DECLARE SUB m () DECLARE SUB help () DECLARE SUB story () DECLARE SUB playgame () DECLARE SUB menu () DECLARE SUB intro () ON PLAY(1) GOSUB music CLS SCREEN 13 DATA 1,2,3,4,5 intro PLAY ON DO menu LOOP music: 'more sounds from M$'s sample files music$ = "MBT180o2P2P8L8GGGL2E-P24P8L8FFFL2D" PLAY music$ SUB help CLS SCREEN 12 PRINT "commands:" PRINT "go [n or s or w or e or up]" PRINT "play with [object]" PRINT "menu" PRINT "take [object]" 'PRINT "use [object]" 'PRINT "throw [object]" 'PRINT "open [object]" PRINT "look [object]" PRINT "buy [object]" PRINT "talk to man" PRINT "give man [object]" PRINT "help" SLEEP END SUB SUB intro CLS FOR i = 16 TO 30 COLOR i LOCATE 10, 7 PRINT "Neil Edelman's (1995) . . . " t = TIMER + .004: DO: LOOP WHILE TIMER < t NEXT i FOR j = 16 TO 30 i = 46 - j COLOR i LOCATE 10, 7 PRINT "Neil Edelman's (1995) . . . " t = TIMER + .1: DO: LOOP WHILE TIMER < t NEXT j CLS FOR i = 16 TO 30 COLOR i LOCATE 10, 7 PRINT "'The Secret of Feuru Island'" t = TIMER + .004: DO: LOOP WHILE TIMER < t NEXT i FOR j = 16 TO 30 i = 46 - j COLOR i LOCATE 10, 7 PRINT "'The Secret of Feuru Island'" t = TIMER + .1: DO: LOOP WHILE TIMER < t NEXT j '(awful speaker beeping) 'music$ = "MBT180o2P2P8L8GGGL2E-P24P8L8FFFL2D" 'PLAY music$ 'FOR i = 30 TO 255 'COLOR i 'LOCATE 10, 7 'PRINT "The Secret of Feuru Island" 't = TIMER + .004: DO: LOOP WHILE TIMER < t 'NEXT i END SUB SUB m COLOR 15 LINE (0, 290)-(60, 360), 15, B LINE (20, 300)-(30, 310), 15, B'building LINE (30, 300)-(40, 310), 15, B LINE (20, 310)-(30, 320), 15, B LINE (10, 320)-(20, 330), 15, B LINE (20, 320)-(30, 330), 15, B LINE (30, 320)-(40, 330), 15, B LINE (10, 330)-(20, 340), 15, B LINE (20, 330)-(30, 340), 15, B LINE (30, 330)-(40, 340), 15, B LINE (10, 340)-(40, 350), 15, B COLOR 1 PAINT (45, 335), 1, 15'water PAINT (20, 345), 8, 15'airport PAINT (35, 325), 4, 15'beach PAINT (15, 335), 4, 15'beach PAINT (25, 325), 4, 15'beach PAINT (25, 335), 5, 15'hotel PAINT (35, 335), 9, 15'terminal PAINT (15, 325), 11, 15'joes scuba shop PAINT (25, 315), 2, 15'nudest's PAINT (25, 305), 12, 15'building PAINT (35, 305), 4, 15'beach 'LINE (0, 280)-(5, 289), 1, BF 'LINE (0, 270)-(5, 279), 8, BF 'LINE (0, 260)-(5, 269), 4, BF 'LINE (0, 250)-(5, 259), 5, BF 'LINE (0, 240)-(5, 249), 9, BF 'LINE (0, 230)-(5, 239), 11, BF 'LINE (0, 220)-(5, 229), 12, BF LOCATE 18, 1 COLOR 1 PRINT "water" LOCATE 17, 1 COLOR 8 PRINT "airport" LOCATE 16, 1 COLOR 4 PRINT "beach" LOCATE 15, 1 COLOR 5 PRINT "hotel" LOCATE 14, 1 COLOR 9 PRINT "air termial" LOCATE 13, 1 COLOR 11 PRINT "boats" LOCATE 12, 1 COLOR 2 PRINT "nude beach" LOCATE 11, 1 COLOR 12 PRINT "a building" COLOR 15 END SUB SUB menu CLS SCREEN 13 FOR c = 16 TO 30 COLOR c FOR t = 1 TO 13 LINE (0, (c - 16) * 13 + t)-(400, (c - 16) * 13 + t), c NEXT t NEXT c LOCATE 1, 17 PRINT "M E N U" PRINT PRINT PRINT "1. Begin a new game" PRINT PRINT "2. Story" PRINT PRINT "3. Keyboard help" PRINT PRINT "4. Continue game" PRINT PRINT "5. Quit (you wouldn't want to do that!)" PRINT INPUT "1 to 5:"; s$ SELECT CASE VAL(s$) CASE 1 PLAY OFF playgame CASE 2 story CASE 3 help menu CASE 4 SCREEN 12 CASE 5 SYSTEM CASE ELSE menu END SELECT END SUB SUB playgame so = 1 dollar = 1 SCREEN 12 0 CLS IF map = 1 THEN GOTO 2 PRINT "You have just come out of your plane into the air terminal with exits n,w,s" PRINT "you want to go to the hotel" PRINT "(type help at any point for a list of possible actions)" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 0 CASE "" CLS GOTO 0 CASE "Neil Rules!" GOTO 21 CASE "" GOTO 0 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 0 CASE "look brochure" map = 1 GOTO 0 CASE "go n" PRINT "You should find out where the hotel is first" SLEEP GOTO 0 CASE "go e" PRINT "you don't know how to swim, so you decide not to jump into the water" SLEEP GOTO 0 CASE "go w" PRINT "You should find out where the hotel is first" SLEEP GOTO 0 CASE "go s" PRINT "that would be pointless, considering that you just got off your plane, you should to go to your hotel" SLEEP CLS GOTO 0 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 0 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 0 END SELECT 2 CLS PRINT "You look at the brochure, and see a map. You copy it onto your hand so you can know where you are going" SLEEP 3 CLS PRINT "You have just come out of your plane, you are in the air terminal" PRINT "you want to go to the hotel" m PSET (35, 335), 14 PSET (36, 336), 14 PSET (36, 335), 14 PSET (35, 336), 14 LOCATE 3, 1 INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 3 CASE "" CLS GOTO 3 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 3 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 3 CASE "go n" PRINT "You should go to the hotel first" SLEEP GOTO 3 CASE "go e" PRINT "you don't know how to swim, so you decide not to jump into the water" SLEEP GOTO 3 CASE "go w" GOTO 4 CASE "go s" PRINT "that would be pointless, considering that you just got off your plane you should to go to your hotel" SLEEP GOTO 3 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 3 CASE "" GOTO 3 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 3 END SELECT 4 CLS m PSET (25, 335), 14 PSET (26, 336), 14 PSET (26, 335), 14 PSET (25, 336), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "You are in the hotel, your room is upstairs, you may go up or e" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 4 CASE "" CLS GOTO 4 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 4 CASE "go n" PRINT "You try, but you only bump into a wall" SLEEP GOTO 4 CASE "go e" PRINT "you are too tired" SLEEP GOTO 4 CASE "go w" PRINT "You try, but you only bump into a wall" GOTO 4 CASE "go s" PRINT "You try, but you only bump into a wall" SLEEP GOTO 4 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 4 CASE "" GOTO 4 CASE "go up" PRINT "you go up to your room and sleep very well, you wake up the next day" SLEEP GOTO 5 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 4 END SELECT 5 CLS m PSET (25, 335), 14 PSET (26, 336), 14 PSET (26, 335), 14 PSET (25, 336), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "You are in the hotel, your room is upstairs, you may go up or e" PRINT "there is a table with jello on it" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 5 CASE "" CLS GOTO 5 CASE "take jello" PRINT "you eat a little, then stuff some into your pocket" jello = 1 SLEEP GOTO 5 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 5 CASE "go n" PRINT "You try, but you only bump into a wall" SLEEP GOTO 5 CASE "go e" IF jello = 1 THEN GOTO 6 PRINT "you need to get food first" SLEEP GOTO 5 CASE "go w" PRINT "You try, but you only bump into a wall" SLEEP GOTO 5 CASE "go s" PRINT "You try, but you only bump into a wall" SLEEP GOTO 5 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 5 CASE "" GOTO 5 CASE "go up" PRINT "you are not tired" GOTO 5 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 5 END SELECT 6 CLS PRINT "you are in the air terminal, exits are s,n,w" m PSET (35, 335), 14 PSET (36, 336), 14 PSET (36, 335), 14 PSET (35, 336), 14 LOCATE 2, 1 INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 6 CASE "" CLS GOTO 6 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 6 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 6 CASE "go n" GOTO 7 CASE "go e" PRINT "you don't know how to swim, so you decide not to jump into the water" SLEEP GOTO 6 CASE "go w" PRINT "you don't need to right now" SLEEP GOTO 6 CASE "go s" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 6 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 6 CASE "" GOTO 6 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 6 END SELECT 7 CLS m PSET (35, 325), 14 PSET (36, 326), 14 PSET (36, 325), 14 PSET (35, 326), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are on a beach exits are s,w" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 7 CASE "" CLS GOTO 7 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 7 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 7 CASE "go n" PRINT "you can't swim!!!" SLEEP GOTO 7 CASE "go e" PRINT "you don't know how to swim, so you decide not to jump into the water" SLEEP GOTO 7 CASE "go w" GOTO 8 CASE "go s" GOTO 6 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 7 CASE "" GOTO 7 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 7 END SELECT 8 CLS m PSET (25, 325), 14 PSET (26, 326), 14 PSET (26, 325), 14 PSET (25, 326), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are on a beach, a sign to the north says: NUDISTS ONLY, exits are w,n,e" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 8 CASE "" CLS GOTO 8 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 8 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 8 CASE "go n" PRINT "no way, read the sign" SLEEP GOTO 8 CASE "go e" GOTO 7 CASE "go w" GOTO 9 CASE "go s" PRINT "you can't just walk through walls as you please!" SLEEP GOTO 8 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 8 CASE "" GOTO 8 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 8 END SELECT 9 CLS m PSET (15, 325), 14 PSET (16, 326), 14 PSET (16, 325), 14 PSET (15, 326), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are beside a store that says: JOE'S BOAT RENTALS, there is a boat dock to the north, exits are s,e" PRINT "a man is in the shop" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 9 CASE "" CLS GOTO 9 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 9 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 9 CASE "give man boat" IF oldboat <> 1 THEN GOTO 9 oldboat = 0 boat = 1 PRINT "you trade your boat for a new one" SLEEP GOTO 9 CASE "go n" IF boat = 1 THEN GOTO 11 PRINT "you can't swim!!!" SLEEP GOTO 9 CASE "go e" GOTO 8 CASE "go w" PRINT "you can't swim!!!" SLEEP GOTO 9 CASE "go s" GOTO 10 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 9 CASE "talk to man" PRINT "Hi" SLEEP GOTO 9 CASE "" GOTO 9 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 9 END SELECT 10 CLS m PSET (15, 335), 14 PSET (16, 336), 14 PSET (16, 335), 14 PSET (15, 336), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 IF oldboat <> 1 THEN PRINT "you are on a beach, there is a man with an old boat full of holes sitting on the sand, there is a boat dock, exit is n" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 10 CASE "" CLS GOTO 10 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE "go n" GOTO 9 CASE "go e" PRINT "you try again and again, but you do not succeed in breaking down the wall" SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE "go w" IF oldboat = 1 THEN PRINT "the boat has holes in it" PRINT "you don't know how to swim, so you decide not to jump into the water" SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE "go s" PRINT "there is a fence" SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 10 CASE "" GOTO 10 CASE "talk to man" IF dollar = 0 THEN PRINT "Leave me alone." ELSE oldboat = 1 dollar = 0 PRINT "you buy his boat." END IF SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE "buy boat" IF oldboat = 1 OR dollar = 0 THEN PRINT "your current financial situation won't allow it" ELSE dollar = 0 oldboat = 1 PRINT "you buy his boat with 1$" END IF SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE "give man dollar" IF oldboat = 1 OR dollar = 0 THEN PRINT "your current financial situation won't allow it" ELSE dollar = 0 oldboat = 1 PRINT "you trade your dollar for his boat" END IF SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE "give man money" dollar = 0 oldboat = 1 PRINT "you trade your dollar for his boat" SLEEP GOTO 10 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 10 END SELECT 11 CLS m PSET (15, 315), 14 PSET (16, 316), 14 PSET (16, 315), 14 PSET (15, 316), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are in the water" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 11 CASE "go n" GOTO 12 CASE "go e" PRINT "you aren't allowed on the nudist beach" SLEEP GOTO 11 CASE "go s" PRINT "that man in the shop is probably pretty mad at you for that bad trade you did, you don't want to go back" SLEEP GOTO 11 CASE "go up" PRINT "your boat isn't magic!" SLEEP GOTO 11 CASE "go w" PRINT "there is a shark warning for that area, you decide to stay away!" SLEEP GOTO 11 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 11 CASE "" GOTO 11 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP GOTO 11 END SELECT 12 CLS m PSET (15, 305), 14 PSET (16, 306), 14 PSET (16, 305), 14 PSET (15, 306), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are in the water" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 12 CASE "go n" GOTO 13 CASE "go e" PRINT "a building is in the way" SLEEP GOTO 12 CASE "go s" GOTO 11 CASE "go up" PRINT "your boat isn't magic!" SLEEP GOTO 12 CASE "go w" PRINT "stay close to the shore: for safety" SLEEP GOTO 12 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 12 CASE "" GOTO 12 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP GOTO 12 END SELECT 13 CLS m PSET (15, 295), 14 PSET (16, 296), 14 PSET (16, 295), 14 PSET (15, 296), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are in the water" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 13 CASE "go n" PRINT "if you want to go home take an airplane" SLEEP GOTO 13 CASE "go e" GOTO 14 CASE "go s" GOTO 12 CASE "go up" PRINT "your boat isn't magic!" SLEEP GOTO 13 CASE "go w" PRINT "stay close to the shore: for safety" SLEEP GOTO 13 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 13 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP GOTO 13 END SELECT 14 CLS m PSET (25, 295), 14 PSET (26, 296), 14 PSET (26, 295), 14 PSET (25, 296), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are in the water" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 14 CASE "go n" PRINT "if you want to go home take an airplane" SLEEP GOTO 14 CASE "go e" GOTO 15 CASE "go s" PRINT "a building is in the way" SLEEP GOTO 14 CASE "go up" PRINT "your boat isn't magic!" SLEEP GOTO 14 CASE "go w" GOTO 13 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 14 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP GOTO 14 END SELECT 15 CLS m PSET (35, 295), 14 PSET (36, 296), 14 PSET (36, 295), 14 PSET (35, 296), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are in the water" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 15 CASE "" GOTO 15 CASE "go n" PRINT "if you want to go home take an airplane" SLEEP GOTO 15 CASE "go e" PRINT "that way is a designated swimming area: no boats allowed" SLEEP GOTO 15 CASE "go s" GOTO 16 CASE "go up" PRINT "your boat isn't magic!" SLEEP GOTO 15 CASE "go w" GOTO 14 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 15 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP GOTO 15 END SELECT 16 CLS PRINT "you tie your boat to a post" SLEEP 17 CLS m PSET (35, 305), 14 PSET (36, 306), 14 PSET (36, 305), 14 PSET (35, 306), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are on a beach, the building is to the west, there is a boat dock, exits are n, w" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 17 CASE "" CLS GOTO 17 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 17 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 17 CASE "go n" CLS PRINT "you untie your boat and hop in!" SLEEP GOTO 15 CASE "go e" PRINT "you can't swim" SLEEP GOTO 17 CASE "go w" GOTO 18 CASE "go s" PRINT "you can't swim!!!" SLEEP GOTO 17 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 17 CASE "" GOTO 17 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 17 END SELECT 18 CLS m PSET (25, 305), 14 PSET (26, 306), 14 PSET (26, 305), 14 PSET (25, 306), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are beside a door that leads into the building" IF ggone <> 1 THEN PRINT "there is a guard at the door; he has an intimidating air about him" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 18 CASE "" CLS GOTO 18 CASE "go up" PRINT "you can't fly" SLEEP GOTO 18 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 18 CASE "go n" PRINT "you can't swim!" SLEEP GOTO 18 CASE "play with jello" IF ggone = 0 THEN ggone = 1 PRINT "you see beads of sweat gather on the guard's head," SLEEP PRINT "suddenly he breaks out laughing," SLEEP PRINT "a man steps out the door and says to the guard:" PRINT "YOU'RE FIRED" SLEEP PRINT "the man goes inside, and the guard walks off, taking your jello with him" SLEEP ELSE PRINT "you don't have it any more" SLEEP END IF GOTO 18 CASE "go e" GOTO 17 CASE "go w" IF ggone = 1 THEN GOTO 19 PRINT "even though it seems like the guard is not looking, you know he is" SLEEP GOTO 18 CASE "go s" PRINT "you can't go on the nudist beach" SLEEP GOTO 18 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 18 CASE "" GOTO 18 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 18 END SELECT 19 CLS m PSET (25, 305), 14 PSET (26, 306), 14 PSET (26, 305), 14 PSET (25, 306), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are inside of the building, a man is sitting at his desk but he does not notice you, there _seems_ to be only one way out, e" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 19 CASE "give man bomb" IF bomb <> 1 THEN PRINT "no way!" IF bomb <> 1 THEN GOTO 19 GOTO 21 CASE "" CLS GOTO 19 CASE "go up" PRINT "a roof is in the way!" SLEEP GOTO 19 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 19 CASE "go n" PRINT "you hit your head on the wall" SLEEP GOTO 19 CASE "go e" GOTO 18 CASE "go w" PRINT "you try, but the wall won't budge" SLEEP GOTO 19 CASE "go s" PRINT "you walk into the wall, but instead of hitting your head, the wall opens into a secret room" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 19 CASE "" GOTO 19 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 19 END SELECT 20 CLS m PSET (25, 305), 14 PSET (26, 306), 14 PSET (26, 305), 14 PSET (25, 306), 14 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "you are in a small, dark room, there is a desk in the middle with a map. There is a strange button on the desk. You see a bomb on the floor" INPUT do$ SELECT CASE do$ CASE "help" help GOTO 20 CASE "" CLS GOTO 20 CASE "go up" PRINT "a roof is in the way!" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "look brochure" PRINT "you don't need to" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "go n" GOTO 19 CASE "look bomb" IF bomb = 1 THEN PRINT "it has been activated" IF bomb <> 1 THEN PRINT "you do not know what it is doing here; it looks like it is set off by movement" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "go e" PRINT "no secret entrance in this wall" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "take bomb" PRINT "you stuff it into your pocket" bomb = 1 SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "go w" PRINT "you try, but the wall won't budge" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "go s" PRINT "you walk into the wall, BONK!" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "menu" menu GOTO 20 CASE "" GOTO 20 CASE "look map" PRINT "this is a map, on which there is a big X and a large circle. the X is marked *where to hit*, the circle *explosion radius* there is a note scrowled on the side thet says: launch nuclear missiles as planed on specified dates," PRINT "proceed as planned with operation escargot blue" SLEEP CLS PRINT "oh no, you think to yourself, they want to blow up that critical target! I must stop them!" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE "push button" PRINT "you don't know what it does!" SLEEP GOTO 20 CASE ELSE PRINT "no way!" SLEEP CLS GOTO 20 END SELECT 21 CLS PRINT "You give the bomb to the man, he says: thank you, what is it?" SLEEP PRINT "before you answer, you run out of the building to the airport and get on a plane, just as it's about to lift off" SLEEP PRINT "as you are flying you look out the window at the island" SLEEP PRINT "a small explosion occors, which triggers several larger ones" SLEEP 'sounds from M$'s gorillas.bas! FOR i = 1 TO 4 PLAY "T160O0L32EFGEFDC" NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 400 s = INT(RND * 3) e = INT(RND * 6) CIRCLE (320, 240), i, 4, s, e, .7 NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 4 PLAY "T160O0L32EFGEFDC" NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 400 s = INT(RND * 3) e = INT(RND * 6) CIRCLE (300, 210), i, 4, s, e, .7 NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 4 PLAY "T160O0L32EFGEFDC" NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 400 s = INT(RND * 3) e = INT(RND * 6) CIRCLE (340, 290), i, 4, s, e, .7 NEXT i PLAY "t120o1l16b9n0baan0bn0bn0baaan0b9n0baan0bo2l16e-9n0e-d-d-n0e-n0e-n0e-d-d-d-n0e-9n0e-d-d-n0e-o2l16g-9n0g-een0g-n0g-n0g-eeen0g-9n0g-een0g-o2l16b9n0baan0g-n0g-n0g-eeen0o1b9n0baan0b" PRINT "you have saved eliminated the awful menace! what a feat" SLEEP DO menu LOOP END SUB SUB story SCREEN 12 CLS PRINT "You flip through your junk-mail, looking for someplace to go on vacation. . ." SLEEP 3 PRINT "A brochure catches your eye:" SLEEP 3 PRINT "Feuru - a small tropical island, perfect to escape pollution and cold. . . ect." SLEEP 3 PRINT "You book reservations to the luxury hotel, and buy a plane ticket. . ." SLEEP 3 PRINT "you set off, not knowing what awaits you. . ." PRINT PRINT "when you start you will have a brochure and 1 dollar" PRINT PRINT "press c to continue" DO LOOP WHILE INKEY$ <> "c" CLS SCREEN 13 menu END SUB