['qso_defaults']['band']], "srx": ["Serial Received", "001"], "srx_string": ["Info Received", ""], "stx": ["Serial Sent", "001"], "stx_string": ["Info Sent", ""], "freq": ["Frequency", ""], "mode": ["Mode", self.config['qso_defaults']['mode']], "rst_rcvd": ["RST Received", self.config['qso_defaults']['rst_rcvd']], "rst_sent": ["RST Sent", self.config['qso_defaults']['rst_sent']], "comment": ["Comment", ""], "qso_date" : ["QSO Date", dt_now.strftime("%Y%m%d")], "time_on": ["QSO Time", dt_now.strftime("%H%M")] } # if this is not the first try, we pre-fill the # vaulues we got from the last try else: questions = qso # We now loop through all defined fields and ask # the user for input for question in questions: txt = self.inputcol + questions[question][0] + " [" + self.defvalcol \ + questions[question][1] + self.inputcol + "]:" + attr('reset') inp = input(txt) # If the user just hits enter, we keep the default value. # If not, we keep the data provided by the user if inp == "c": return None if inp == "d": return questions if inp == "quit" or inp == "exit": sys.exit() if inp != "": questions[question][1] = inp # check if we are asking for the band if question == "band": # check if the band is in the bandfreqs dictionary try: # populate the frequency with a common freq of this band bandfreqs = dict(self.config.items('bandfreqs')) questions['freq'][1] = bandfreqs[questions[question][1]] except: # pylint: disable=bare-except print(self.errorcol + "\nUnable to read default frequency \ values from config file." + attr('reset')) return questions def get_input_callsign(self): """query a call sign from the user""" call = "" while True: call = input("\n\n%sEnter Callsign:%s " % (self.inputcol, attr('reset'))) if call == "quit" or call == "exit": sys.exit() # check if it has the format of a valid call sign # (at least 3 characters, only alphanumeric and slashes) if not (len(call) > 2 and call.replace("/", "").isalnum()): print(self.errorcol + "\nPlease enter a callsign with\n * at least \ 3 characters\n * only letters, numbers and slashes" + attr('reset')) continue # make the call sign all upper case call = call.upper() break return call def confirm_and_submit_qso(self, call): """ask user if everything is ok. If not, start over.""" done = False while True: answer = input("\n" + self.inputcol + "Is this correct? [" + \ self.defvalcol + "y/n/c/quit" + self.inputcol + "]: " + attr('reset')) answer = answer.upper() if answer == "Y": while True: logid = self.send_qso(self.qso, call) if logid and logid != "null": break answer = input("\n" + self.inputcol + "QSO Upload failed. Retry? [" + \ self.defvalcol + "y/n" + self.inputcol + "]: " + attr('reset')) answer = answer.upper() if answer == "N": done = True break if logid and logid.lower() != "null": # pull the uploaded QSO from QRZ result = self.get_qsos("LOGIDS:"+ logid) if result and result[0]: self.print_table(self.get_qso_table(result)) # add some of the QSO detail to the recent_qsos list self.recent_qsos.append([call, self.qso["time_on"][1], self.qso["freq"][1]]) if len(self.recent_qsos)>self.recent_qso_limit: self.recent_qsos.pop(0) done = True break break if answer == "C": done = True break if answer == "N": break if answer == "QUIT" or answer == "EXIT": sys.exit() return done def handler(signum, frame): # pylint: disable=W0613 """method for handlich SIGINTs""" return None def quit_gracefully(): """Prints a message when the application is terminated""" print("\n73!\n") ##################################################### # Main Routine # ##################################################### def main(): """the main routine""" # signal handling for ctrl+c and ctrl+d signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) atexit.register(quit_gracefully) qrz = QRZLogger() qrz.print_banner() if qrz.contest: print("\nContest mode enabled.") keeponlogging = True session_key = None # Begin the main loop while keeponlogging: # get a session after logging into QRZ with user/pass session_key = qrz.get_session() qrz.qso = None # print a table containing the last n logged QSOs if qrz.recent_qsos: print ('\n%s%sYour last %s logged QSOs%s' \ % (attr('underlined'), qrz.hlcol, \ qrz.recent_qso_limit, attr('reset'))) qrz.print_table(qrz.get_recent_qso_table(qrz.recent_qsos)) # query a call sign from the user call = qrz.get_input_callsign() cleaned_call = qrz.remove_indicators(call) # query call sign data from QRZ result = qrz.get_call_data(call, session_key) # the query was successful if result: print ('\n%s%sQRZ.com results for %s%s' \ % (attr('underlined'), qrz.hlcol, call, attr('reset'))) # generate a nice ascii table with the result qrz.print_table(qrz.get_xml_query_table(result)) # the query was unsuccessful else: print ('\n%s%s has no record on QRZ.com ¯\_(ツ)_/¯%s' \ % (qrz.errorcol, call, attr('reset'))) if call != cleaned_call: # query call sign data from QRZ result = qrz.get_call_data(cleaned_call, session_key) # the query was successful if result: print ('\n%s%sShowing results for %s instead%s' \ % (attr('underlined'), qrz.hlcol, cleaned_call, attr('reset'))) # generate a nice ascii table with the result qrz.print_table(qrz.get_xml_query_table(result)) print("") extra_info = {} # If the CTY file is available, further information will be # gathered from it, e.g. continent, country if qrz.check_cty: cty_details = qrz.get_cty_row(call) else: cty_details = ["-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"] extra_info["cty_country"] = cty_details[1] extra_info["cty_continent"] = cty_details[3] # If the LotW user activity file is available and the call # sign in question is actually a LotW user, the lsat upload # date will be displayed if qrz.check_lotw_activity: lotw = qrz.check_lotw(call) extra_info["lotw_call"] = call extra_info["lotw_call_date"] = lotw if call != cleaned_call: lotw = qrz.check_lotw(cleaned_call) extra_info["lotw_cleaned_call"] = cleaned_call extra_info["lotw_cleaned_call_date"] = lotw # Print the table with additional infos on the call print ('%s%sExtra (non-QRZ.com) info for %s%s' \ % (attr('underlined'), qrz.hlcol, call, attr('reset'))) qrz.print_table(qrz.get_extra_info_table(extra_info)) if cty_details[2] and cty_details[2] not in qrz.confirmed_entities: print ('\n%s%s>>> New One! (not confirmed via Lotw) <<<%s\n\n' \ % (attr('bold'), qrz.hlcol, attr('reset'))) # pull all previous QSOs from tzhe QRZ logbook result = qrz.get_qsos("CALL:"+ call) # ignore this part if there were no previous QSOs if result and result[0]: print ('%s%sPrevious QSOs with %s%s' \ % (attr('underlined'), qrz.hlcol, call, attr('reset'))) qrz.print_table(qrz.get_qso_table(result)) print ('%s%sEnter new QSO details below%s%s (enter \'c\' to cancel, \'d\' to fast forward)%s\n' \ % (attr('underlined'), qrz.hlcol, attr('reset'), qrz.hlcol, attr('reset'),)) done = False # we now ask the user for QSO details until he/she is happy with the result while not done: # query QSO details from the user qrz.qso = qrz.query_qso_data(qrz.qso) # the user has answered all questions if qrz.qso: print ('\n%s%sPlease review your choices%s' \ % (attr('underlined'), qrz.hlcol, attr('reset'))) qrz.print_table(qrz.get_qso_detail_table(qrz.qso)) done = qrz.confirm_and_submit_qso(call) ''' # add some of the QSO detail to the recent_qsos list recent_qsos.append([call, qrz.qso["time_on"][1], qrz.qso["freq"][1]]) if len(recent_qsos)>qrz.recent_qso_limit: recent_qsos.pop(0) ''' # the user has entered 'c' during the QSO detail entering process else: done = True qrz.qso = None continue if __name__ == "__main__": try: sys.exit(main()) except EOFError: pass