[metadata] name = dxpager version = 0.1.0 author = Michael Clemens author_email = dxpager@qrz.is description = A DAPNET notification bot that alerts you if new DXCCs show up on the cluster long_description = file: README.md long_description_content_type = text/markdown url = https://codeberg.org/mclemens/dxpager project_urls = Bug Tracker = https://codeberg.org/mclemens/dxpager/issues classifiers = Programming Language :: Python :: 3 License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Operating System :: OS Independent [options] package_dir = = src packages = find: python_requires = >=3.6 install_requires= requests [options.packages.find] where = src [options.entry_points] console_scripts = colorspot = dxpager.__main__:main