#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import getopt import time import serial from prettytable import PrettyTable serial_port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' baud = 19200 bands = { '6': '0', '10': '1', '12': '2', '15': '3', '17': '4', '20': '5', '30': '6', '40': '7', '60': '8', '80': '9', '160': '10' } vlcd = { 'STA': '-', 'PTT': '-', 'BND': '-', 'VLT': '-', 'PEP': '-', 'AVG': '-', 'SWR': '-', 'TMP': '-' } keying_methods = { "off" : "0", "ptt" : "1", "cor" : "2", "qrp" : "3" } def get_serial(port, baud): try: ser = serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=1) return ser except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e: print("The following error has occured while opening the serial connection to {} with {} baud:".format(port, baud)) print(e) sys.exit(2) # sends a command and an optional parameter to the # Hardrock-50 via the serial interface def send_command(cmd, param): ser = get_serial(serial_port, baud) try: command = cmd + param + ';' ser.write(str.encode(command)) except Exception as e: print("The following error has occured while sending the command {} to the HR50:".format(port, baud)) print(e) ser.close() # Executed two commands vie the serial interface, # parsed the result ad polulates a dict with the # collected information def get_info(): ser = get_serial(serial_port, baud) try: ser.write(b'HRRX;') time.sleep(0.5) res = ser.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip().replace(';', '').split(',') except Exception as e: print("The following error has occured while sending the command {} to the HR50:".format(port, baud)) print(e) ser.close() return None vlcd['STA'] = res[0] vlcd['PTT'] = res[1] vlcd['BND'] = res[2] vlcd['TMP'] = res[3] vlcd['VLT'] = res[4] ser.write(b'HRMX;') time.sleep(0.5) res = ser.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip().split() ser.close() vlcd['PEP'] = res[1][1:] vlcd['AVG'] = res[2][1:] if res[3][1:] != "0": vlcd['SWR'] = res[3][1:2] + "." + res[3][2:3] def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hb:tk:") except getopt.GetoptError: print("Error :(") print("Please consult help via ./hr50ctl.py -h") sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print("\nUSAGE: # ./hr50ctl.py -b -t -k ") print("\nPARAMETERS:") print(" -k: the following keying methods are available:") print(" off, cor, ptt, qrp") print(" This parameter changes the method how the HR50 will be put into TX mode.") print(" -b: the following bands are available:") print(" 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 17, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 160") print(" This parameter changes the band of the HR50") print(" -t: no parameter required.") print(" This parameters initiates the tuning during the next PTT") print("\nEXAMPLES:") print(" Change the band to 12m: # ./hr50ctl.py -b 12") print(" Change the keying method to PTT: # ./hr50ctl.py -k ptt") print(" Change the band to 6m and tune: # ./hr50ctl.py -b 6 -t\n") sys.exit() elif opt == "-b": if arg in bands: # change the band send_command("HRBN",bands[arg]) elif opt == "-t": # let the HR50 know that it should return send_command("HRTU","1") elif opt == "-k": if arg in keying_methods: # let the HR50 know that it should retunr send_command("HRMD",keying_methods[arg]) # query all desired info from the HR50 get_info() # print info to stdout table = PrettyTable() table.add_row([ "STA: " + vlcd["STA"], "PTT: " + vlcd["PTT"], "BND: " + vlcd["BND"], "VLT: " + vlcd["VLT"]]) table.add_row([ "PEP: " + vlcd["PEP"], "AVG: " + vlcd["AVG"], "SWR: " + vlcd["SWR"], "TMP: " + vlcd["TMP"]]) table.align = "l" table.header = False print("") print(table) print("") if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])