description = [[ This script stores the following nmap output into a sqlite3 database: Hostname, IP, port number, protocol (tcp/udp), service and version Both, database file name and table name can be passed to the script via arguments (see @args or @example), data will always be appended to an existing table. Non-existant database files or table s are created during the scan. Nmap's regular output (-o) will not be modified in any way. Dependencies: luasql ( ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script sqlite-output -- -- @example -- $ nmap -sS -A -F --script sqlite-output --script-args=dbname=scan.sqlite,dbtable=scandata -- $ sqlite3 can.sqlite -- sqlite> select * from scandata; --||22|tcp|ssh|OpenSSH5.3p1 Debian 3ubuntu7.1 --||80|tcp|http|Apache httpd2.2.14 -- -- @args -- dbname: name of sqlite database file (default: scan.sqlite) -- dbtable: name of database table in which the output will be written (default: scandata) --- author = "Michael Clemens" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"external", "safe"} local luasql = require "luasql.sqlite3" local nmap = require "nmap" portrule = function () return true end postrule = function () return true end if (nmap.registry.args.dbname~=nil) then dbname = nmap.registry.args.dbname else dbname = "scan.sqlite" end if (nmap.registry.args.dbtable~=nil) then dbtable = nmap.registry.args.dbtable else dbtable = "scandata" end env = luasql.sqlite3() con = env:connect(dbname) res = con:execute (string.format("CREATE TABLE '%s' (hostname varchar(100), ip varchar(16), port integer(5), protocol varchar(3), state varchar(20), service varchar(100), version varchar(100))", con:escape(dbtable))) function portaction (host, port) local version = "" if (port.version.product~=nil) then version = port.version.product end if (port.version.version~=nil) then version = version .. port.version.version end res = con:execute(string.format("INSERT INTO '%s' VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" , con:escape(dbtable), con:escape(, con:escape(host.ip), con:escape(port.number), con:escape(port.protocol), con:escape(port.state), con:escape(port.service), con:escape(version))) end function postaction () con:close() env:close() end local ActionsTable = { portrule = portaction, postrule = postaction } -- execute the action function corresponding to the current rule action = function(...) return ActionsTable[SCRIPT_TYPE](...) end